Chapter 854 Black Hand
Thinking of this, Yang Zhou sharply filed his back molars.

He was careless.

Just because he was afraid of the influence of that old guy Yin Qianhua, he showed affection for Yin Nuo and Wen Xiaoyun, a pair of little bastards.That's why they dug such a big hole for the entire Yang family.

Yang Zhou's eyes became more and more sinister.

The current plan is to remedy the situation as soon as possible.

All loopholes must be plugged and all hidden dangers must be eliminated before the imperial court's troops to suppress the bandits arrive.

Hearing this and seeing Yang Zhou's expression, the old fox Hu Ke already had a prediction in his heart.

Tonight's Tengxian county government is afraid that a shocking change will take place.

He closed his mouth again, moved quietly, and once again hid his figure in the shadow of a corner beside him.

Yin Nuo continued: "Now my subordinates have conclusive witness and material evidence, which can prove that the bandit colluded with Catcher Yang who came out of Yang's family.

And the two pieces of jewelry that returned to the waist of the original owner also confirmed the words of the captured bandit courier. Those jewelry were originally a meeting gift for Yang Jiaoyu and several subordinate officials from their masters on the mountain.

Even the bracelet of the concubine's concubine in Dian Shi Yang's family was a gift from their cottage.

Tonight, the subordinate wanted to give the adults all the news in detail as soon as they returned to the yamen.I don't want to hear that there was a murder case in the torture room as soon as I entered the gate, and all the adults were here. "

Fu Yunlang's face turned pale following Yin Nuo's words.

He wasn't frightened by Yin Nuo's identification, but became extremely excited.

He never expected that Yin Nuo's work was so delicate and the progress of the investigation was so fast.

The current situation can almost directly take Dian Shi Yang Zhou into prison for interrogation.

Just when Fu Yunlang was looking for an excuse to arrest Yang Zhou with great excitement, the other one spoke first.

"My lord, the suspicion of the Yang family is not limited to this." Wen Xiaoyun took a step forward and said in a very strong voice: "The source of the wood used to make the bookshelf partitions can be verified through comparison.

Once it is confirmed that it is the one that Detective Yang commissioned the coffin shop to make.The identity of Detective Yang as one of the behind-the-scenes black hands can be regarded as a certainty.

But tonight, Detective Yang didn't say anything outside, and his brothers from the arresting squad were watching wherever he went.

Then there must be someone who arranges the scene and kills with his own hands.

However, in the yamen, carrying the corpses in a grand manner, and dragging the footsteps of the subordinates, telling the subordinates to enter the house only after the organs of the corpse of Yang He, the coordinator of the office, are arranged. .

The most suspicious thing at present is the group of government servants following him.

The current plan is to speed up their interrogation and find out the first scene where Yang Hezuo was killed as soon as possible.Confess the real murderer hiding behind them. "

Hearing this, Yang Zhou raised his head suddenly, and laughed a few times indifferently, "It seems that you must blame our Yang family for this blame." He lowered his head again and narrowed his eyes. He closed his eyes and stared at Wen Xiaoyun viciously, "Even if your hypotheses are true, the black hands behind it are our Yang family. Why do our Yang family do these things? It took so much trouble to trap you A little scribe who is smaller than a sesame seed?"

Wen Xiaoyun sneered, looked up at Yang Zhou, and said word by word: "When my subordinate and Yin Tutou went out to seek medical treatment, they passed through a woodland and were accidentally robbed by bandits. Among them, I saw Su Xuexin, who had been dead for many years. .

But helplessly, the other party has many people and powerful forces, Su Xuexin has a demon in her body, and it is a blessing in misfortune that her subordinates and Yin Butou can barely survive and come back, let alone arrest Su Xuexin and bring him to justice.

The bandit Su Xuexin escaped there, and his subordinates and Yin Tutou hurried to the Yamen.

But will Su Xuexin just watch us go back to the yamen to rescue the soldiers, without taking any action? "

(End of this chapter)

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