God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 680 Tired of drawing little turtles?

Chapter 680 Tired of drawing little turtles?
However, the development of things far exceeded Wen Xiaoyun's expectations.

If it is said that Hu Dong, a subordinate official in the torture room, stayed in the torture room from time to time to draw pictures of little turtles and bastards, since Wen Xiaoyun suddenly vomited blood and was rushed to the hospital, he basically just walked around the torture room at noon in the morning, without even saying hello. up.

When Wen Xiaoyun dragged his weak "sick body" back to work in the execution room, Hu Dongcai also ignored him, showing neither surprise nor emotion.

He walked into the room with a blank expression, walked around his desk, and walked out of the room.

Seeing Hu Dongcai walking out with his hands behind his back, Wen Xiaoyun couldn't be too happy.

But on the surface, she didn't reveal half of it at all.

It wasn't until Wang Baoyan walked out of the courtyard that she cautiously walked out of the room and came to the gate of the courtyard.

Looking around outside the courtyard, she stretched out her hand to grab the door leaves on both sides, and closed the door slightly.At the same time, the door bolt was pulled out, but the door leaf was not locked. Instead, it was deliberately tilted at a certain angle. If someone suddenly pushed the door and came in, the tilted door bolt would fall along with the trend, making an early warning sound.

When the yamen is working normally during the day, the courtyard doors of the three shifts and six rooms cannot be locked and closed.However, a crack was exposed under cover, but it could be deduced that the door was blown shut by the wind.

After completing the simple mechanism for early warning, Wen Xiaoyun lifted the hem of his long gown, turned around and walked back to the execution room.

Although there was an early warning agency in the yard, after entering the house, Wen Xiaoyun bolted the door to death from the inside.

This is safer.

After finally getting rid of her worries, Wen Xiaoyun quickly shuttled between the rows of bookshelves, her eyes quickly scanning up and down a record in this booklet.

According to the time given by Yin Nuo, she found the files of Wang Baoyan's case without much effort.

Wen Xiaoyun specifically selected evidence and testimony records and autopsy documents to read.

Turning over the pages of the book, he quickly searched almost ten lines at a glance.

Soon, she found some records in the file that interested her most.

Wang Baoyan had an arrow wound on his body, which only hit the heart, but the strange thing was that the strangle marks on his neck were thick and obvious, and they were blue-purple, which is a typical manifestation of a living person being strangled.

Wen Xiaoyun's face froze immediately, it was night when Su's mother shot and killed Wang Baoyan, climbing on the wall, and hit the heart with an arrow, the operation was not small.

Read on, as if answering her doubts, another document that organizes the evidence and traces of the corpse described it in combination.

According to Su's mother's confession, she not only lived in the deep mountains and old forests all year round, but also had to raise two children alone.Going out to hunt depends on the precision of the arrow to gain something.Not only is she much stronger than ordinary women, but her running speed and endurance far exceed that of ordinary men.

She also had a lot of experience fighting wild beasts at night, so on the night of the murder, she was fully capable of shooting Wang Baoyan's heart with an arrow while lying on the wall.

What's more, Wang Baoyan was standing alone in the middle of the yard burning things at that time. It was pitch black everywhere else, only his bright fire was burning. For the old hunter Su Mu, it was too easy.

As for the vivid strangle marks on Wang Baoyan's neck, according to Su's mother's confession, there is a completely reasonable explanation.

According to Su's mother, after Wang Baoyan was shot in the heart with an arrow, she quickly jumped down from the wall, and while Wang Baoyan was kneeling in pain, before he was completely dead, she took out the rope she had prepared a long time ago. , strangled it, and dragged it towards the well.

This is to delay the time for others to find the body as much as possible, and to ensure that Wang Baoyan is completely dead.

All this series of actions, Su's mother did it neatly, almost in one go.That's why there were bruises left on Wang Baoyan's neck, who was still breathing.

Seeing this, Wen Xiaoyun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. It made sense that the case could be settled quickly at that time.

Inferring only based on what was recorded in the evidence documents, the whole process of Su's mother shooting and killing Wang Baoyan did not have any loopholes, everything was perfect, and everything could be justified.

Coupled with the testimony of witnesses and Su's mother's confession, the case seemed simple and clear.

Wen Xiaoyun continued to look down at the document, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

The reason why she was able to make a completely different inference before may be because she jumped out of the details of all the evidence and testimony, and made a bold guess from the perspective of a bystander.

Of course, if she had seen these documents and records before, she would also think that she might have guessed completely wrong. The truth of this case is as simple and clear as the records in the files.

But now she will not be easily confused by these evidences, just because of the letter from her aunt.

In the letter, her uncle Yin Qianhua told her and Yin Nuo that they must find out the mysterious forces behind the prefect Wang through the case of Su Xuexin and Wang Baoyan.And a year ago, although Yin Qianhua did not personally investigate Wang Baoyan's murder case, he secretly borrowed all the detailed documents of this case through his relationship, and put a lot of effort into deliberating and reviewing it repeatedly.

Maybe Yin Qianhua didn't tell anyone at the time, but he had already noticed another hidden story in this case.It is more likely that he has found some evidence that can overturn the conclusion of Wang Baoyan's murder through other channels.

Thinking of this, Wen Xiaoyun's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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