"In the end, they succeeded. The spellcaster organization called the Salvation Society saved our homeland. They found a new orbit for the planet, and our homeland became what it is today." The human lecturer stood on the podium and told the students We explain what is in the history textbook.The position of the blackboard is less than two meters away from the window sill, and the warm sunlight shines into the classroom through the window lattice, attracting the eyes of the students and leading them to the outside of the window...

Multi-ethnic crowds met at street intersections, and road signs painted in multiple languages ​​swayed amidst the crowds.The elves shouted in front of the potion shop, and there were dwarves and elves arguing in the alchemy workshop diagonally opposite.The mechanical puppet performed street performances at the fountain in the square, and the lich was put on a pumpkin prison cart by the tree spirit for illegal charges and fraud.Demons in golden robes were giving a sermon speech, and neurotic humans stopped passing hate fusion monsters.The Witch and the Harpy fell from the sky, and quarreled as they fell in Arachne's web, tangled in silk.The holy spirit told a joke to his grieving friend, and happened to be heard insulting words by the passing tauren. After calling the police, they received criticism and education.

The ruler tapped twice on the blackboard, and the students' eyes were drawn back to the lecturer.The automatic chalk danced with the teacher's dictation, and the mana model on his palm was enlarged in the classroom, and could be easily seen in the last row.

"Our home is a pair of binary stars revolving around [the fulcrum of the world]. We live on this earth now, and there is no life reaction found on the other side. According to historical records, the time record before the binary star epoch is still 24 days a day Hours, not the current 22-hour day. Put away your wonder faces, and don't fantasize about the extra two hours of sleep. There is indeed a gap between the past and the present, but it does not mean that it is better than the present."

"As the new generation, you were born in a chaotic era full of opportunities."

"You have great time and educational resources to study magic and the supernatural, and you have many options..."

"Continue in-depth research, join the magic research community of the Magic Academy after graduation, become the apprentice and assistant of those great spellcasters, and explore the mysteries of the world..."

"If you have faith, joining the Legion of the Holy Light is also a good choice. Today's Holy Light has a very low threshold, and those fanatics of the Holy Light have almost no restrictions on new believers. Joining the largest and most mixed organization in the world is a must. An unpredictable challenge, it is said that the top management of the Holy Light still retains the cohesion and strength of the original, and the Holy Light back then was very capable of fighting."

"There are always some people who are not greedy seekers, nor are they firm believers. Some of you are more mediocre than special, timid and soft in heart. Druids are gentle people. These humble and optimistic nature lovers create The largest protected area in the Double Star Era, you don’t have to worry about having nothing to do, the queen who manages the druids is leading the plan to restore the planet’s environment.”

"There are also radicals, and those rebellious middle-aged boys who pursue madness. Don't rush to cover up, and don't make a proud expression. There is only a thin line between a madman and a genius. I didn't want to introduce too much about those things. As a The professionalism of the teachers is reminding me to protect you from pollution. But there is no way, I have collected money..."

"Andre Academy, very sad news. The place in the scary bedtime stories you read as a child is real. Compared with your childhood, your mind has matured a lot, but you must keep in mind that Ender Ray is an extreme choice. If you go there and come out, you will either go down in history, go to jail, or both."

The lecturer noticed the dark sky and ended the class.

"It's the 'midnight' break time. After lunch, remember to use snacks for the academic practice in the afternoon. Some of you are not far from the passing line. Although our college has loose education, the academic assessment is very strict of."

The human lecturer, who was about to leave with his textbooks, finally came back with his head.

"Also! If you fail in the end, don't try to find me to accommodate you. I can't help you. Don't let you become undead great-great-grandfathers knocking on my apartment door day and night because of this kind of thing. Please be human, I'm cute students."

The bell rang, and darkness enveloped the bustling city, and people were accustomed to this phenomenon.Not only is there the light column lighting of Changming's world fulcrum, but the street shops have also turned on the lighting device of neon tubes early.

The sun's rays are completely blocked by Mars in the sky, and solar eclipses produce midnight, which happens every day.Lasting about two hours, the night is not a time for people to work, so most people use this dark and sweet time to rest.In the dark, self-luminous people are the brightest.

Lovedy squats on the gargoyle statue protruding from the building. At midnight, his body will emit soft light like water waves. Standing on a high place, the protoss overlooks the dreamy light belt formed by the lights in the city, his eyes are blurred .

