Chapter 686

The third pedestrian who was carrying a burden was also distracted by the chaos of the wonton stall. It was that moment of distraction that made him completely unaware of a light carriage suddenly rushing across from him.

Hearing the yelling from the side of the road, he immediately turned his head, and the face of the burdened man No. [-] turned pale with fright!

At this time, the command of passers-by played a vital role for him. He subconsciously followed the call of passers-by, hugged his head and turned sideways, and hurriedly dodged to the side of the road.

But he never expected that, while dodging the carriage that Kancanle parked on this side, there was another black shadow that slammed into him on the other side!
Wen Xiaoyun gasped immediately, and the carriage moved sideways in the opposite direction at the same time, narrowly avoiding the No. [-] burdened man. Speed ​​up and continue on your way.

Wen Xiaoyun quickly stretched her neck, and leaned on the car window with both hands to look at the third burdened man.

When she saw it clearly, a meaningful light flashed in her eyes for an instant.

It was a coincidence that the No. [-] burdened man bumped into No. [-] brocade-clothed burdened man.

Caught off guard, the two of them bumped into each other badly.The burdens on the shoulders of the two were also knocked off, and they fell loosely on the ground, revealing strings of copper coins inside.

The No. [-] burden man, who was obviously dressed in much more gorgeous clothes, was obviously weaker. He knelt on the ground, clutching the bridge of his nose for a long time, unable to recover.

And the No. [-] burdened man was already rubbing his arm, and stood up unsteadily, his eyes wandering anxiously on the ground, looking for his package.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he clearly saw two furoshikis of the same fabric on the ground.The most wonderful thing is that there are strings of copper coins peeking out from the two gray furoshiki.

Wen Xiaoyun clearly saw his shoulders tremble, and then crazily rushed towards the copper wallet on the ground.

"Okay," Yin Nuo in the carriage patted Wen Xiaoyun's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's time for us to clean up those two bowls of wontons."

Wen Xiaoyun grabbed his hand and stared at him with burning eyes, "Don't you want to tell me, how did you arrange all this?"

Yin Nuo watched her clenched his hand, his brows trembled, and he paused for two seconds before reacting.

Uncontrollably, he leaned his body forward a little, getting close to her, the tip of his nose approaching hers, the sunlight reflected a dangerous light in his amber eyes, his breathing became inexplicably rough, and his voice became a little hoarse , "Didn't you see it a long time ago?"

Wen Xiaoyun let go of her hand like an electric shock, and she suddenly found that Yin Nuo's eyes were really beautiful, always full of bright light.For a moment, she was stunned.

Yin Nuo didn't dare to make too much use of this posture, he was a little afraid of the current self who was not under his control at all.

He patted her shoulder again as if to cover up, and said, "Let's get down to business first, what's the inside story, I'll tell you about it later." Then he got up and walked out of the carriage with a slight bow.

Seeing him jumping off the carriage neatly, Wen Xiaoyun came back to his senses, got up quickly, and walked out of the carriage together.

After Yin Nuo got out of the car outside, his pace suddenly became more leisurely, with one hand holding the saber at his waist and the other hand on his waist, he walked forward carelessly.

Wen Xiaoyun also tacitly slowed down and followed behind him.

At this time, at the crossroads ahead, the chaos at the wonton stall had calmed down, but the restlessness of the crowd became even more intense.

Because after the chaos at the wonton stall, Wen Xiaoyun arbitrarily named the third and second burdened man, and there was a more direct and more motivating big conflict!
(End of this chapter)

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