Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 783 The Tyrant's Paradise

Chapter 783 The Tyrant's Paradise

Filling the soul with other consciousnesses is like stuffing a solid tumor into the skull.Take it lightly, peel off the fragile shell, and let them fall into your spiritual ocean like water droplets, a roiled and dark chaos.The nature of the ominous omen prevents him from feeling the pain of schizophrenia, but he must be careful in the slightest. These pure water droplets carrying phantom consciousness may overturn the instinct of the evil god at any time.

[Ho~] The ominous giant heaved a sigh of relief, feeling the pure white mask rubbing into his face, completely becoming a whole.Using one's own spirit as a breeding ground, immortalizes phantoms of death in the network of one's own mind, in the form of other personalities.Wait until the time is right to split physically and give the phantom a healthy individual. This kind of rebirth is all Lyle can do.

He has become closer to his own group, and at this moment [Lyle], one person is the whole group.Having seized the consciousness of all phantoms, the four-lock ability has been raised to the extreme.

Mental tyrant.

The efficiency of Lyle's plague ability to infiltrate the target is further enhanced, and the negative state of "mental poisoning" will be superimposed over time as it deteriorates, distorting and interrupting the effect of casting spells, lifting the mental barrier, and achieving the prerequisites for mental control.Such as the monarch controls the subjects, dominating everything arbitrarily.Because of the fearful power of the omen, any intelligent creature that has glimpsed the spiritual essence of Lyle will complete all the conditions for mental manipulation at the moment of "observing" this behavior.Eyes are the windows to the soul and a shortcut to spiritual erosion.

The huge inhuman limbs are moving, the black mud washes away the evil itself, the malicious aura rising in Posuva spontaneously pours into the body of the giant, [Lyle] becomes a malicious water pump, draining the wisdom of God from this land Take it back.

The night was sinking, and mottled rust pits began to appear on the round moon.

[Mystery], the concept served by the secret contracter, the ancient order of the land of Bosuva, observing the newborn evil god.The joy of humanity sounded quietly in the dark as the chains slipped, and His layout was about to be completed.

The Sleeper was sealed, intercepted wisdom from his fragments, spread these dirty powers on the earth, guided followers to use it, and refined it.The ancient power that exists at the same time as the sleeper, of course understands the fate of the gods.The fragments of the gods will be taken back, sleep will wake up, pretenders will be liquidated, and everything in the world has rules.

The establishment of Posuva, the development of Posuva, and the destruction of Posuva, [Mystery], the order behind it was carefully planned, and the power of God was corrupted with the blood of mortals, and the situation in front of it was achieved.Now, those wisdoms that are disturbed by their own power will return to the body of the evil god. With these tiny fragments, a new contract will be secretly reached between themselves and the evil god.

The war between the sleepers and the disobedient is about to start, and no matter who the winner is, they will eventually swallow this malice and this contract. [Mystery] will meddle with the supreme god of this planet, sit on an equal footing with him, become, replace, and steal the crown of that god.

No, then is the time when this contract will start to take effect, and the Lord of the Planet should repay my "debt"...

【In your dreams】


In the dark night, the gears spinning because of excitement were directly stuck, rusty dust was splashed, and light dust was scattered in the moonlight.

[Mysterious] Looking down, a chain symbolizing a contract connects him with the filthy monster. The man grabbed the chain with his dry claws, turned his head 180 degrees, and his white mask was facing the moonlight. [Lyle] smiled slyly, the surging malice passed through the hole, wading across the corner of the smiling mouth, the terrifying breath locked the concept in the air.

You shouldn't be any sharper than Riton, my fake moonlight is flawless.

[Lyle] began to pull the chain, bit by bit, dragging the gear moon down.

[In my spiritual world, the moon should be blood red, because the yellow light will remind me of Cassandelle, those nights that I can't bear to look back on.Andrea's blood moon is my favorite night. 】

The other end of the chain has been covered with thick mud, and black rain is dripping down, [Lyle]'s face is enlarged under the perception of [Mystery], and the distance between them is shortening.

【Do you think I will ignore you?Ignore the mysterious force behind the demise of Posuwa, the culprit who caused it all?You want me to replace those lords, to be your new contractor, to graft on these evils you have led. 】

[Lyle] laughed strangely, malice pouring out like a spring, covering the mask, that ferocious face has long been beyond the scope of anger and hatred.

【Andrei will shirk all responsibility, not to mention the crime he wants to impose.You are underestimating me, underestimating my ability to push the pot. 】

[Lyle] emerges from the [mysterious] divinity that can't help but be jealous. These divinities are entangled with the malice absorbed by him, climbing along the chains, like a pack of hungry wolves, showing their greed towards the ancient power .

