Chapter 641

Xiao Yang Wuzuo now thinks of the scene of Yin Nuo's daring and scheming, and the blood in his whole body will still boil again.

Yin Nuo's high martial arts, broad-mindedness, and integrity of character all made Xiao Yang Fuzuo admire him and amazed him as a heavenly being.

Due to his status, the timely information he could get in the Yamen was very limited.It can be said that he has no understanding of the background of this new headhunter.

In his eyes, he only saw Yin Butou's youthful appearance.

He should be a few years younger than him in age.

But he has such a mature mind and such brilliant means, far surpassing himself in all aspects.

Maybe this is the legendary young genius, the chosen one.

In such a comparison, Xiao Yang feels ashamed and admired unconsciously.

He originally thought that with his status as a small handyman, he would never have the opportunity to talk with such a fairy person up close.But I never expected that this opportunity would come so soon.

Since people are so serious about themselves, there must be something wrong or wrong about themselves.In any case, he must explain it clearly to others as soon as possible, especially not to implicate his good friend Wen Shuli who he just met.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yang Fuzuo hurriedly waved his hands forward, and hurriedly explained: "Yin Butou, it's not like this, it's all the villain's fault. When the villain was fetching hot water, he accidentally bumped into Wen Shuli. Wen Shu Not only did the official not blame me, he also went to fetch water again when he saw the villain, and even more kindly insisted on helping the villain to fetch water again.

In short, all the faults are with the villain, so don't misunderstand Wen Shuli. "

Hearing this, Yin Nuo frowned slightly, he looked sideways slightly, and looked Wen Xiaoyun from top to bottom again.It is reassuring to confirm that the clothes on her body are only slightly splashed wet.

He knew that his family, Wen Xiaoyun, had always been the softest and kindest.Look at the thin figure of the little handyman covered in mud and water, the heavy pole and the heavy wooden barrel in front of him.Now it's the time of the office, and there will be no work that can use hot water.

Therefore, no matter how you guess, you can guess that he must be a bullied miser in the yamen.His family, Wen Xiaoyun, is so smart, he must have figured out the inside story.I really couldn't bear it, so I stepped forward to help the little handyman fetch water together.

Yin Nuo's heart was secretly turbulent, but the expression on his face made his complexion more and more gloomy.In the eyes of Wen Xiaojun and Xiao Yang, he felt that he seemed to be getting more and more angry.

Wen Xiaoyun's violent temper has also been aroused more and more, and she is inexplicably fierce at her, and now she is inexplicably showing face to her, what kind of medicine did Yin Nuo take wrongly?

Should not be ah.

Wen Xiaoyun also frowned, based on her understanding, Yin Nuo shouldn't have such inexplicable convulsions.

Could it be that there are some eyeliner assassins around?
Thinking of this, Wen Xiaoyun immediately became vigilant.Just when she slowly turned her eyes in an extremely small range, trying to secretly observe the surrounding environment, there was a sudden movement on Yin Nuo's side.

He slammed his hands behind his back, and then he stepped forward with one foot heavily, and the whole person jumped up lightly, and ran quickly in the direction of Wen Xiaojun and Xiao Yang Fuzuo.

Xiao Yang was so shocked that he took two steps back again and again, his mouth opened, and he almost couldn't close it.Wen Xiaoyun was also surprised, but Yin Nuo didn't give them any room for hesitation at all. After a few steps, he jumped in front of Wen Xiaoyun and the two of them. He grabbed the middle part of the pole firmly with his right hand, and swung back and forth in the air. With a beautiful arc, he turned the pole onto his shoulders.

"Yin, Yin Nuo?" Just as Wen Xiaoyun was about to ask him what he wanted to do, Yin Nuo turned around, walked around the two of them, carried a pole and a bucket, and quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

Only Wen Xiaojun and Xiao Yang Yuzuo, who were full of bewildered faces, looked at each other in dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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