Chapter 812 Super Double

"The god of betrayal descends on the black dragon tribe, and the mind flayers are destroyed."

General Marcim repeated the information, and stood at the collapsed steel city gate overlooking the lava flames reflected by McKenbert.Blade feet left shallow marks on the steel, and the scythe-shaped forelimbs were tucked in like prayers for hapless allies.The battle between the firedigger beetle swarm and the molten dwarves has reached a fever pitch. General Marcim led his people to capture the city gate by surprise and gain a firm foothold above the furnace.

The firedigger is a giant beetle with a spherical sheath that is as hard as steel, and a blunt weapon can only leave a pit in the shell, making it difficult to penetrate even an inch.Because of the needs of the swarm, the fire digger has evolved a dual resistance to fire and rock.They can absorb geothermal heat and grow rapidly, so they became the army against the red dragon tribe.Unlike the Mind Flayer Swarm, the Flame Digger is a completely frontal unit.

When the drums of war sound, there is no silence.

The sound of flapping wings, shouts, clashes of soldiers and irons, the mutilated or hammered corpses were pushed down the lava, burning brighter in the flames.

After a day and a night, the swarm of fire diggers entered the city, and the steel chariots pouring out of the technical workshop forced them back. The machine, at least Marcim's troop deployment and the command of the dwarf king Veselge Firehammer did not produce large-scale loopholes.

The firediggers have attempted flanking strikes, deadly drops, and even clumsy tactics of burrowing, only to be repulsed by the indomitable dwarves.The attack direction where humanoid creatures cannot stand is guarded by flame elements, and the flying units include city defense guns and flying flame hammers.As for digging the ground, Marcim had to admit that it was a stupid move, a suicide order issued by his mental disorder.

McKenbert is made of steel, including its floor. Those soldiers who strictly followed the ground-digging tactics were killed by the Red Dragon Warlord when they were exhausted when they dug through the steel plate. There are also insect legs that have not had time to escape.

Marcim was waiting for an opportunity, and he was sure the opposing commander was too.

"General, the insect mother gave birth to the last three thousand eggs. Under the heat energy of McKenbert, one hour is enough for our larvae to quickly become insects." The voice of the herald was dry and dull, and only A slight touch of humanity is the taste of sadness.

Marcim lowered his head, opened his closed sickle feet slightly, and the elytra vibrated. The rapid noise seemed to add stimulants to the insect swarm.

"Has the mother bug been dealt with?"

"Follow the order, the mother's body has been torn apart, and the ceremony has been arranged."

General Marcim soared into the air, fully opened his sickle limbs, his huge body was dyed golden in the flames, and swooped down towards the technician troops of the dwarf army.The cannonball flying hammer bounced off the carapace, facing the fire, and the worm mother's last words echoed in his mind through the swarm network.

[General Marcim, you are the bugman who failed to catalyze growth last time.The failed group has been abandoned by the great god, so it depends on you, relying on the abnormality bestowed on you by the god, to take back the mercy of the god. 】

Bombarded on the lumbering chariot, General Marcim whirled and danced with his scythe, sending splinters and iron filings all over its body.He roared, like the incarnation of anger, bringing the pain of the sleeper being sealed to reality, together with the humiliation of the fire digger.

【Without the eyes of the God Lord, we have no future!But this does not prevent us from building tombstones on your bones!Here the Firedigger's destiny will be fulfilled. 】

"Soldiers, charge!"

Encouraged by the leader, the fire diggers lowered their heads and stabbed the dwarven warriors who were fighting with the hard horn on their foreheads. The nimble dwarves either moved their feet or jumped to avoid it.But it doesn't matter, follow the instinct of confrontation, the fire digger's ram hooks the dwarf's armor weapon, and gathers his strength to lift the enemy away like a fighter. Charged through the created gap, the collective charge of the insect swarm was unstoppable.No dwarves could shake this swarm of insects, and the scrap iron machinery left on the road was knocked away by the beetle's force. They only had one target in their eyes, and that was General Marcim, who went deep into the enemy's rear and started killing.The red dragon warlord, whose armor was almost turned into a discus after being trampled by the swarm of insects, climbed up like a sharp cone, and could only look at the wall of insects going away.

The delicate beard has been disfigured in the fight, the soot and the scabbed scars are mixed together, his whole body is in pain, he is spitting at the top of his throat, and he looks like he is holding a crutch while lifting the hammer.

"The fire hammer is on top, his grandfather Goatbeard's, the plan failed, start the backup plan." The red dragon warlord kicked the dead pig-like herald lying beside him, and the fallen dwarf chain mail was split in half, Burning wounds are growing red flesh.Not long ago, his chest was concave, and if the Red Dragon Warlord hadn't given him a hammer, he would have difficulty speaking now.

