Chapter 79

Along with the terrified cry, there were also cat ears wrapped in a face scarf.

He uses all fours and moves swiftly and vigorously like a real cat.

Seeing the cat's ears tumble onto the grass outside the well, Wen Xiaoyun hurried up, "Brother Er, are there many bones in it?"

The cat ears rolled on the ground, stopped and stood up, holding the hands with oilcloth gloves in front of Wen Xiaoyun.

"I went down to the bottom, and I smelled a choking stench through the scarf, but when I was shaking the fire, all I saw were stones. One of the hand bones can still be seen as a humanoid."

Everyone leaned forward and saw that the cat's ear was really half a broken human hand.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Yanzhou Mansion has not had a major case for nearly two years, but no one expected that there would be a pile of human bones here.

This means that although no one reported the case on the surface, in fact, Yanzhou City has always been undercurrent.

At this time, a policeman with a knife hurried into the backyard, "Yin catcher, Yin push officer is here."

While speaking, Yin Tuiguan brought Xu Xuzuo to the front.

Seeing the half of the hand bones, Yin Ganhua immediately ordered to salvage all the bones in the dry well and inspect them one by one.

Xu Yuzuo immediately entered the state, full of energy and began to use the various methods in "The Collection of Injustices" to examine the ancient clues.

After a lot of tossing, Wen Xiaoyun recorded all the examination information of the corpse.

Xu Yuzuo concluded that these were the remains of young women who had died one after another in the past two years.

A total of three different women.

Almost all are between the ages of 14 and up.

Moreover, the corpses had been chopped up with sharp blades, and the incisions were as neat and flat as Du Ying'er's.

And one of the most startling coincidences was that another missing bone was found in the well, which was exactly aligned with the belly of the wild dog.

It's terrifying to watch.

Wen Xiaoyun's face became more and more gloomy.

Yin Qianhua's brows were also furrowed, "It has been two consecutive years of uninterrupted committing crimes. I am afraid that this case is very involved, and the clues are complicated and difficult to sort out. The fastest way now is to follow Du Ying'er's clue and follow-up. Enter, find out how she traveled after she ran away from home, and where and by whom did she suffer."

Yin Nuo gritted his teeth, "It should be not far away. Wen Xiaoyun only saw Du Ying'er at noon, and she died here at night. She definitely won't go too far. The murderer must be in the east of the city."

Wen Xiaoyun nodded, "And the murderer's methods are cruel. We have checked inside and outside, and there is no trace of murder. So this should not be the place where Miss Du's life was killed."

Going back and forth will shorten the time between Miss Du's departure from home and her murder. "

Cat Ear nodded vigorously, "The scope of investigation is even smaller."

Yin Qianhua clenched his fists, looked around, and gave orders sharply.

"By the way, the torture room." Yin Nuo wanted to pretend to be restrained to the end, but finally he couldn't match his curiosity, "How do you judge that there are still bones in that wild dog's belly?"

Wen Xiaojun replied without raising his head, "That's a dog that eats corpses.

It is said that this place used to be a plague village, but there have been no dead bodies for many years, how can there be such a large number of wild dogs?

Moreover, before the wild dog was about to die, he was desperately running to this yard, and I felt that things were not so simple.

From the posture before death, it can be seen that it came to eat the body of Miss Du Jia.

With such proficiency, it is very likely that you have eaten it before, or even often.As a result, human bones were found in its stomach, which matched the girl in the dry well.So it can be inferred that someone deliberately circled such a group of deadly wild dogs to eat the corpses. "

The cat ears and the group of catchers turned pale when they heard this.

Some of them have been involved in many homicides, and although some have never experienced any homicides, they have seen a lot of brutal scenes of fights and bloodshed.But all of these are not as scary as Wen Xiaoyun's analysis.

What she meant by these words was that there was a murderous and inhumane horrific murderer hidden in the Yanzhou Mansion.

Not only chopped up those young girls and animals into several large pieces, but also threw them into the yard to be eaten by wild dogs.Finally, the remaining wreckage was thrown into the well and covered with rubble.Such beastly behavior is far beyond the scope of human beings.

What is even more terrifying is that such a murderer has always lived under their noses, and it is even very likely that they will pass him by when they are walking on the street.This speculation is too scary.Enough to make them have nightmares for a month in a row.

"Warning room," Yin Qianhua turned his head to look at Wen Xiaoyun, his eyes dignified, "you immediately take someone to Du's house. According to Du Youhe's reaction last night, taking Du Ying'er to the dead manservant step by step, it is very It might be Hu Ba, a servant of the Du House. If this is the case, if you follow this line, you should soon be able to find out their route and the truth of the case."

(End of this chapter)

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