Chapter 819
"In my name! Hynes Starsong! Sentence you witherers for disrespect, and you will be expelled from my land and exiled in a wild land until the dead trees are reborn and the kingship is changed!"

"Before the new moon rises, disappear from my forest, otherwise, be buried here."

The leaves rubbed against each other, making the queen's judgment echo in the forest, and the new green leaves fell off the branches.Just after the war, the elf poked his head out of the house, and lowered his head again.Naturally there are seasons, and now they had to face Queen's Winter.The elves knelt down and prayed to the noble lady, that frost would not fall on their heads, and that they would not suffer the same fate as Hynes Starsong.

In the eyes of all the elves, this judgment is so heavy, because Falga, the lady of nature, is honored by the elves as the flower of eternal blooming, and everyone believes that her royal power will last until the end of her life.

Because she is the will of the forest, she is a tender and indifferent lady.Her beauty is unfailing and undefeated, as voluptuous as fire, just like her terrifying strength.Even if it is not explicitly stated, some people have already equated Falja with their beliefs. They believe that Falja is an existence equal to the Moon of Changes, and an Earth Mother Goddess who is on par with the God of the Moon.When she is happy, the forest will flourish in spring, and when she is angry, frost and snow will come.

The heart of the forest, the palace.

Fragmented blocks of marble made the place look more like a ruined ruin.Exquisitely carved gravel blocks are embedded in the grass, the zenith and banyan trees are blended together, and the vines of moonlight flowers drill holes in the stone walls.Plants seem to be more masters of the building than sprites.The slightly askew throne, the blue-purple morning glories tangled on the stone steps, the dodder clinging to the tapestry, another border painted on the royal emblem.

At this time, the officials gathered, whether it was the druids of the elders' house or the guards of the royal court, the hall was clearly divided. The ones closest to the throne were the generals who had finished the battle, wearing broken armor, and the priests of the temple were repairing their open wounds .Priests, like wildflowers, are the most uninhibited.

The elves, who were still a little noisy at first, also received the queen's trial of Hines, knelt down and listened to the verdict.General Charles frowned, and knelt down on one knee under the angry eyes of the priestess of Essena. The large body movements caused the wound on his leg to burst open again, and the bloody smell made the surrounding flowers gather at his feet.

In front of the warrior, stood two different elves, one big and one small.The handsome elf at the head stands proudly, and the gorgeous velvet satin makes him look like a peacock with its tail open, not caring about the prying eyes of the elves, and staring straight ahead.And the young elf stood kneeling like a soldier, standing behind the male elf.What is surprising is his young age, and his calmness which is far from the immature appearance.

Moonlight Flower raised his head, and the silver-blue light gradually filled the hall. The elf lowered his head in this mirage, and the standing elf also knelt down slowly. He restrainedly turned his head towards the center of the royal court.

The sound of the gauze skirt rubbing against the skin was produced regularly with Falja's steps.She walked slowly, letting the voice sink into the elf's heart, only the plants uttered heartfelt praise, and they broke through the ground, leaving traces of followers behind Falja.She climbed the steps and lay on her back on the throne, with her back against the broken railing on one side and her legs draped over the other.The tulle skirt was pulled off by gravity, and the white legs like lotus roots swayed naturally in the air.She seemed to be the only one in the palace. She looked at the densely tangled branches above her head for a few seconds, tilted her head, and finally set her sights on the kneeling elf.

"Let's get started." Falja said briefly and flatly, and then began to swing his legs boredly again.

"My queen, the combined army defeated the bug swarm. With the assistance of Hein...the sinner, we scouted the entire Forest of Dreams and confirmed that the enemy is dead." Charles reported the military situation, and kept a humble attitude during the statement. Posture, never looked up.

"The army rewards and compensates the families of those who died in battle in accordance with the law of the Elderly House. Charles Nightingale, you have fulfilled the duties of a general excellently. Please put forward your wish. As long as it is suitable, I will satisfy it."

Falga's answer caused commotion among the subjects, and everyone was watching Charles with jealous eyes. The sound stopped soon, and they were waiting for his answer.Not far behind Charles, Eisenor was clenching his fists, his body trembling as if caught in the cold.

"My queen, I want you to come to the elders' house." Charles spoke coherently, without arousing unnecessary thoughts.The elders' house is growing, and the war druid smells something bad. He hopes that the cold lady can bring Leng Che to his organization.This rebellious queen can definitely eradicate discord, just like she did when she washed the royal court with blood.Taking back the power of the House of Elders into the Queen's hands, in some people's eyes, Charles is opening the door to death.With resentment in their hearts, they executed this famous man on the battlefield thousands of times, but in the court hall, they could only pray silently.

Falja made a sound of interest that made the elf's heart pound.But the woman changed the topic, and her attention came to the other side.

"Dear Wolan, why don't you say a word?"

What an ear-piercing voice, the handsome elf took a deep breath as if he was listening to the sounds of nature, and his distorted tone was a little low: "I didn't participate in the war, so I don't think I have the qualifications to judge..."

"Of course you are qualified, you are my favourite." The flat voice was filled with emotion, and it was as sweet as honey in the ears.Volan couldn't help but look up at the queen, he saw Falja's charming smile, the queen's charm almost tore his heart apart.He took a deep breath, and returned to the posture of bowing his head.

"Thank you very much for your kindness."

"Tell me, Wolan, what do you think of Sir Charles' wish."

Wolan didn't stop there, apparently already had a draft in mind.

"Everything should not be higher than the royal court, the royal family, or the queen. The House of Elders is not eligible to support you like the royal court."

