Chapter 716

This time, Hu Dongcai's face became even uglier.

He glared at Wen Xiaoyun with a sullen face, and raised his hand in front of her, "Bring it."

Wen Xiaojun frowned hesitantly, "Hu Xingfang, what do you want?"

"What else can it be?" Hu Dongcai's small eyes widened, "Take out the testimonial documents to the torture chamber!"

Wen Xiaoyun frowned slightly. Once the testimonial document was given to him, it meant that he had no basis to go in.Hu Dongcai could take this job on himself and prevent her from entering the second hall.

But if not, Hu Dongcai's is her immediate superior after all, and his request is completely reasonable.If he hadn't bumped into Hu Dongcai before, it would be okay to say, but now he was bumping into him. If he insisted on refusing to give it to her, and insisted on going to the second hall to report himself, he would be leapfrogging.If Hu Dongcai is caught on this charge, let alone secretly investigate Su Xuexin's case in the criminal room, even the normal paperwork may not be easy to do, and it is basically impossible to get along.

But after a full three-second pause, Wen Xiaoyun still took out the recording document.

Hu Dongcai smiled triumphantly, snatched the Chinese book from Wen Xiaoyun's hand, snorted hard with his nose tilted, turned around and was about to walk towards the second room of the yamen.

"Wait a minute, Hu Xingfang," Wen Xiaoyun strode forward and grabbed Hu Dongcai's sleeve, "I still have something to do, and I want to report it to you."

Hu Dongcai paused, looked down at Wen Xiaoyun grabbing his hand, wrinkled his nose and stared, his face full of disgust, "The adults are waiting for this document, what's the matter, let's talk about it in the torture room."

"It's about the documents." Wen Xiaoyun let go of Hu Dongcai's sleeve, "The documents are all testimony of a small dispute, but what the adults want to ask is that one of them is involved in a big case in a small dispute. Otherwise, the county magistrate will not be alarmed." Sitting in the courtroom with Mr. Dian Shi for trial. Although many records on the documents are only two sentences, but the subordinates still have relevant experiences and experiences at that time. The subordinates are afraid that Hu's punishment room will not know the details inside. Clear, I will add a few words to you right now."

As he said that, Wen Xiaojun filed down his back molars severely. Although he could not bear it, he would make a big mess, but he must not miss the opportunity that needs to be fought for.

Upon hearing this, Hu Dongcai's face immediately turned blue.

He was originally a grassroots member of the county yamen who started as a scribe in the punishment room, and he couldn't understand the hidden information inside and outside of Wen Xiaoyun's words.

Record documents, except for the testimony of the parties, are usually very concise.At that time, people would always pick up words that were beneficial to themselves.It is not easy to record the facts of this case and explain some dry things, let alone this involves other major cases.

So Wen Xiaoyun just said a few simple sentences, and definitely couldn't explain clearly.

At this moment, the big and tall policeman next to him became impatient, "Hu Xingfang, the county magistrate just sent a message to tell you two to go in, if you delay, I'm afraid I will be punished by the adults."

Hu Dongcai flicked his sleeves helplessly, and gave Wen Xiaoyun an angry look, "Why are you still standing there, let's go."

Without saying a word, Wen Xiaoyun walked forward with Hu Dongcai.

Walking outside the door of the second hall, Hu Dongcai first raised his hand and knocked lightly. Only when there were a few footsteps inside, the door was opened.

Hu Dongcai nodded slightly towards the man, and then took the lead, crossed the threshold of the second hall, and entered the inner room.

The layout of the room is the same as that of a general trial.

Kneeling under the hall is the boss of Cloth, Lin Nan.

Looking further up, Fu Yunlang, the magistrate of Teng County, can only take the lead.Sitting in the deputy seat is Yang Zhou, the official historian of Teng County.

When the two heard the movement at the door and saw Hu Dongcai and Wen Xiaoyun, they nodded slightly, signaling them, the torture room officials, to sit next to the master who was in charge of recording.

After taking his seat normally, Fu Yunlang turned his head to look at Yang Dianshi, "Master Yang, the scribes are all in place now, if you have any questions, it's fine."

Yang Dianshi's square face with Chinese characters was as cold as a small iceberg.

He turned his head to look at Lin Nan under the stage, and asked in a cold voice: "When did you start the business of exchanging silver and selling stolen goods?"

"My lord, the villain never wanted to touch the black market business of selling stolen goods," Lin Nan knelt on the ground, glanced at Wen Xiaoyun who had just entered, and hurriedly explained, "Before this transaction, the villain only I have done a few transactions of exchanging silver. But the silver is all clean, and it is all serious business.”

Yang Dianshi sneered, noncommittal, "Then when did you start trading in silver?"

"About August of the previous year, when the grassroots bought goods and returned by boat, there happened to be a businessman on the same boat, but he was from another place. During the chat, I learned that he was in a hurry to ask for a batch of very fine pure silver. [-]% of the scattered silver taels. Because it is beneficial, and the Caomin’s home is close to each other, and doing business, the broken silver is the most. It can be regarded as helping that person, and both sides are happy." Lin Nan replied in a hurry, " Originally, after this time, Cao Min never thought about doing the silver exchange business again. Firstly, he would not always meet suitable partners, and secondly, Cao Min also had some experience in the business field. Hearing it is true. The sale of silver exchange will involve the sale of stolen goods.

In this way, Cao Min would not have the guts to take any more risks.After all, we have a lot of property and our business is booming. There is no need to take that risk. We will meet again by chance on the boat later, so we will help him make a fortune along the way. "

Yang Dianshi let out a disdainful sneer from his nasal cavity, "I didn't realize that you are a law-abiding and helpful person."

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyes to look at Fu Yunlang, his face was very calm and flat, it seemed that he was just an inconspicuous background prop, a dispensable existence in this room at all.

Lin Nan hurriedly possessed himself and begged for mercy and said: "What kind of good people, I don't dare to take credit at all, my lord exalts me."

Yang Dianshi snorted coldly again, "You can't say what you want to raise or lower. Speaking of which, I don't understand a little bit. You keep saying that you don't dare to be involved in too many silver exchange transactions, let alone If you have half a cent involved with selling stolen goods, then why did you do it again when bandits sold stolen goods this time?"

"This time, Caomin didn't do it on purpose," Lin Nan waved his hand to deny, "Master Dianshi, this time the silver exchange transaction was originally met by Caomin on the boat. At first, I thought it was a foreign merchant. , Let’s talk about the exchange of silver. At the beginning, the amount was not large. Although it is also a good official bank, there are many examples of official bank circulating to the people and needing to be exchanged. The grassroots did not think much about it. This time they actually wanted to exchange thousands of taels of silver with the grassroots at once."

(End of this chapter)

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