Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 84 The Damned Bear Killer

Chapter 84 The Damned Bear Killer

It was Echelle's big slap that woke Lyle from sleeping, calling him from the hammock to the floor.

Dudu, it was the sound of the tip of his bird's beak colliding on the floor. The sudden and strong impact was more effective than a biting cold water flushing his face. Fortunately, the beak was made of leather, which produced a buffering effect and prevented a concussion.

Holding his dangling head, Lyle got up from the ground, because last night was the best sleep in his life, and the soft hammock was much more comfortable than his wooden bed, so Lyle didn't have much. Get up gas.

The sunlight penetrated in front of the door of the Dawning Hall, painting the interior into pale gold, and the green shadows of the surrounding plants were also projected on the wooden boards. Diffuse fog, like a fairyland.

Echelle had already packed his bags, and he was playing with a small dagger in one hand, tossing it in the air, but his eyes stayed on himself.

"I really don't know what to say about you. It's the first time you're staying overnight in an unfamiliar environment to meditate deeply. You must be a little vigilant."

Echelle didn't get too angry, just complained in a tone of voice, and even mixed with some complaints about his juniors, feeling that the distance between them had narrowed a lot.

Lyle's unwarranted and reckless behavior was identified by Echelle as a closeness to Leviathan, which can make guests feel at home, which is the best thank you to the host.

"Is Your Excellency Lyle up?"

Bathed in the golden sunlight, Kayla was wearing a dark green leather armor, like a bud that welcomes the sun to grow.The golden waves were curled into a ponytail at the back of her head. Kayla, who had left the white robe, lost her graceful grace. She wore a strong outfit with a bit of heroism, and her queen's charm continued unabated.

"Good morning, Her Majesty."

"Kyla is fine, Your Excellency Lyle, you are not my subject, we are friends."

"Okay, Kayla."

After finishing the outfit, the three stood on the terrace of the Dawning Hall, which was a large platform without fences. This was not the main entrance of the hall, and there were no stairs like going up and down.

What am I thinking, Leviathan could have anything except stairs.With a bad premonition, Lyle expressed his needs tremblingly.

"Where is the children's passage?"

"There are no children's passages here, Lyle, you have to do as the locals do and try the Leviathan way of life, maybe you will like it."

Looking at Kayla's smile, Lyle's panic calmed down, "Well, maybe you're right."

"Where is our way?"


Kayla pointed to a few vines hanging between the giant trees ten meters away. From their gaps, Lyle could see the roofs of the middle-level area of ​​Leviathan, and some grass that could be watched, although the bushes were in Lyle. Only the size of an ant remained in Er's eyes.

Lyle looked back at Kayla stiffly, her mild smile beginning to deteriorate in Lyle's eyes.

"You said, how did you get there?"

"Jump over, grab those vines, swing in the air, and head to our destination."

"It's nearly [-] meters away from the ground, and there are no safety measures."

"Lyle, life doesn't give you time to prepare, sometimes you have to adapt to it."

"What you said makes a lot of bastard! You are murdering, I don't want to leave this platform!" Lyle finished speaking and took a few steps back, but was blocked by the sturdy Echelle.

"On this road, do you plan to spend the rest of your life in the Dawning Palace?"

"How do I get up, I just climb down, it will take a while at most... No, I won't go down! I'll wait for Mr. Irion to open the portal and take me back directly, and then teleport directly to the ground, tree, I'll be there again. I won't be climbing."

Lyle was clamped, Echelle stopped him, "No, you come to Leviathan, you didn't even learn to climb trees, it's just a shame for me, no matter what, you have to come to me today ."

Lyle ultimately chose to compromise, he agreed to be carried to experience the Leweather tour.

"So, while you're swinging through the woods, you're going to leave an arm to take me with you?"

Did you die like that?

"Relax, when Kayla was a child, I often took her for walks, let alone leave a hand, I just took you to swing with your feet."

