God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 836 The murderer shows up!

Chapter 836 The murderer shows up!

He waved vigorously towards the door again, "Come here! Send Wen Xiaoyun to prison immediately!"

Seeing that Dian Shi Yang Zhou was going back on his word and was about to finalize the case in a hurry, Hu Ke, the county magistrate next to him, immediately grabbed Yang Zhou's sleeve, and calmly persuaded him, "Hey~ Yang Dian Shi didn't need to get angry, he confirmed the murderer's identity." For the crimes, the real approval of the death penalty has to be uploaded to the capital, and Zhu Zhu must be asked to come back.

What's more, the current situation has not been clarified, so why can't I ask others to defend themselves? "Speaking, Hu Ke turned to look at Fu Yunlang who had been silent all the time, "Master Fu, do you think this is the reason? "

Fu Yunlang nodded, "Cheng Hu's words are very true. Shuli Wen, if you find anything, just tell me."

Wen Xiaoyun finally waited for this opportunity, quickly lifted up the hem of his clothes, and showed the blood-stained place to everyone to watch carefully.

"Before defending yourself," Wen Xiaojun stepped into Fu Yunlang, and said in a deep voice, "Please three adults, please touch the blood on the hem of your subordinate's clothes."

Fu Yunlang was the first to stretch out his hand, and rubbed the blood stains, his fingertips were immediately wet and red.

The county magistrate Hu Ke also stretched out his hand, and his fingertips were also soaked in blood.

Wen Xiaojun held up the clothes to Yang Zhou again.

Yang Zhou chuckled, and didn't even bother to make a move.

For this, Wen Xiaojun seemed to have been mentally prepared. She was not angry, but instead retracted the hem of her clothes, and went to rub the blood on her own.Then he raised his finger and showed the blood stained on it to everyone, his eyes were extremely firm, "Three adults, this blood stain is the evidence that this subordinate was planted."

Fu Yunlang, "How do you say that?"

"These bloodstains on the hem of my subordinate's clothes are fresh and moist, and this is the biggest flaw!" Wen Xiaoyun replied boldly, "Let's look at the murder scene ahead again, and the large bloodstain beside Yang He's corpse has obviously solidified and dried up. It's normal Said that the small blood spots on the clothes should coagulate faster.

If the opposite is true, then there is only one explanation.This is someone who took advantage of the chaos and spilled it on his subordinates. "

Hu Ke, the county magistrate, stroked his goatee and kept nodding, "That's true."

Wen Xiaoyun looked around at the people in the room, and finally his eyes fell on the Yazi servant, "Since someone entered the door, there is only one person who has the time and opportunity to splash blood on Wen's clothes, and that is you." !"

Wen Xiaoyun waved his hand sharply and pointed at the Yamen servant.

The yamen servant suddenly panicked, turned around and wanted to run away.His reaction is indeed fast enough, but there is another person who reacts faster than him.

That was Yin Nuo who was next to him. With one hand, he grabbed him tightly, "Where are you running!"

As he said that, Yin Nuo skillfully searched the yamen servant up and down.

Sure enough, a palm-sized leather pouch was found.Unscrewing the plug of the pouch and pouring it out, it turned out to be red blood.

Behind him, Yang Zhou's face darkened instantly, and he took a step forward and kicked the yamen servant in the chest, "Say! You are not a butcher who kills chickens and sheep, why do you carry a bag of blood with you? Frame him up on him? Say, did you kill Wu Zuo Yang He?!"

Hearing this, Wen Xiaoyun frowned suddenly.

She had a bad premonition that Yang Zhou's words would actually lead the Yazi Yamen to find a window for a reverse breakthrough.

Facts have proved that Wen Xiaoyun's intuition is quite accurate.

After listening to Yang Zhou's words, the Yazi yamen servant, who was bent over clutching his stomach in pain, suddenly had an inspiration.

He quickly waved his hand and said begging for mercy: "Master Yang, I am wronged. Although my family is not a butcher, I have been unlucky for the past two days, and I have encountered some scary and evil things. This blood bag contains righteousness. It's chicken blood to ward off evil spirits. Maybe it accidentally got on Wen Shuli's body, and later told the little one to misread it, which made such a big joke. The little one really didn't do it on purpose, let alone a murderer!"

Wen Xiaoyun sneered, "If it's really chicken blood, it must not escape Xu Wuzuo's eyes. You can test it later and you will know."

Fu Yunlang was puzzled, "Does Shuli Wen say that the blood still came from Yang He?"

It's not that he doesn't believe in Wen Xiaoyun, it's just that he has seen too much about the methods of Hu Yang's family.

He was afraid that the Populus euphratica family would really come up with some evil evidence to back it up.

"That's right," Wen Xiaoyun explained calmly, because chicken blood is easy to distinguish from human blood, and those who want to frame me will not prepare a bag of chicken blood.

And an hour ago, the subordinate had seen Yang He, the young master.Half an hour ago, the subordinate walked into the execution room and locked the door, and began to sort out the official documents.The time when Yang He was murdered must have been within this period of time.

Those who want to pin the murder charge on their subordinates must have known about Yang He's murder.

The only person who knew about the murder was the murderer, except for the witnesses.

But this is a locked secret room, and there is a large bookcase in front of it, so people outside the door and window can't peep at it.There could be no other witnesses.

Then there is only one possibility left, that is, the framer is the murderer! "

(End of this chapter)

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