Chapter 703
Wen Xiaoyun noticed a key detail, "How do you know that the Wang family has Su Xuexin, who is also a Fengshui master? Did Wang Baoyan tell you?"

"Oh," this question stumped Lin Nan unexpectedly. He rolled his eyes and recalled carefully, "I really didn't think about it before. It wasn't Wang Yuanwai who told us. It seems that I don't know what to do. Since then, there have been rumors in various places where wealthy businessmen gather in Teng County that the Wang family has recruited a powerful outsider. He is young, with white hair, and he is able to cultivate immortals and practice Taoism. The local family became the magistrate's family of Yanzhou Prefecture step by step, all because of the guidance of that expert.

But someone curiously asked Wang Yuanwai, and Wang Yuanwai always said that those were just rumors.His younger brother was born intelligent, and he was able to become the magistrate of Yanzhou Prefecture step by step from a white clothed body, all relying on his own ability.

Although Wang Yuanwai wants to do business in our Teng County, but the background is too strong after all, he denies it, and we don't want to ask more questions. "

Wen Xiaoyun frowned and took a deep breath, "I don't know who sent it?"

Lin Nansheng was afraid that there was something wrong with it, so he stretched his neck quickly, and asked worriedly: "Warm torture room, is there anything wrong here?"

Only then did Wen Xiaojun regain his senses, and shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing, just keep talking."

Only then did Lin Nan heave a sigh of relief, and after thinking about what he had just said, he continued, "But by chance, Lin really saw a white-haired boy in Teng County. Under an old tree not far from the city. At that time, Lin was returning from Lin County after shopping. When he saw him by accident, he was frightened. But when I looked back, I remembered the rumors about Fengshui masters in the city. .

So Lin stopped the carriage at that time, raised the curtain, and looked at the man carefully.

He really deserves to be called a white-haired boy. Although the boy has white hair all over his head, he clearly looks like a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.Thick eyebrows, black eyes, and extremely white skin.When he smiled, there was a small dimple on the left cheek, he was really a very beautiful boy. "

Yin Nuo crossed his arms, frowned and said, "A little boy, how could he be a Feng Shui master?"

Lin Nan stretched his nose and looked at Yin Nuo again, "If you haven't heard about his rumors, Lin's thinking is exactly the same as Yin Butou's."

Wen Xiaojun asked, "What rumor?"

Lin Nan: "It is rumored that he is 130 years old, and his white hair is the proof. But because of the exercises he practiced, he looks like a child."

Wen Xiaoyun: "What was he doing at that time?"

Lin Nan said with a mysterious expression: "He was sitting on a doe, just raised his right hand, talking and laughing with a red long-tailed golden pheasant on his arm."

"Chat with a chicken?" The bearded man next to him opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, it's very fairy!" Lin Nan nodded heavily, "At that time, Lin wanted to go up to talk to the little fairy, but he didn't think about it, and just got out of the carriage, the little fairy seemed to find us, in the blink of an eye It just disappeared.

At that time, Lin led two bodyguards to chase up, but saw nothing except a small bag containing food and a sika deer struggling to get up. "

Wen Xiaoyun, "Why didn't the deer run away?"

"The deer seemed to be injured. We walked in and saw that it had bandages on its hind legs."

"So the white-haired boy is bandaging the deer?" Wen Xiaoyun was more and more surprised by the scene described by Lin Nan.

"That's right," Lin Nan nodded, "Although Master Su couldn't be found at the time, Lin thought it would be good if he could bring the deer back. Unexpectedly, he just told the two bodyguards on the left and right about this idea, and a message spread on the tree. A voice came. When we looked up, we saw the white-haired Master Su hanging upside down from the tree, looking at us sadly, and told us, don’t hurt that deer, good people will always be rewarded of.

I was frightened for a moment, and just as I was about to nod in agreement, Master Su jumped up to the top of the tree like a monkey, jumped to another tree and ran away like a fly. "

"Why does the more I listen, the more I think he's just a brat?" Wen Xiaoyun raised his hand in confusion and scratched his head.

