Chapter 722

Old man Wang looked at the expensive food at Uncle Fu's table, and suddenly laughed.The two chatted and chatted like this, and got to know each other.After a few days, old man Wang has completely regarded old man Fu as a friend.

Uncle Fu saw the right time, first he complained about his wife being too nagging, and then he naturally led the conversation to "avoiding Little People's Day".

He only said that he had just picked up the scissors that day, and was scolded by his wife for a long time.

Hearing this, Old Man Wang's expression darkened immediately, and he waved his hands quickly, emphasizing that he really had to care about avoiding Little People's Day.A pair of scissors can lead to death.

Old man Fu's heart moved, but there was nothing abnormal on the surface, he just followed the old man Wang's words and asked further.

The rest hardly took any effort, and the old man Wang asked about the unlucky farmer.

Although the old man Wang didn't say much, he clearly pointed out that the farmer was wronged.It's just that the two bandits who killed the farmer are their accomplices, and the police have nothing to do.

Of course, Old Man Fu knew that Old Man Wang was covering up his daughter's best friend.But in any case, the fact that the farmer is innocent is beyond doubt.

After returning, Old Man Fu truthfully relayed the situation to Fu Yunlang.

Fu Yunlang, who was sitting on the bed and reading a book, heard the news and lay down completely paralyzed.

He knew that it was a taboo to avoid Valentine's Day, and holding scissors when it shouldn't be was all bullshit.

The real reason, in fact, everyone knows, everyone avoids the past in order to protect themselves.

It was just taking a pair of scissors, how could it really bring about a murderous disaster.The only reason is that the officers and soldiers urgently need to expand the results of the battle, and catch more bandits and go back to pretend to be rewards.

After confirming these things, Fu Yunlang was deeply hit again.

He couldn't figure out how the yamen could be so shameless that they could even make unjust, false and wrongly decided cases of this level?
What made him even more regretful was that he only read what was recorded on the dossier and believed what the master said.Abandoned those interviews that were too simple to be simple.

Maybe he visited around at that time and discovered the truth of the incident in time, so he could win a chance for that innocent farmer.

But even if he found out at that time, could he really turn it into a case?
He has been fighting with the Populus euphratica family until now, but he can't even grab the real power of the county magistrate.If we really find out the truth of the case, will we be able to turn things around against the wind?

In the end, Fu Yunlang covered the cup in despair, and fell ill completely.

Looking back on the scene at that time, Fu Yunlang is still extremely depressed.

A few days ago, after hearing Yin Nuo's report, he combined Yin Nuo and the little power he had developed in Teng County to thoroughly investigate all the details and actions of Lin Nan.

It was quickly confirmed that he was not a bandit, but a profiteer who knowingly committed crimes and sold stolen goods for silver.

But things are not that simple. Based on Fu Yunlang's past experience, he believes that as long as Lin Nan falls into the hands of the Yang family this time, he will definitely not escape the death penalty, and he will also be thrown into bandits and bandits lurking in the county town, waiting for opportunities to cause chaos charges.

Although Lin Nan is not innocent, he is not guilty of death.In this way, he once again became the unjust victim of the Yang family's subordinates.Fu Yunlang couldn't accept it.

What's more, with the help of Yin Nuo and Wen Xiaoyun this time, he never wants to compromise with the Yang family again.

So Fu Yunlang specially told Yin Nuo about the unlucky farmers, and about the following cases.

In short, they all have one thing in common, that is, no matter whether they are guilty or not, no matter whether the crime is serious or minor, as long as they have a little relationship with bandits and bandits, they will all be classified as bandits by the Yang family.All were sentenced to death.

There were even some who were deliberately let go by the Yang family, and finally chased after them. They were directly charged with absconding in fear of crime and executed on the spot.

After talking about all this, Fu Yunlang specially instructed Yin Nuo.

Tell him to report Lin Nan's crime as lightly as possible. After arriving at the Yamen, if Yang Zhou refuses to speak up for the first time, or has no objection, they will expose Lin Nan's real crime little by little, and finally deal with it according to law.

But if Yang Zhou still wanted to turn Lin Nanzhi into a bandit this time, he would see Yang Zhou in the process.

