Chapter 667

"Yin Nuo," Wen Xiaoyun frowned and looked at Yin Nuo, "Did you already want to help me stay up all night?"

Yin Nuo's movements froze, and after a pause, he lowered his head a little guilty, "You... what are you talking about..."

Wen Xiaoyun straightened up, folded her arms, stared at Yin Nuo's prisoner and asked aggressively: "Don't do this, you spend money to build a relationship with Hu Dongcai during the day, and strive for the opportunity to stay up late at night. At night, you Carrying a food box in your hand, there is a lot of mutton soup in the food box, and the soup has not been spilled at all. It is impossible to come together with the quilt and bed at the same time. So you asked others to help.

And the current situation of the two of us is unusual, there are black-handed assassins hiding in every corner.So as long as time permits, you will stay with me overnight.

But you obviously called helpers to move the bedding, but you didn't move your own, which proves that although you will accompany me, you didn't intend to sleep in the first place.

So when I finished eating, you used the banner of helping me tidy up the table, and asked me about the rules and methods for tidying up the files, so as to pave the way for you to stay up late and take over. "

Yin Nuo raised his head and glanced at Wen Xiaoyun, his smiling eyes were slightly bent, and the bottom of his eyes was full of luster like water, "I'm your cousin, and I want to be in front of you in everything, helping and protecting you, isn't it normal? I This person is the most fair, and he will never let people call me brother for nothing. Of course, if you call me uncle uncle, you can take advantage of it."

Wen Xiaoyun's face turned green again in an instant.

She retracted her foreword, this childish ghost who deserves to be beaten should be a vicious man for thousands of years!
"Yinnuo, do you know?" Wen Xiaoyun pulled the stool and sat down, shaking her head helplessly, "If you don't change your bad mouth, you may not be able to get a wife for the rest of your life, okay? It's obvious that you have paid for others Full of twelve points, put it on your mouth, not only did you not get any credit, but also made people hate you. As for your thankless, wicked and smoky behavior, to use our popular saying It means—'Being lonely, doomed to be alone forever!'”

"Zhu Gusheng?" Yin Nuo raised his eyes to look at Wen Xiaoyun, with a fox-like sly light flashing in his eyes, "You are contradicting yourself. I have done six points of help for you. In your eyes, it doubles to twelve points. It can be seen that my mouth not only does not reduce points for you, but also adds a lot. How can you not get a wife?"

Wen Xiaoyun choked suddenly, and his face turned red.

Why is it getting more and more awkward for her to hear this?
"I, I think you are not only bad at your mouth, but also bad at your brain. I'm a big man, so naturally I don't just look at what you say. What's more, I'm still working on a case in the torture room, so I can't see it. Qing, what else is there to solve?!

And those little girls, little girls, there is no one who doesn't like to listen to sweet words.No matter how exhausted you are behind others, if you only hate and sarcasm others on the face, even the best girl will make you run away in anger! "

Yin Nuo didn't care about Wen Xiaoyun's ruthless accusation.He simply cleaned up the paperwork on the table, then stood up on his own, stretched his waist, and said with a yawn: "Stop talking nonsense, anyway, you do it during the day, and I'm done with other things outside." , to replace you at night. The time to complete the task can be shortened by half. The remaining half of the time is freed up, just to go out and check what we want to check."

Hearing Yin Nuo's words, Wen Xiaoyun immediately remembered the meeting with Fu Yunlang.

She cautiously looked left and right, then leaned forward, leaned as close as possible to Yin Nuo and said in a low voice: "What you said reminded me. I was exhausted yesterday, and I haven't had time to tell you about something important. "

Hearing Wen Xiaoyun's words, Yin Nuo's expression suddenly became serious.Just as he was about to bend down and get as close as possible to ask Wen Xiaoyun what was going on, a slight noise outside the door immediately sent a shivers down his spine.

Without giving Wen Xiaoyun any time to react, he strode up to Wen Xiaoyun, grabbed her by the neck and threw her to her original office position.

Wen Xiaoyun was taken aback at first, staggered back to his seat, only to see Yin Nuo raised his finger and pointed to the direction of the door, he immediately understood, straightened his body, opened the book, picked up the brush and began to copy and write.

Yin Nuo sat across from her, moved the chair back quickly, and then leaned back on the back of the chair, with long legs as high as they were, and put them on the table, crossed his arms with both hands, and closed his eyes tightly , making a sleepy look.

Wen Xiaoyun glanced sideways at Yin Nuo, and couldn't help but praise him in his heart for his superb acting skills of switching in seconds and changing faces in seconds.

This grandson is too good at pretending.

Just when the two of them had just settled their pretentious poses, a man coughed suddenly from outside the door.

Wen Xiaoyun frowned unknowingly, the man outside not only coughed, but turned around and spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

No public morality, no quality!
She disliked it fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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