"I dare not say that," Lin Nan piously defended, "It is said that the older the fairy, the more he looks like a child."

The corner of Wen Xiaoyun's mouth twitched, and he continued noncommittally: "Okay, you can continue."

Only then did Lin Nan continue, "Later, when our Lin family wanted to build a house, we thought that we should ask an expert to take a look at Feng Shui anyway. After preparing some gifts, we took the initiative to go to Master Su's main house, Wang Yuanwai's house I don't want to be Wang Yuanwai telling us that Master Su is not in good health and is taking care of him.

Because it takes a lot of energy to look after a set of feng shui for others, and if you don't have enough energy, you can't see it correctly even if you go to look at it for others.If you look forcibly, there is danger to your life.

Master Su is the benefactor of their Wang family, and their Wang family can't ask Master Su to take this risk anyway.

At that time, although our family felt that it was a pity, we also somewhat did not believe it, thinking that Wang Yuanwai only wanted to be a good Fengshui and a master of Fengshui by himself.But there is really no other way. "

Wen Xiaoyun: "Then how did Su Xuexin agree to design the yard for you?"

Lin Nan recalled and said: "It is also miraculous to say that we went back the first day, and the next day, an old servant in a cloak came to my house to ask for a visit, saying that he was appointed by Master Su to make friends.

As soon as he heard that Master Su sent someone, Lin hurriedly asked his servants to bring him in.

Unexpectedly, after entering, the old servant said something that could scare people to death.

He said that the Feng Shui of the land where we were going to build the building was not suitable for living.Although that piece of land is not considered prosperous now, a hundred years ago, it was a center of roads, with many roads radiating around it, and there was a constant flow of vehicles, horses and pedestrians.

Because of a flood, the houses and trees were destroyed, and it was slowly abandoned.In that flood, many people died, and their soul thoughts always shuttle back and forth here because they lost their direction.According to their lingo, this is a place where thousands of arrows pierce the heart. If people forcefully live there, not only will their careers be bleak, but their wives and children will be separated, and their families will be destroyed.

His family, Master Su, has a kind heart and does not want to see the world suffer such disasters for nothing, so he specially sent someone to chase him out and send us a letter.

He also said that although this piece of land is not suitable for living, but ten thousand arrows pierce the heart. In other words, it extends in all directions and is suitable for opening shops and doing business.

If our family is willing to pay a lot of money, Master Su can design a shop yard for us. "

Yin Nuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked questioningly: "Is that how you believe it?"

Lin Nan directly denied it without thinking, "Yin Butou, to tell you the truth, just two years ago, this piece of land was relatively remote. If we want to open a shop here, how can there be good business? So Although on the surface we are grateful to Master Su's old servant, in fact we just ignore him.

Lin was very disappointed at the time, thinking that some Feng Shui master,
He is nothing but a charlatan who scares people and only wants to collect more money.

But I didn't expect that the high-rise building was only half built, and two accidents happened inexplicably, and four carpenters who climbed the stairs died.

At that time, Lin was scared, and remembered what Master Su had said.The bad luck is not the worst. The death of four craftsmen may not be a big deal now, but if our Lin family lives in the future and encounters some dirty things, it will be troublesome.

So Lin decided to stop working on the construction site first, and then consult Master Su after his mother's [-]th birthday.

But I didn't expect it, as if I could predict Lin's thoughts in advance, on the evening of my mother's [-]th birthday, news came from the construction site, saying that Wang Yuanwai personally sent Master Su to the construction site.Ask him to help us redesign how the house should be built.

Hearing this news, Mr. Lin was overjoyed at the time. After seeing off relatives and friends who came to pay their respects to the birthday party at night, he drove to the construction site of the new house overnight in a carriage. "

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes turned cold, "So did you see Wang Yuanwai and Su Xuexin with your own eyes that night?"

Hearing this question, Lin Nan suddenly fell down and let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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