God arresting adults slapped in the face again

Chapter 849, the man behind the scenes, please come out

Chapter 849, the man behind the scenes, please come out
"They wanted to kill you, Wen Shuli?" Fu Yunlang's face changed, and his sense of joy at seeing the case was about to be forced was instantly diluted.

He clearly knew that the only people who could set up such an institution in the yamen and intend to get rid of Wen Xiaoyun could only be people in the yamen.

Looking at the entire Teng county yamen, the person who has the best chance of achieving this step is Hu Dongcai, a close relative of the Hu family, the subordinate official of the punishment room.

Although Fu Yunlang once believed in Hu Dongcai, it was that trust that made him fully understand what it means to be alone and helpless.

However, no matter how arrogant the Hu Yang family was in his impression, he still couldn't believe that they would be so obvious against him.

Of course, it's not that they still have the last trace of kindness in their hearts, otherwise the team of arresting squad that Fu Yunlang personally promoted before would not be wiped out by the bandits.

He was very clear about that case. On the surface it was an ambush by bandits, but in fact it was the encirclement and suppression of him by the Populus euphratica family.

And the only reason why Hu Yang and his family dare not attack him easily is because of Fu Yunlang's background.

He Fu Yunlang not only came from a famous family, but also worshiped the two brothers Wen Tuguan and Yin Tuguan as his teachers.

There are too many pairs of eyes fixed on him.

If the Populus euphratica family killed him easily, it would only invite terrible counterattacks and revenge.

To the outside world, Wen Xiaoyun and Yin Nuo are Yin Tuiguan's only son and closed disciples.

Although official Yin Tui is clean and honest, he has a terrifyingly wide network of contacts, if he really dares to attack his son and disciples, he is undoubtedly seeking his own death.

But this group of frenzied Zhima officials really went straight to the black hands and killed them.

Especially Yang Zhou.

Fu Yunlang has long been aware of Yang Zhou's methods.

Fu Yunlang believes that Yang Zhou is not stupid, in fact, he can be called ambitious and resourceful.

He never tried to be brave, and he was best at short-selling the white wolf's lucrative business.

There must be some serious reason behind it that he would be willing to go out and attack Wen Xiaoyun regardless of the cost.

Fu Yunlang's increasingly gloomy face, Wen Xiaoyun saw it all.

But she just raised her eyebrows slightly, and replied in a casual and relaxed tone, "It's right here."

She turned her eyes to Yang Zhou's face behind, and said with a half-smile: "Actually, the person who really wants to get rid of his subordinates is not this yamen servant with a mole at the corner of his mouth, nor is it someone outside. Not even that catcher Yang.

The person who really wants to get rid of his subordinates is in this room. "

Fu Yunlang's face turned even paler, "This, in this room?"

Wen Xiaoyun looked directly at Yang Zhou with sharp eyes, "But my subordinates have been sorting out documents in the yamen all the time, and have never done anything out of line. Why did he offend such a terrible person and tell him to put his subordinates to death?" Can't it?

The subordinates thought about it carefully, and finally thought of something. "

Hearing this, Yin Nuo's heart trembled.

He has been able to determine the identity of the murderer.

She understood better what Wen Xiaoyun was thinking of.

That was the Su Xuexin I met today.

Su Xuexin not only stretched her hand into the cottage, but also ambushed her confidants and eyeliners in the yamen earlier.

And he also had a strong premonition that Su Xuexin might also be a member of Wen Xiangjiao.

Based on his skill and ability, if he is really a member of Wen Xiang's teaching, he should also be a candidate at the sect master level.

However, the matter between Wen Xiangjiao and the bandits involves too much hidden information, so it is not appropriate to disclose it here.

Thinking of this, Yin Nuo swallowed nervously.

Although he has always been very confident in the tacit understanding between Wen Xiaoyun and him, when it came to this critical point, he still couldn't help being nervous, frightened, and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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