Chapter 857 Desperate
Facing Yin Nuo's questioning every word, even the sinister Yang Zhou's eyes flickered.

However, Yin Nuo did not intend to relax at all. He walked forward with his head held high, approaching Yang Zhou step by step, and said in a sharp voice, "Lord Dian Shi, I'm afraid you would never have imagined that in addition to the confession from Lin County in the Wuguan Qian case, there are other things in his hands." Confessions of the younger members of the Yang family.

Originally, they were instructed by you to stir up troubles everywhere in Tengxian County, to attract Yin's attention, so that Yin could not investigate any clues and details related to the Tengxian arrest squad's case, and even more There is no time to pay attention to the bandits hiding in Dongshan.

But you didn't expect that it was these little guys who played tricks behind the scenes and provoked everywhere, leaking the secret of the arresting class's case.

Yin has been to Teng County to investigate cases before, and there are friends of Yin in all walks of life.

Those little guys thought they were perfect, but every one of them could escape the analysis of Yin and Wen Shuli.

As long as someone from Yin turned all the details of those small cases into pictures and handed them to Wen Shuli, he would be able to restore and solve all those small cases.Even the Yinzi character who caused the incident in the first place could not escape his discernment.

After finding out these people who were hiding in the dark to stir up trouble, Yin immediately invited friends from all walks of life in Teng County, told their characteristics, drew portraits, and asked them to identify them.

It turned out that these people had three common characteristics.

One is that they all work in the yamen, and [-]% of them are from Yin's arrest squad.

The second is that they are all related to the Yang family.Either a young man attached to the Yang family's influence, or a relative of the Yang family.

The third is their working hours, almost all of them were added to the yamen after the entire army of the arresting squad was wiped out.

Especially the third point, Yin must pay special attention to it.So Yin used his skill of interrogating the thieves a little bit, and asked those people to confess and sign their names one by one.

Master Dianshi, guess what?Passed the news of the arresting squad, especially the various news about Hong Yang, the former head arrester, to the bandits, and even cooperated with the bandits inside and outside, and the people who caught Hong Yang and all the Hu family arresters in one go, were all testified one by one by them. It was confirmed.Not only that, someone from Yin also confiscated the shop where Yang Jiaoyu, Li Luohua and other subordinate officials lost their jewelry.Just from their account books, there are dozens of records of the Yang family communicating with bandits! "

Hearing this, the hairs on Wen Xiaoyun's body stood on end.

It's not that she's afraid, she's just shocked by Yin Nuo's super power once again.

As for the stage of the interrogation statement, he took it over with a few words understatement.But even if you think with your toes, you can imagine how firm the process is.

Not to mention raiding the antique shop hidden in the black market in Teng County by Yang's nephew without the yamen executing official documents.

Yang Zhou's face became more and more red, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. He thought that he had underestimated the abilities of Yin Nuo and Wen Xiaoyun, but he didn't expect that the degree of his underestimation was so wrong.

With just this passage, they can find out the details of their Yang family, cut off all their livelihoods, and in the end they can only end up in a miserable end.

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes froze, followed Yinuo's words, and continued to ask aggressively, "Master Dianshi, the crimes you have committed are far more than that.

The timbers used to make the shelves' dividers can be compared to verify their provenance.

Once it is confirmed that it is the one that Detective Yang commissioned the coffin shop to make.The identity of Detective Yang as one of the behind-the-scenes black hands can be regarded as a certainty.

But tonight, Detective Yang didn't say anything outside, and his brothers from the arresting squad were watching wherever he went.

Then there must be someone who arranges the scene and kills with his own hands.

However, in the yamen, carrying the corpses in a grand manner, and dragging the footsteps of the subordinates, telling the subordinates to enter the house only after the organs of the corpse of Yang He, the coordinator of the office, are arranged. .

The most suspicious thing at present is the group of government servants following him.

The current plan is to speed up their interrogation and find out the first scene where Yang Hezuo was killed as soon as possible.Confess the real murderer hiding behind them!Maybe you think the interrogation statement is very difficult, but in the hands of me and Chief Yin, no matter how hard the stone is, we can still tell the truth! "

Fu Yunlang's voice was trembling with excitement, he hurriedly waved his hand towards the door, "According to Yin Butou and Wen Xingfang's intentions, all the murder suspects will be interrogated, and all the evidence must be cleared up tonight!"

The servants in the direction of the door immediately responded loudly: "Decree!"

"Slow down!" A hoarse voice suddenly stopped everyone's actions.

The man smiled coldly, then turned to look at Fu Yunlang, "Fu Zhi County, what do you want to do with the subordinate officials?"

The person who spoke is now the target of public criticism, Yang Zhou, the official historian of Teng County.

Fu Yunlang paused for a moment, then turned around, and also returned him with a cold smile, "Of course, he will be detained on the spot and interrogated overnight."

Yang Zhou flicked his sleeves in disdain, his dark eyes flashed coldly, "Fu Yunlang, do you think you can live until that moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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