God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 1026 annihilation in one action

Chapter 1026 Annihilation in one fell swoop

Seeing that the people downstairs became nervous and scared, Yin Nuo continued in a deep voice: "Because there is still a big risk, we must not take it lightly because of a victory.

But don't be too nervous, everyone, after all, we have won the most difficult battle.Even if there are still thieves attacking us, we will have the upper hand if we stick to the city.

The most important thing now is to gather the brothers who can fight in the city according to the next plan, and assign them to guard each key point in turn.

As long as the countermeasures are complete, we can win the second and third games! "

After so many incidents, the policemen downstairs have trusted Yin Nuo a hundred or a thousand times.

Now that there is a miraculous victory of winning more with less, they are more willing to obey Yin Nuo's distribution.

"Boss Yin!" Captain Hu quickly shouted with a group of brothers in unison: "Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, the brothers are willing to follow you! What to do, how to do it, you just order!"

Yin Nuo nodded, bowed his hands to everyone, and then divided the gates and vital points of Tengxian County into four directions, and dispatched personnel with different specialties according to the external environment of each gate. Garrison.

In just three or two minutes, he explained the situation clearly.The organization was clear and the distribution was reasonable, and Fu Yunlang, who was on the side, gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Just when Yin Nuo was arranging the people everywhere, Yang Zhituo, who was lying on the stairs, pursed his lips bitterly.

He originally thought that Yin Nuo would tell everyone about his achievements, but now it seems that he has no part at all.

Just when Yang Zhituo felt that there was no hope of being raptured, Yin Nuo, who had finished the assignment, suddenly changed his tone, "Every brother who has contributed to Teng County from tonight, the Fu Zhi County will record it personally, In the future, please reward me for meritorious service, no one will be short!"

The people downstairs cheered excitedly.

Yin Nuo's eyes were slightly cold, and he continued: "And those who committed crimes should be punished, and they should be liquidated by the government. But if they have merit, they will not be wiped out for nothing. Yang Zhituo, who followed Yang Zhituo before Clan, whether to continue dominating under the pretense of assisting the rebellion, or to be the first to fight for power, like Yang Zhituo, to make up for the mistakes and make meritorious deeds, all depends on your personal choice.

Here, I just want to say that subordinating rebellion is also rebellion. Even if you escape from our Teng County with unrivaled abilities and unworldly martial arts, your descendants will be implicated and become criminals. .

If you really run away and become a bandit, the bandit will also be killed.Would that group of foolhardy fools be willing to let you pampered men hold them back?The members of the Yang clan who were present could not change their deeds of rebellion, but as long as they made meritorious deeds, their merits and demerits could be offset.

Even your new patriarch, Yang Zhituo, reined in and risked his life to cooperate with us.

Without Yang Zhituo's assist tonight, the small bandit leaders would not have been successfully assembled in Hualou and wiped out in one fell swoop. "

The policemen downstairs and the people were stunned for a moment.

The few policemen in front looked around, and they couldn't believe it.

Li De even changed his face immediately, looked up at Yin Nuo and asked urgently: "Yintou, you were not deceived by that kid from the Yang family, right? How could the people recruited by his family stand with us ordinary people?"

(End of this chapter)

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