"Don't look directly at the glare." The templar later reminded Loveday, "light pollution, this word appears more and more frequently."

Lofty accepted his friend's kindness, and moved his eyes to the huge beam of light. The golden beam of light was like a door piercing through the world, brilliant but not dazzling.

"Your poll report done?"

"Yes." Protoss Artusu took out the scroll from his arms. There is no light now, but he has already memorized the content, "Since His Majesty Raymond let go of the threshold, the new Holy Light Legion, Zealot Legion The scale of the world is constantly expanding, and all cats and dogs have become fanatics. Fanatic beliefs have begun to spread from person to person, and almost everyone in the world fulcrum complains that they have been harassed by more than one fanatic believer. The Holy Light Order is becoming the most popular There is no organization that people hate and has the lowest reputation."

Lovedy laughed, "His Majesty Raymond will definitely be happier. Shengguang has achieved the first place, even if it is the last one."

Astral felt the cold wind blowing his cloak, which was a habit he developed after midnight.

"Where is Sora Kamoni Ann?"

"They are tracking His Majesty George under the order of His Majesty Raymond."

"What did that guy do again?"

"No, it's just that the Archbishop has made new discoveries in the Sea of ​​Holy Light." Protoss Atusu directly informed the discovery of the Holy Light, which was originally one of the purposes of his coming to find Lovedy. "The Dalam archbishop Artanis, who we are familiar with but unfamiliar, has led the fleet to sail to the ruins of our homeland and completed the round trip. The secrets of our dark exiles and the Dalam protoss have been unlocked. Actually In fact, our homeland is not the Aiur they say, and the corruption of our homeland does not come from the corrupt Xel'Naga as they thought."

"We and them are peers of the protoss."

"Parallel world counterparts."

"The sea of ​​holy light is the key to open the door of time and space, behind which are connected countless parallel worlds. This discovery fully mobilized the enthusiasm of Archbishop Raymond. Afterwards, he called on all the forces of holy light to gather..."

Lovedy already knew what the Angel of Light wanted to do.

"The Crusades of Conquest."

"Infinite world, infinite conquest. Let all time and space fall into the arms of the Holy Light."

"His Majesty Raymond intends to mobilize everyone to cross the parallel world?"

"He left behind the Angel of Water and the Son of Light."

"Master Lyle, I can understand, but why did His Majesty Garalon stay?"

"The leader of the Crusaders once made a knightly oath to the Holy Son, swearing to dedicate the rest of his life to the family of the Holy Son."


"The Buller family."


"I never thought that the Buller family with only two members was worthy of allegiance, and it was also a high-ranking angel." Lyall leaned on the window sill, looking at Gallalon who came uninvited and sat in the study to deal with affairs · Luo Shutar.The angel of water smiled gently, put a large pile of written documents on the desk and began to work, and at the same time answered the master's questions decently.

"I have committed the sin of betrayal. Becoming a domestic servant of the Buller family is the most suitable and decent act of repentance I can think of. I can also repay your personal kindness to me."

"You don't have to, Lord Garalon. I don't need a knight, and I don't need a..."

Galalon looked at him with a smile until Lyell finished conveying the discomfort in his heart.

He brushed his temple hair and put down his pen.

"It's no longer possible to use ordinary three or two people to look at the Buhler family that you exist, Lyle. Whether you like it or not, they will take the Holy Son of Light, the leader of the Holy Spirit bishops, the incarnation of the evil god, and the Lich Andrea , the name of the member of the Salvation Society is connected with your family. Look, you have already had an inseparable connection with many important forces. This situation requires a Mr. Buller to become the master of the family and maintain the relevant social relations. .This will have a positive effect on your family and social stability. You may not be good at these. I will help you deal with these red tapes."

"You need me, a fallen angel. Galalon Luoshutar, who has communicated with many forces a long time ago, is competent to act as the spokesperson for such a complicated Mr. Lyall Buhler."

Lyle was silent for a moment, then nodded knowingly.

"I think you are right, Your Excellency Gallalon. I really need a suitable candidate like you now, but this is a bit unfair to you. It is not the knight's master-slave oath, or we will sign a contract relationship."

Garalon shook his head.

"This is the correct relationship, not a commercial contract. Galalon Luo Shutar will become a servant of the Buhler family, and the angels serve the Son. This is as it should be, and this actually exists in me selfish desire."