"What are you ordering? Your Majesty is not blind. He started a long time ago." Before the words fell, the entire iron bridge began to vibrate. The room is crumbling.What is affected is not only the dwarven defense line that was crushed in the middle, but also the swarm that is charging.The moment the swarm broke through the line of defense, Wieselg changed his order.

"This is our country, worm." The king of dwarves took a deep look at General Marcim, who was leading the way, and stepped on his goat, "Lower the sling of the Frafa Bridge, and cut it if it doesn't work, charge? McKumber Only the hoofprints of goats are allowed. The warriors of the slag, once again, fight for the red dragon!" Jumping from the stands of the square, the goat cavalry of the dwarves walked on the complex streets and alleys, and they finally joined together in the street. , accelerated towards the dragged General Malhim, and seemed to use him as the intersection point to collide with the swarm army.

The bridge slid down rapidly, and the separated steel plates fell straight into the magma. The dwarves cut off the sling, and when the run-up swarm was about to rush into the city, the height difference from the city road reached five meters. Of course, their jumping ability could jump up. It's even easier after accelerating, and they have wings and can fly.But the dwarves caught the critical moment of their charge and lowered the suspension bridge, which was equivalent to creating a row of deadly roadblocks on the highway.If you jump on it, you will lose your acceleration. If you face the goats that the dwarves are speeding up, you will collide with them. If you fly up, you will become a living target.To make matters worse, with the fall of the drawbridge, the rear line occupied by General Malhim was turned into a marginal cliff, and if the swarm did not help, their general would have to fight with his back to meet a whole goat cavalry.

In a state of extreme discomfort, the bug swarm that landed on the beach collided with the elite cavalry of the dwarves, and the veterans of the furnace fire slag greatly increased the pressure of Malhim's battle.Splitting the fire hammer of the dwarf king with his forelegs, the horned beast's hooves sparked on his carapace, and General Malhim kicked out his blade foot, sweeping away a red dragon warlord, man and sheep.

"Abandoning the lives of my subordinates, I used to think that this is the unique consciousness of my clan." The general said appreciatively, there were quite a few dwarf warriors staying on the suspension bridge that sank into the lava, and they didn't have wings .Apparently the Dwarf King's willingness to give up decisively for victory was to his liking.

"It is an insult to the warriors of the fire hammer to be confused with you." Wieserg hit back with a heavy hammer. He put on his armor, and the wool royal robe with gold thread had been consumed in the first round of hood tactics . "Bugs are not the only ones that can fly." The goat cavalry fought and retreated, allowing the fire diggers who were forced to airborne to have enough space to withstand the airdrop blow.

"Fire!!!" The screaming fire dwarf descended from the sky. He rode a flame element and smashed into the insect swarm with a ball of magma bombs in his arms.The dwarf warriors who fell with the bridge did not give up, but cooperated with the fire elements that responded to them and became bombers.The dwarves who were not afraid of life and death destroyed the formation of the swarm, and the magma bombs of the fire element bloomed everywhere. The fire digger endured all this, and the king of dwarves and the red dragon priest all saw it.

"The warriors are at the end of their strength." The red dragon priest, Freyheimer, is well aware of the terrible resistance of the fire diggers. Although he is in a panic at this time, such an attack can never decide the outcome.The dwarves need stronger strength and more enthusiastic morale, but fortunately everything is prepared.

The flame portal connecting the distant dragon's lair was finally completed.

The Dragon King Sacrifice has brought different fashions into various dragon families, the "carnival" of the black dragon, the virtual game of the green dragon, and the idol fanaticism of the red dragon.Without the idol, the dwarves are not excited.The dwarves will triumph, but in need of encouragement, nourishment for weary hearts, all Molten dwarves long for their Valkyrie.

"Although Immelt should be dealing with Bailong's injury, but now that it's a critical moment, she will definitely respond to the group's call."

The red dragon priest chanted the incantation, and the red light around the portal overwhelmed everything.

"Molten blood, body of a hundred forgings, come down, guardian of the dwarves, come down, life and flames!"

There was a message from the portal, and an unrivaled coercion shocked everyone's minds.

The red dragon priest had a weird expression, and if he could, he even wanted to sweat.

"The Red Dragon Queen didn't respond to us..."

"The one who responded to us is the father of all dragons, Yermotar the Devourer!"

The irascible old father stepped through the portal, and under the begging of his daughter, he was going to meet the dog who seduced his precious one.

"Damn bug, I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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