[I have faced many concepts, you are the most humane one, justice, advanced physics, and other concepts behave like cold programs, but you, mysterious, you are like a living person.A concept so familiar it makes me sick.Hidden agreements, empty hands, risk transfer... Lyle, you are simply the oldest capital. 】

The chain is entangled with [Mystery] and [Lyle]. This is a powerful contract, and it is the capital of [Mystery]'s unwillingness to let go, but now, it has become [Lyle]'s weakness to attack him.Ominous Giant, Reach the Moon.

The evil was laughing wildly, and the surging malice was burning on the giant. He moved the mask, and everything under the mask transformed into a bloody mouth, and gnawed up.

【Reasonable transaction, you have to bleed first! ] And the bad sign's behavior indicated that he wanted to be the uncle who owed money, and crushed [mystery] in one bite.

The moonlight faded, and the moon-exploring giant fell to the ground, making a loud noise that shook the land of Posuva.

【Lyle】Climbed up, spat out the dog chain in his mouth, he was holding one end, and the other end was empty, only connected to a small piece of authority. [Mysterious] I finally let go, gave up the contract with the evil god, and gave up His arrangement in Posuva, a small loss.It was a pity that the ominous giant's body absorbed the chain little by little, feeling the blackmailed power.

Malicious Harvest: [Mysterious] Study the power of maliciousness, deprive the living body of all maliciousness, and make it into a forever harmless slave posture.This is the ability that the evil god could not control, the ability to destroy the essence of life.Now, it has become [Lyle]'s new ability, and he placed it on the groove of the fifth lock level.

Five locks, divine bones.

The container of gods is destructive and resistant to divine power, which distorts the rules of the world and preconditions for transcendence.Divine power, that is, concepts, this is also the confidence of [Lyle] to dare to fight against concepts [mystery], because at this time he is the natural enemy of concepts.

Just like wearing a badge, [Lyle] pinned the authority in the skill column of the five locks.

The power of order and the power of evil gods reacted wonderfully.

【Power, extreme and balance

Extreme power: As the master of malice, Lyle can extract all the malice of the target and turn it into a defective product that loves truth, goodness and beauty, that is, phantom.

The Power of Balance: As the manager of Chaos, Lyle can neutralize the evil and good of the target, causing it to enter Chaos Form, and the target is transformed into a family of gods, the invisible children. 】


The slightly funny voice is full of enthusiasm. In fact, it has not been so busy for a long time. It opens and closes, allowing deer, dryads and birds to come and go.

"Welcome, my compatriots who have never met before. As you can see, this is the old paradise! I am the wall monster. When you are tired from traveling in the land of Bosuva, you can come back and rest. This is the original place of our phantom. The birthplace, what you are seeing now is the red tower where the Phantom Lord once rested, bowing or taking off his hat to pay tribute, this is one of the few history of Posuwa. Next, applaud yourself, compatriots, you are about to write Posuwa , a new chapter in Phantom Paradise."

The wall monster roared loudly. Even though there were ten phantom-transforming microphones, only one-fifth of the compatriots who heard it spoke.

In the corner of the paradise, several phantoms disguised as stones looked around. They deformed anxiously, approached slowly, and transformed into a shape similar to that hooded figure, looking directly at each other. Phantoms who are not good at smiling can only use staring eyes Show respect.

"How are you, ma'am?"

The sweet smile made the phantom bloom a bouquet, and she raised her finger and waved it gently in the air.

"Failed. It's the first time you meet a stranger, don't show your kindness so obviously. Human beings are complex creatures, you have to learn not to be so explicit and direct!" The girl shook her head, accusing the phantom who shrank her neck with a smile on her face, "You guys Your lord hired me to teach you how humans get along, in the hope that you will leave Bosuva in the future, this paradise that protects you, and don’t let your lord down."

The Phantom lowered its head, its body transformed into a lost rain cloud.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Rosa. I'm just wondering if the teacher will feel lonely, because here, there is no one of your kind, human beings, etc., have already migrated outside the paradise, don't you miss your family?"

Rosa was still smiling, her eyes were looking at the blue sky, the sun was falling into the leaves, and the warm wind kissed her bangs.

"We can't dwell on the past, we have to look forward, they will live a good life, and I will pursue my own happiness, do you understand?"

Phantom scratched his head.

"I don't understand, Teacher Rosa."

"It's okay, we have plenty of time to study, Phantom... Jeremiah."

(End of this chapter)

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