Under Gallalon's insistence, Lyle no longer insisted. Although he was a little embarrassed, he really didn't want to spend time and energy on interpersonal communication.There is still a lot of work to be done, Triton is defeated, and his creator authority is fully inherited by Nia.The concept [world], which records all life information on the entire planet, and those lives that died in the Kuroshio can be resurrected under the power of the Creator.At first, Lyle did not participate in the resurrection project, believing in Nia's creator instinct. As a result, stitched creatures based on children's fantasies appeared on a large scale. Lyle had to interfere with the natural selection set by the gods, and turned to genetic engineering to adapt to the environment.

"I'm so busy." Lyle rubbed his head and walked back to the laboratory.


The entrance gate of the Wandering City has been reopened. This famous city of mystics has become more famous after the war against the gods. The essence of magic attracts spellcasters. The open and friendly city policy is also attracting those ambitious dreamers .

The mystics guarding the gate stopped the visitors, which aroused the dissatisfaction of those who were blocked.

His left hand pointed to the laughing demons who were assembling the spine wheel.

"This is the family of the evil god..."

His right hand pointed to the mermaid on the other side who was wrapped in a water polo and swam into the Wandering City leisurely in the air.

"This is also the family of the evil god..."

His left forearm pointed to his head.

"I am also a family member of the evil god..."

His arm in the middle of his chest pointed at the wryly smiling mystic.

"They can all go in, why can't I!"

The mystic cursed in his heart, why did he encounter such a stupid thing just after changing shifts.He forcefully forced a smile towards the big face that seemed to have an experimental accident written on it, thinking quickly in his head.

"That, sir? Or madam, this is an open passage for humanoid creatures. It's not that you are not allowed to enter, it's just that your size...haha, I'm afraid you won't be able to squeeze through the small door on our side."

"What do you mean! Who said that I am not human! I also have arms, thighs and a head, and walk upright! Are you discriminating against my race!"

The mystic thought, when the humanoid creature was first defined, who would have thought that such a foul-like race would be born in the world, and grow up according to the biological illustrated book, right?

"Ahaha, in fact, there is a dedicated channel for special personnel like you in the dark seven area. You don't need to wait to get into our city smoothly."


Bloody Rose Bar.

Bar corner.

The two sat sideways across a seat, shaking their wine glasses, pressing their hands on the countertop of the bar, listening to the restless rock music and the din of other people.

"Lyle said that [the world] records information about every life, but there is no guy in it..."

"No wreckage was found. The rats dug three feet into the ground, and they didn't even find a single piece of iron."

"That guy, is it just gone, the only victim? How is it possible, even I, who violated the secret agreement, can be kept, why can't he be kept?"

The topic was dull, and the two of them gradually lost their voices.

"You said, would the things he wrote before be true?"

"Can there be a fake? His robot girlfriend has appeared once. Just seeing the temper at that time, I really feel sad for him."

"If everything is true, then this world is not his real home, not the place where he should stay. Maybe we are thinking a little pessimistically, the passer-by in our memory may just return to his original home. "

"Look out. At least our friend in memory may still be alive."

"That's right, Andrei's sword never breaks."

Raising the wine glass, they clinked it vigorously as if trying to smash it, the two of them shouted and drank down in one gulp.The drink passed through the mouth, down the spine and fell on the pelvis, wet the seat, and spilled everywhere.

"Respect for delusions!"

The angry bartender rushed over, grabbed the Lich by the spine with one hand and lifted them up.

"You two! Are you here to sabotage!"

"terribly sorry!"


The Bone Wastes of Andry College.

The little girl in dark rompers was squatting beside the tree of hanging ghosts, busy with her hands, grunting with puffed cheeks.

"I'm not going to be a disservice! Nia is very, very good at fixing things too! Right? Grapes!"

Tiny lightbats hang from twisted tree trunks, glowing in the dark.

"That's right, Nia, Mr. Plague Doctor is too strict!"

Encouraged, Nia showed a happy smile, and it didn't take long before she finished her work and showed her work to a good friend.

"Done! Look, grapes!"

A crooked crown made of luminous fragments and tentacles. The magic tentacles trembled and flapped lightly on Nia's face.

"Now, Nia is the king!"

Dark beings that linger in the void have seen it all.

The tentacles of light covered one of the twin stars, and the greedy tentacles were still unsatisfied, and stretched towards the other.

It's over.

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