Wolan's answer made Falja laugh, and the crisp laughter resonated with the flowers in the courtyard. Falja calmed down for a moment and gave a reply.

"Wolan's answer is deeply in my heart. Sir Charles, your wish violates my principles, but this is my dear Wolan's opinion, so let him make up for you. My favorite , give your suggestion."

Volan was encouraged, and the suggestions he gave far exceeded Falga's expectations.

"What General Charles is looking for is your approval. The contribution of the House of Elders is obvious to all. If the druids are eager for guidance, we can give a leader who is inferior to the queen, one who represents your will, your symbol." He said The lowered head blushed, and fell into abnormal ecstasy.

Falja's smile grew brighter, and her eyes focused on Wolan, full of anticipation.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Tiffany, on behalf of your authority, incorporate the House of Elders into the royal family."

Falja laughed, laughing wantonly without any image, revealing her neat white teeth that were as small as jewels.

"Hahaha, dear Wolan, your suggestion..."

"It's in my heart."

Falja moved his eyes and glanced at the blooming flowers beside Charles. The small white flowers had been stained by the dripping blood. It greedily sucked the blood, and the stamens in the center were gently swaying.As if sensing the line of sight, Xiao Hua turned the receptacle, turned the open petals towards her queen, bent the stem and bowed, and the blood stored in the flower house spilled.It closed its bud and burrowed back into the soil, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The queen took a breath, and rejected the suggestion with a lazy and charming voice.

"The child is not qualified enough. Tiffany has no druid talents, and handing it over to the elders' house is just adding to the chaos. Throwing the trouble to the hero, ah, why do I have to suffer from the decline of my heirs? If I can have a satisfactory Ruyi's child will be fine..."

Falja looked at the thin figure who had been kneeling all along.

"By the way, my dear Woland, who is this boy?"

"My queen, this is my nephew, Wilder Nikana. The best child of this generation of the Nikana family." Wilder bowed silently without saying a word.

Wolan turned his head, and Falja's voice sounded at this moment: "Nephew? I thought it would be my dear Wolan's heir. Such a calm child is as cute as Wo Lanqing back then. Speaking of which, my dear It seems that Wolan is not married yet, this is not acceptable, raising children to increase the population of the country is the most basic obligation."

Falja's gaze was once again focused on the handsome elf.

"Plants that cannot bear fruit are considered 'bad species'."

In the Forest of Dreams, there is a flower called Night Charm, which only blooms in the dark without light, and the color of the petals cannot be seen, but it will release a sweet fragrance to attract insects to pollinate.However, this aroma has a hallucinogenic effect on the elves, luring the enchanted elves into the lightless mud.Plants are neither good nor evil, but their beautiful appearance can arouse the inner love of primates.

A natural act of predation is being staged in the royal court of the elves.

Wolan breathed heavily, like a critically ill patient, he raised his head and stared at his queen with a flushed face.

"If... if you... allow me, I... I will treat... Your Royal Highness Tiffany... as my own!" The naked desire is self-evident, Falga watched his favorite, showing the most brilliant smile.

"Speaking of which, I haven't told you about the dragon priest council yet. I participated in the dragon priest council as a green dragon priest, and my 'brothers and sisters' are the best of each ethnic group. We had a good conversation, And promise each other trade. I need a diplomatic ambassador to talk to the other Dragon Families, and I've decided to entrust you with that, my dear Wolan."

Falja looked at his figure and said meaningfully: "When you return, I will grant one of your wishes."

"My queen, I will not let you down!"

Falja pointed his finger at his cheek, looked at the ceiling and thought slowly.

"The Black Dragon Familia, a group of barbarians who have no value for cooperation...but show them some respect; the Red Dragon Familia, you can trade weapons with them, and exchanging food for armaments is the top priority. I believe you can do it well; the White Dragon Familia, haha, It has already perished, and the subjugated queen is a ridiculous woman dominated by revenge. I originally wanted to join forces with her to fight for a greater right to speak, but I was left out in the cold, and I dealt with it coldly; next is Morrokey..."

When Falga spoke of the Lord of Magic, his eyes burst into a mixture of lust, longing, and ambition, like a plant depends on sunlight.

"I really want that man, knowledge, self-cultivation, a powerful country and the power of magic. If you can conquer such a man, oh, you can wake up from your dreams with laughter..." Expressing her desire unabashedly in front of the officials, the Queen The casual gesture distorted the faces of the elves, but there was no abnormal sound.

Falja began to complain again, with stars in his eyes.

"However, he seems to be facing the reality of his heir's weakness just like me, even our worries are so similar, hehe... I really want to, I really want to get a heir who can legitimately inherit the legacy of the blue dragon. He actually restrained his lust. What a cold guy, the greatest king should sing the greatest love, and letting the bastards breed wantonly will degenerate the forest as a whole."

"Ah, I've neglected you a little bit, Wo Lanqing, you should go to that wandering city and get along well with my dear brother Morokei."

Falja stared at Volan's flushed face, teasing flickered from his eyes.Seeing his trembling body lying respectfully on his stomach, the joy of fooling a man made Falga want to laugh again, but she held back.

"My queen, minister, keep your advice in mind." Wolan's face was hidden in the shadows, and he said words against his will through gritted teeth.

"My favorite, step down, for the important diplomatic mission, please have a good rest."

The sound of Wolan's footsteps disappeared from outside the royal court, and the elf who was still kneeling and feeling sore sighed.

For their queen, the royal court may just be a farce.This scope may also expand to the entire royal family, the entire country, and the entire elf group.

The fairy queen is a natural and romantic queen.

She is a beautiful flower that blooms naturally and just happens to grow on the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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