Chapter 829 Perjury

Wen Xiaojun bowed and bowed his hands to salute, and did not keep his mouth idle. He seized the opportunity to explain to himself, "Hu torture room, my subordinate is sorting out files in the torture room, and suddenly heard a scream from outside. Before the subordinate stood up and went out to check , these people broke in suddenly, insisting that the screams came from our torture room. But my subordinates had brothers from the two rooms next door to testify, and they walked back to the torture room alone. Xiao Xiao was afraid of the dark, so after entering the torture room and lighting the lamp, he locked the door behind him. There was no one else in the room."

As Wen Xiaoyun said, he raised his hand and pointed inwards at the stacks of dangling books placed in front of each bookshelf aisle, "Not only does my subordinate have witnesses to prove his innocence, but there also happens to be physical evidence in the room. Because just now you told the documents and files in the torture room that you must In order to reorganize clearly, in a hurry, the subordinates came up with the idea of ​​roughly picking out the relevant order of copywriting and placing them on the ground in an approximate order. Afterwards, while sorting out, they put them back on the bookshelf in the corrected order.

Everyone can see that because of the rush of time, these stacks of books are very unstable, and if someone touches them a little, they will fall over.

Now the outer room is empty, with a clear view, there is no one else at all, and there are piles of books piled up in front of the bookshelves inside, how can people get in? "

Hu Dongcai and all the yamen servants crowded together at the door raised their heads at the same time, and looked in the direction Wen Xiaoyun pointed.

The scene was exactly as Wen Xiaoyun said.

Only the bookshelf in front of the passage that the Yazi Yamen servant had entered just now collapsed.

However, the stack of books was indeed collapsed by the Yamen servant himself, and the people at the door could see this clearly.

However, Hu Dongcai did not see that scene with his own eyes. He turned his head and glanced coldly at another yamen servant standing against the wall, "The stack of books was collapsed when you came in, or Yang Zizi went in and knocked it down." of?"

The yamen servant nodded hastily, "Yang Zizi met it."

Hu Dongcai raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes became more gloomy, "Then what Wen Shuli said is true?"

The yamen servant nodded quickly, "It's true—" But just as he spoke halfway, his head shook like a rattle again, "It's not true, it's not true!"

Hu Dongcai snorted coldly in disdain, squeezed out a few words from his teeth, "Bastard! Is it true or not?!"

The yamen servant was so frightened by the stern voice that his legs went weak, and he almost knelt on the ground, shaking his hands as if begging for mercy, "Hu Xingfang, don't be angry, old man. The small thing is that half of Wen Shuli's words are true, and half are true. Not true.

The pile of books on the bookshelf at the back is all true, but the testimony from the witness in front is simply nonsense!Wen Shuli said that the scribes in the two rooms next door could testify to him.But the little ones rushed here directly after hearing the testimonials of the scribes in the two rooms next door. "

Wen Xiaoyun's heart suddenly tugged.

Obviously, these people in the yamen just want to falsely accuse her, and give false testimony to frame her!

What happened afterwards also just confirmed her conjecture.

Hearing what the yamen servant said, Hu Dongcai turned around and glanced towards the door with sharp eyes, "Who provided the clues and testimony? Come out and confront!"

As soon as the voice fell, two people squeezed in from behind the crowd.

Wen Xiaoyun took a closer look, and it turned out to be the two little scribes whom he had just greeted before.

(End of this chapter)

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