Chapter 767
A Necromancer is a race.

It is the duty and arrogance of the spirit wizard to endow the dead with souls, let them glow with activities that the Creator does not like, and manipulate the twisted creations that desecrate life.An unruly lunatic who covets the power of creation but is unwilling to fulfill his obligations, his empty body is dominated by chaotic will, and the Andry Lich is unwilling to rest in peace and wakes up from death.Defining the Creator as boring, Spiritualists ignore the rules of the world and get stuck with the bugs of the gods.

That's what the textbook says, and the lich who compiled the textbook is confident.

The Creator is the God of Chaos, and the rebellious factors force the bloodlines to abandon their roots and pursue order. That's why the current world is structured according to rules and regulations.The pursuit of chaos is just, and Andrei is just a prodigal son who is eager to return and stubbornly begins to artificially return to his ancestors.

Lyell dismissed the remarks recorded by his colleagues, and even laughed out loud when he saw the famous classics of the Literature Society.

Tracing back to the origin, worshiping the ancient gods.These shameless bastards really like to give themselves gold.

Lyle didn't believe a word, he even suspected that the Lich emphasized his own "justice" over and over again, trying to evade someone's commandments.

Worshiping this primitive emotion that can determine the upper and lower classes is something Andrea despises.

The Andarich represent chaos, they can do whatever they want.

And Mr. Raymond represents power, he can beat whoever he wants.

It's going too far, all in all, a spirit wizard is an interesting spellcaster.

"But, teacher, my group, the phantom group, are not my creations. They were born in a kingdom that has perished. They are a forgotten group whose inheritance has been blocked. They have lost the ability to reproduce themselves, and even the pages that record related technologies There are less than ten. How can I change such a group.”

Born to be servants, the meaning of life is engraved on sacrifices, a family of failures that cannot produce malicious intent at all.Phantom, as a group, undoubtedly failed, and the purpose of the existence of normal groups is not to destroy.

"Oh, isn't this a rare ethnic group that is as beautiful as ancient fossils? A buried history, a closed clan. Lyle, you are really lucky." The father of Wanlong didn't feel any difficulty at all. The surprise of a great find.The lost technology, the flawed ethnic group, encountered their own apprentices.This happens to be a trial to help Lyle improve.

It's just starting from scratch, just like the difficulties faced by pioneers of spiritualism like the dragon.From a follower of technology to a leader, the dragon is full of expectations for Lyle's actions.

Lyle didn't know Father Dragon's thoughts. He was immersed in the worry of lack of information, and the current situation of not being able to see the way forward made the young spirit wizard a little confused.

Of course the dragon can give pointers, but it's not appropriate at this moment.All the father of Wanlong wanted to do was provide spiritual support.

The noble dragon lowered its head and looked directly at the tiny student with its huge eyes. Before Lyle was overwhelmed by the coercion of the dragon, the dragon's voice was calm and soft.

"You can do it, Lyle."

"I know my students well, and I know that your ability is enough to connect any skills that have been severed."

"Heh, what are you worried about? Could it be that the Dragon King Priest, who single-handedly revived the giant dragon group from death, could not save his own group."

Lyle maintained his sad expression, and retorted listlessly, "That's different, teacher, there are five dragon priests, you, and other people in the dragon's recovery plan, the dragon's inheritance is not Cut off, that's much easier."

Mr. Dragon snorted.

"It's as if without you, those old things can revive the Dragon Clan."

Lyle left the dragon's nest in frustration.


War-torn Bosova.

In a forgotten and isolated paradise.

On the back of the man in black with the beak mask grew wriggling nodules, and the surface of the sarcoma was densely covered with tentacles and eyeballs, like a distorted black sun.Holding a white bone blade, the epidemic doctor calmly and slowly cut off the tissue on the twitching living tentacles. The mask was stained with splashes of deep purple plasma, and a humming sound came from the mask in a good mood.The fragments that fell to the ground were moving, and those fragments did not stand alone for long, and were quickly swallowed by the shadow under the black robe.

【You are a scary person sometimes. 】

Shadow cleaned up the ground, and complained to Lyle in some surprise.Less than a day after leaving the Dragon's Nest, his emotions were completely reversed, and he rushed to the paradise of the Phantom Clan without stopping to start his own dissection game.

Nia licked off the dirty blood on the mask. The blood of the same family tasted better than ice cream.

"I'm such a genius." You can imagine Lyle's proud expression without taking off the mask, "I have solved the biggest difficulty of spiritualism, and I have mastered the master key of creation. Who would have thought of... using the invisible son as The highest quality spiritual material!"

Lyle brought the invisible sons out of reality. As Nia's body parts, they have the obsession with becoming the body of evil gods, and they are close to Nia's physical body.Nia didn't devour these parasitic little brothers on her body. Lyle was very grateful for this, so now he had the opportunity to operate on them.

The invisible son is the dregs flowing from the body of the evil god. It has the ability to evolve thousands of deformed worlds. It can be said to be the most versatile consumable.It has the omnipotence, immortality, plasticity, and inclusiveness that are closest to God in the world.It will not die even if it is disassembled into slag, and it will be established when distorted and deformed. As the root, it is inclusive of all laws.

The method Lyle thought of was very simple, the method of elimination.

First grasp the basic information of the Phantom Clan, get a general structural model, and then cut and remove the "parts" that do not conform to the concept of the Phantom Clan based on the omnipotent rough stone of the Invisible Son. As long as the redundant abnormalities are excluded, the rest is correct answer.According to the reverse deduction method of the results, the creative skills of the Phantom Clan are reproduced.Although the method is a bit rough, it is a typical example of using high-level consumables to make miracles vigorously, but the theoretical logic still works.

Lyall's Clan, Phantom.It is a rare lost ethnic group, they are very fragile, and Lyle is not willing to cause losses to the ethnic group because of his experimental investigation.But it is obvious that the initial knowledge was born in the scars, and it is precisely because of this that Lyle ran into obstacles everywhere at the beginning of the research, not unexpected, but daring.

However, the invisible child is immortal.Lyle doesn't feel distressed, and the will that has already succumbed will no longer resist their superiors.Nia didn't feel bad either, her position was almost the same as Lyle's. Although it was her own flesh and blood that was cut, all the synapses had been handed over to the lower nervous system of the Invisible Son. Nia didn't feel anything, only that the taste was not bad .

No one expected that someone could use God's servants as experimental consumables.

"[Snake], use [Spiritual Analysis - Reverse Thinking] on me again, and I will soon be able to analyze the structure of the Phantom Clan."

The gigantic phantom raised its head, looking down at the head of the Invisible Son with a sad expression.

"Lyle, please be gentle with these strange companions." The harmless phantom mistook the invisible son for the same kind, just like it misunderstood Nia at first.But the invisible son instinctively hated these deformed freaks, and the sympathy expressed by the phantom was more like an insult to anger himself.

Lyle smiled softly, "I'm very gentle."

"It's screaming."

"It was a cheer of joy."

(End of this chapter)

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