God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 673 Unconscionable Cousin

Chapter 673 Unconscionable Cousin
So amidst the exclamation of the subordinate officials in the second hall, Wen Xiaoyun successfully lost consciousness due to overwork, was picked up by Yin Nuo and sent out of the yamen to the doctor Liu Fenghan for treatment.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't wake up until he entered the Liu Family Medical Center and lay in the room where Liu Fenghan gave acupuncture for people in the inner courtyard.

It's just that when she opened her eyes, she didn't see anyone except the dark beams and ceiling.

She subconsciously struggled to sit up, but found that her limp body had no strength at all.

Instinctively, she scolded Yin Nuo again from the bottom of her heart.

This stinky cousin who suffered a thousand dollars!He even treated her like an object and randomly placed it around.You must know that he is the only one who can make her dare to put herself into a coma and hand it over without reservation.

After a while, Wen Xiaoyun, who was full of resentment, finally gathered enough strength to struggle and sit up.After sitting up straight, she realized that she was really alone in this room.

She touched the collar casually, the clothes on her body remained unchanged, and she put her legs off the bed, only to realize that she hadn't even taken off her boots, and was covered by the quilt by the careless elder brother.

Standing up with the edge of the bed, she straightened her hair again, and then tentatively walked towards the door.

As she became more conscious, her hearing became clearer.

The intermittent sound of wooden blocks tapping on the table can be vaguely heard outside.

Wen Xiaoyun frowned unconsciously. Even if she didn't hear anyone talking, she could tell from the familiar voice that the people in the main room outside were playing chess.

Raising his hand to lift the thick gray linen door curtain, Wen Xiaoyun saw Yin Nuo and Liu Fenghan who were concentrating on playing chess.

And Mao Er was standing behind Yin Nuo, with a pair of small eyes widened, watching the battle with great interest.

Wen Xiaojun coughed lightly, as a way of saying hello to the outsiders in advance.

Hearing Wen Xiaoyun's voice, Mao Er turned his head hastily, and saw her standing at the door of the back room with a good complexion, and a flower-like smile bloomed on her face, "Wen torture room, you are awake!" He quickly picked up the chess piece. After pouring a cup of tea for Wen Xiaoyun on the teapot and tea bowl beside the table, he graciously brought it in front of her, "I slept all night and spared most of the day, you must be thirsty right now?"

After being reminded by Mao Er, Wen Xiaojun realized that his throat was already dry and on the verge of burning.Taking the water glass, she raised her head and drank it down.

And Yin Nuo at the chess table over there was completely unaware of this side, frowning, twisting a chess piece, seriously thinking about the next move.

And the grey-haired old man Liu Fenghan's earnestness is not inferior to Yin Nuo at all.

Wen Xiaoyun smiled sweetly towards the cat's ears, "Thank you, Brother Er, I'm sorry."

I don't know why, the cat's ears were so sweet that the face turned red up to the ears.He took the teacup, and scratched his head heckly, "Why don't you say thank you to my cat's ear? You are so polite in the torture chamber."

Before Mao Er's words fell, Yin Nuo's eyes suddenly froze, and the chess piece in his hand suddenly fell, hitting Liu Fenghan's most vital point!
"Oh!" Liu Fenghan slapped his thigh in hatred, his gray beard was raised in anger, "Why did the old man forget this move?"

Yin Nuo rolled up his sleeves, stood up with a smile, bowed his hands to Liu Feng Han, and bowed, "It's really lucky for Yin Nuo to have brother Liu cook in person today."

Liu Fenghan's facial features were almost wrinkled, and he stretched his neck to take a look at the chess game, and then grumbled bitterly about the chess game, pouted his lips, frowned, and slammed down his robe sleeves, his face darkened. He turned around and left the room.He didn't even have the extra energy to say hello to Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't mind this at all. Brother Liu didn't seem to be a polite person at first sight, so it was cute to be so straightforward and naive.

Watching Liu Fenghan walk out of the room, and then shut the door heavily, Yin Nuo then turned and walked towards Wen Xiaoyun, "You are blessed tonight, not to mention that in this small Teng County, even in the capital city, Brother Liu's cooking skills are also very good." It’s all one-of-a-kind.”

"Really?" Hearing that there will be delicious food, Wen Xiaoyun's eyes sparkled immediately, and the slight resentment he had towards Yin Nuo disappeared without a trace.

Yin Nuo curled his lips into a smile, stretched out his hand to wrap Wen Xiaoyun's shoulders, and led her to the back room, "Before that, let's figure out our next arrangements and plans."

Seeing this scene, Mao Er took two steps back very consciously, and smiled at Yin Nuo twice, "Then Yin, you should discuss it with the warm punishment room, and I will go outside to watch out for you."

Yin Nuo glanced sideways at the cat's ears, "You also come in with the ears, this time the three of us have to discuss together."

Mao Er was a little surprised, but he always obeyed Yin Nuo's words.

While following the footsteps of Yin Nuo and Wen Xiaoyun to the inner room, he scratched his cheeks and said with a giggle: "I don't know how to plan missions or anything. Yin Nuo and Wen Xingfang have discussed what to do, so I can do whatever I want."

(End of this chapter)

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