Fight for the final bargain, take the middle number of two and one plus five, and make Lin Nan a crime of selling stolen goods for silver, which not only maintains justice, but also frustrates the spirit of the Yang family. s Choice.

Originally, Fu Yunlang's plan was very good.He thought that as long as he explained clearly to Yin Nuo, Wen Xiaoyun would naturally know too.After all, the two lived together.

And during the day, Yin Nuo was responsible for sending Wen Xiaoyun out for medical treatment.There must be plenty of time to chat and talk.

But he never expected that at the critical moment, Wen Xiaoyun would stand by Yang Zhou's side, echoing what he said, and singing against him.

It was completely different from what he expected.

What the hell went wrong?
A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Fu Yunlang's back.

Could it be that Yin Nuo was too busy recently to tell Wen Xiaoyun of their plan at all?

Thinking of this, Fu Yunlang only felt his heart go cold.

With the abilities of Yin Nuo and Wen Xiaoyun and the reputation of the families behind them, Fu Yunlang really trusted them.

But who would have thought that at a critical moment, Wen Xiaoyun would actually sing against her.

Could it be that in this world, others are unreliable, and the only one who can be relied on is yourself?

Fu Yunlang on this side was secretly anxious, while Wen Xiaoyun on the other side was calm and relaxed.

She was waiting for Yang Zhou's response.

I saw Yang Zhou's thick eyebrows first frowned impatiently, then pondered for a moment, then raised his eyes and gave Wen Xiaoyun a cold look, "Isn't this obvious? You still need this little torture room What did the scribe say?"

Fu Yunlang's face became even more gloomy.

Even though Wen Xiaoyun didn't do a good job in this matter, but he is the only son of his mentor after all, and he was a young boy in the first day of Fengming Dynasty. Being reprimanded by Yang Zhou like this made Fu Yunlang feel more uncomfortable than being scolded himself.

Wen Xiaoyun's face remained as usual, "My lord, this subordinate is not qualified to speak, but the case of Lin Nan's sale of stolen goods for silver was discovered by my subordinate and Yin Tutou when they were dealing with the Wuguanqian case.

Whether it's the testimonies or the witnesses and material evidence at that time, the subordinates and Yin Butou can't understand it very well.

If your lord wants to convict Lin Nan, you must need the statements of various evidences from his subordinates. "

Yang Zhou raised his eyebrows contemptuously, and looked at Wen Xiaoyun with suspicion.

But after a short pause, he still agreed with Wen Xiaoyun's statement, "Okay, now tell me the evidence that Lin Nan knew that the batch of money was official money."

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes drooped slightly, and he glanced lightly at Lin Nan who was kneeling on the ground.

I saw him kneeling on the ground, although he looked very timid, but he didn't collapse and lost his composure, as if he had expected what she was about to say.

The corners of Wen Xiaoyun's lips were slightly curved, forming a shallow arc.

How exactly Yin Nuo wants to deal with the faction of the Yang family, she has already figured it out.

She raised her hand to cover her lips, coughed lightly, adjusted her voice, and said that in the morning Yin Nuo was looking for evidence that the Wuguan money came from the Lin family. The matter of the silver ingot with the words "Words" was told truthfully from the beginning to the end.

It's just that the brothers from the car dealership and boat dealership sent by Yin Nuo to verify and follow up with Lin's tricks are all hidden.

But even if he only said these things, Fu Yunlang's teeth itch with hatred.

Because what Wen Xiaoyun said was exactly the same as what Yin Nuo told him.

This means that he has no reservations about Yang Zhou, and Qing waits for him to make a killer move and take control of the overall situation.

On the other side, Yang Zhou's mood became more and more comfortable the more he listened.

Although Wen Xiaoyun was obviously not someone who wanted to be on the side of their Yang family, but this time he handled things with a little discernment.

It seems that it is also a fool who can drill.

But it doesn't matter whether he is stupid or not, as long as he is sensible and obedient where he is needed.

Yang Zhou likes to see this kind of licking dog who takes the initiative to deliver to his door.

Taking the initiative to deliver it to the door means waiting for the reward from their Yang family.

He, Yang Zhou, would naturally throw three melons and two dates to deal with the dog legs.It's just that since he came to ask for it on his own initiative, it all depends on his mood when he throws bones at them and how many bones he throws at a time.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhou sneered unknowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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