We may have different understandings of walking.

"Am I out of options?"

"If you want Leviathan's sword dance mandala, you have to know everything about Leviathan."

Lyle was caught in his wrist by Echelle, and Echelle weighed it casually, which seemed to have little effect on him.

Lyle put his hands together and prayed.

With a loud roar, Echelle leaped down from the terrace like a vulture with wings spread, with Kayla following him.

But Lyle didn't look at the others. In his eyes, only the vines they were rushing towards, kept approaching, Echelle stretched out his arm and looked at his palm... and missed the vines.

When the gravity demon stretched out his poisonous claws toward Lyle, Lyle no longer restrained his inner excitement.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

Today is an unusual day for the residents of Leviathan.

Echelle was not flustered. On the way down, he touched the bow arm, pulled the bowstring with his hand, and pulled the silver falcon bow. The rope arrow that he had already held in his hand was placed on the bow and hit the giant tree on the side, and he grabbed it. The tail of the rope started to move through the forest as if nothing had happened.

As the swinging ropes alternated, Echelle also pulled out his right hand and knocked on Lyle, who was still screaming.

Only then did he return to calm, and Lyle was also used to the constantly expanding and shrinking ground in his field of vision, as well as the feeling of being on a swing.

"I thought we were dead."

"The sword dance mandala has given Leviathan strong physical coordination and reflex nerves. These are basic operations for us, you are just rare and strange," Echelle changed direction, "We go east, Kayla stays marked."

"Mark, why didn't I see it?"

"Just now I was in the tree 20 meters away from the direction of three o'clock. The moss layer at the trunk was faulted. It was man-made. Keira left an arrow and an olive leaf on it."

Perverted vision, in Lyle's eyes, the surrounding area is only green.

About 10 minutes later, the two were a considerable distance away from Leweser, and as Eichel said, Kayla was standing on a tree trunk waiting.

Seeing the arrival of the two, she jumped down, whether it was the mark she left or the waiting, she expressed her trust in Echelle's ability.

"We have reached our destination, behind this tree, at twelve o'clock, you can see from here the prey I picked for Lyle. Lyle, as long as you kill it, your hunting ritual is complete, and you are allowed to use Any weapon, any strategy, any ability, this is the will of nature."

"May I ask, what is the prey?"

"Of course, you're about to see it anyway. It's a bear. Last night's grandpa's story made me want to witness the birth of a hero who defeated the bear."

Is it a bear?Lyle stuck his head out from behind the stump, wishing he wasn't too big.

Lyle saw that a big bear with a body length of about five meters was sleeping leisurely in front of the cave. It was a little bigger, but if he worked hard, he should be able to cope with it. Sure enough, did Kayla still take care of me? This time it should be stable.

However, a doubt appeared in Lyle's heart, because the hole was nearly ten meters high, which was too large compared to the bears. Is it a cave occupied by beasts, or that the hole was formed naturally.

This question was quickly answered.

A red light appeared in the cave, and with an earth-shattering roar, a ten-meter-tall figure rushed out of the cave like a heavy truck, slapped across, and the soundly sleeping bear let out a scream, like a The shells shot out for dozens of meters and disappeared from Lyle's sight.

The Lord has revealed his true body.Thick brown fur, thick limbs like a heavy tank, ten meters high and nearly 30 meters long, a scar covering the face, one eye with a bloodthirsty red light, the originally short and cute ears are also because of the huge The shape becomes terrifying.

Lyle swallowed.

"Bear spirit?"

"To be precise, the Kadowei giant bear likes to live alone, is extremely aggressive, and has a strong sense of territory. There are 3000 Leweser people hunting it, but only 870 survived. Please be careful, Lyle Buhler."

I was wrong, this kind-hearted queen was carved out of the same mold as her grandfather.

"Come on, Lyle, be a hero like Echelle!" Keira smiled, her eyes sparkling.

Echelle, the damn bear killer.

(End of this chapter)

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