God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 126 How did you get poisoned?

Chapter 126 How did you get poisoned?
Yin Qianhua was also standing upwind, and he also wore white oilcloth gloves for autopsies, and the same simple autopsy clothes as Xu Wuzuo, and also a white autopsy gown.

The style is very similar to the kind of apron with sleeves in later generations.

The only difference from Xu Wuzuo was that Yin Qianhua was holding a letter in his hand, and was carefully reading it with his head down.

Wen Xiaoyun walked upwind of the corpse without hesitation, took out the record booklet from his arms, and took out the brush and ink bag from his waist pocket. When he was ready, he immediately stood beside Xu Wuzuo and began to record.

"Sorry, I'm late, I'll start recording now."

Xu Wuzuo frowned and focused on the autopsy, as if he hadn't heard Wen Xiaoyun's words at all, and didn't respond.

One of the apprentices nodded politely to Wen Xiaoyun, "Master Xu has such a temper in Wen Xingfang. When he encounters a corpse, he must inspect it as soon as possible. It's not yet the hour, and you came very early. After the master has cleaned up the corpse, the description of the corpse will begin."

Wen Xiaoyun was a little surprised, it's been a while, how could brother Wu Zuo still say that?
But she soon understood why.It should be when Jiang Di's body was transported, and it was far from Maoshi.As soon as Xu Wuzuo heard the news, he hurriedly brought two apprentices to inspect it.

When people are busy, time passes very quickly.So they didn't realize for a while that it was already daylight.

Wen Xiaoyun couldn't bear to interrupt their thoughts, so she didn't correct them, but just nodded, "Thank you, brother."

Looking towards Yin Qianhua, he saw that his eyes were black and blue, and the wrinkles on his face were much more and deeper than yesterday.It seems that several years of age have been haggard overnight.

Apparently he hadn't slept all night.

Looking at Xu Wuzuo at the autopsy, he was in the same state.

A feeling of admiration suddenly rose in Wen Xiaoyun's heart.

In the time-traveling works she painted before, the ancient people always presented a state of ignorance and confusion waiting to be rescued in front of modern people.

Now it seems that whether it is ancient people or humans on another plane, every world, every time and space, is earnestly advancing its own destiny.

There is no such thing as high-level or low-level in life or thought, as long as each has its own place and time.

Thinking of this, she became more cautious and obediently stood beside Xu Wuzuo, waiting for Xu Wuzuo's autopsy conclusion at any time, while hurriedly confirming whether the person lying on the autopsy table was the Jiang Di she met yesterday.

I saw that the corpse had a black complexion, the deceased's eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched tightly, and blood was flowing out of the seven orifices.

A ferocious knife scar slanted down from the front door, making the death even more horrifying and frightening.

Wen Xiaojun swallowed unconsciously, and moved back half a step slightly.

It was Jiang Di from yesterday.

Holding the saber at his waist, Yin Nuo strode forward. When he saw the face of the corpse, his pupils shrank fiercely.

Obviously, he also confirmed that the deceased was none other than Jiang Di.

At this moment, Wang Zhifu, who had been transported outside the door for a long time, finally walked into the morgue.

He covered his nose and mouth tightly with a brocade handkerchief, and approached Yin Qianhua with a heavy face, "Lord Yin, how is the body examination going?"

Yin Qian said without raising his head, "Here is a suicide note."

"Suicide note?" Masked County King and Wang Zhifu asked in confusion, "Then this dead man committed suicide?"

Yin Qianhua looked at the suicide note in his hand, shook his head slightly, "Suicide or murder, it's still unclear."

As he said that, he put the suicide note on a copper tray on the table next to him, and looked back at Wang Zhifu, "Xu Wuzuo's autopsy here has produced the results, and it needs to be recorded in time. This suicide note, why not wait until you return to the hall, and then write it down." Read it carefully in front of the county king, what do you think Mr. Wang thinks?"

Prefect Wang nodded, expressing his strong agreement, "This official is also impatient, as it should be, as it should be."

Xu Wuzuo on the other side slowly stood up straight, raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Di's body everywhere, and said to Wen Xiaoyun in a deep voice:
"I received a male corpse today, aged between 35 and [-] years old. It was identified as the head of the Jiang family in Yanzhou Prefecture, Jiang Di.

The time of death was before and after Chouzheng last night.

There is a penetrating wound on the face, winding from the left brow bone to the left cheek. Although the flesh is turned out, it has already been scarred. It is an old wound.

In addition, the neck and body skin is intact, without any trauma, abrasions, and no bruises under the skin.

The top of the hair is intact, without any traces of wedges and axes.There are no signs of injury to the ear holes.

The lower body is intact, and there is no possibility of any murder weapon being scalded into it.

But the nails were black, the eyelids were black and blue, the eyeballs were red and protruding, and the nose was bleeding.

The teeth are normal without discoloration, and the shape is intact. The corners of the mouth are bleeding, and the lips are bitten, which should be caused by the painful struggle during the poisoning.

The cause of death can now be confirmed as poisoning, but during the inspection, it was found that there was no trace of poison in the throat.

After further examination of the stomach, there is still no poison in the esophagus and stomach. "

When the people in the room heard this, they frowned suspiciously.

Even Wen Xiaoyun, who was quickly recording the shape of the corpse, stopped writing without realizing it, frowning and looking at Jiang Di's pale corpse with heavy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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