Chapter 851
As if sensing Yin Nuo's worry, Wen Xiaojun glanced in his direction naturally, his gaze was confident and calm, like a tranquil blue lake, calming Yin Nuo's mood.

That's right, Wen Xiaoyun has never been a rash person.

He should have always trusted her.

Yang Zhou, who had been sneering all the time, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wen Xiaoyun, with his arms wrapped around his chest in disdain, "It's really ridiculous, since those things have flowed into the black market, they are bought by dubious people at low prices, it's perfectly normal If all these can be counted as the crime of the stolen person, wouldn't it be too ridiculous?"

Regarding Yang Zhou's doubts, Wen Xiaojun smiled as expected, with a sharp cold light flashing in his eyes, "Master Dian Shi is right, it is not uncommon for stolen goods to enter the black market and be bought by bandits. There's nothing out of the ordinary either.

Because the really abnormal link is still behind.

Master Dianshi, do you know where are those gold and silver jewelry artifacts now? "

Yang Zhou snorted coldly, "How can I know?"

Wen Xiaojun smiled, and turned to the direction outside the door with ulterior motives, "Just ask Yang Jiaoyu and the subordinate staff who lost something that day to come in and find out."

Fu Yunlang suddenly thought of something and took over the conversation, "But those hollow sachets and jade pendants they wear every day?"

Wen Xiaoyun turned to look at Fu Yunlang, and nodded, "Exactly, what Yang Jiaoyu was wearing was a white jade waist hanging, what Li Xuli once lost was a gold-plated hollow sachet, and what Huang Xuli lost was a A purse full of broken silver."

Hearing this, Yin Nuo understood that it was time for him to appear on stage.

He took a step forward and said: "This subordinate attended Yang Jiaoyu's banquet with Wen Shuli that day. Because Yang Jiaoyu and several subordinate officials have extraordinary manners, and the things they wear are very elegant, so I am very impressed. profound."

The faces of the people in the room changed after hearing this.

Even the most sophisticated and cunning Canon History Yang Zhou's eyes flickered with guilt.

The corners of Wen Xiaoyun's lips hooked slightly.

Yin Nuo's words are like a soft knife, piercing the enemy's vitals with incomparable precision.

It's true that those jewelry items are not vulgar, to the point that Yang Zhituo and a few small subordinates are not qualified to wear them at all.

The Fengming Dynasty had a very strict hierarchical system.

Ordinary people are not even allowed to wear certain bright colors, and the height of houses is also limited to a fixed height.Various restrictions such as the wheels of the car and the size of the carriage involve all aspects of people's basic necessities of life.

The higher the status, the less restrictions to enjoy, and the lower the status, the more restrictions to bear.

Although after two or three hundred years of evolution, the concept of the Fengming Dynasty's hierarchical system has been increasingly downplayed and avoided by people, but in name, wearing jewelry that does not suit one's identity is still an illegal and criminal act.

It's just that the management is loose, and everyone tacitly knows that they should wear and wear them.

Yin Nuo used this to imply that he and Wen Xiaoyun were outsiders, and it was very natural and reasonable to be particularly impressed by the jewelry on Yang Zhituo and the others.

Regarding the abnormality on everyone's faces, Yin Nuo just pretended not to see it, smiled meaningfully, and continued: "But at that time, although my subordinates and Wen Shuli remembered the unique appearance of those few pieces of jewelry, they still couldn't understand them. I didn't think much about it. Later, when investigating clues in various cases, I especially inquired about the black market in Teng County, and my subordinates wanted to find out some other news, but something unexpected happened."

(End of this chapter)

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