Chapter 859

But he Yinuo has a lot of ways, he first mobilized his friends in various industries to collect all the details of those young men from the Yang family.

Some of them were directly captured by him when he found a fatal clue, coupled with his flexible interrogation techniques, and various clichés that were on the sidelines, he was directly conquered, and he was so frightened that he confessed and made a bet.

Some are as cunning as foxes, and they can't open their mouths.Yin Nuo then thought of Wen Xiangjiao's usual method of pretending to be a ghost.

Yin Nuo knew that to deal with this kind of old fritters, one must hit them with one blow, scaring them out of their courage in one blow, and only then could they find a breakthrough and obtain confessions and real evidence.

So he not only used all the stunts he learned from his master, but even adapted the ghostly tricks of Wen Xiangjiao's major cases in Yanzhou Mansion.

Fortunately, the little ones are just little ones after all, but after two rounds, they were scared to half their lives, obediently explaining their roles in the case of the arresting squad in Teng County, and their relationship with each other. tasks and functions.

Through their testimonies, Yin Nuo has thoroughly found out all the details of the Yang family.This also means that he has pinched the lifeblood of the Yang family.

The same is true, Yang Zhou will have such a big reaction tonight, and even wants to kill all the officials who know it in full view.

To do this is nothing more than an obvious act of rebellion.

"Yang Dianshi," Yin Nuo slowed down his tone, and tested from another angle, "Yin Nuo knows that the news tonight is too messy, and it made you lose your head for a while. Mention, I promise to be in Yanzhou Mansion, but I am called the enemy of ten thousand people, no matter whether others live or die, no one can take the life of Yin and Wen Shuli.

As long as you ask us to escape, your behavior tonight will definitely be exposed. When the court encircles and suppresses you, your Yang family will be the first to be destroyed. "

Fu Yunlang behind heard Yin Nuo's words, sweat broke out on his back immediately.

Although he also understands that if a fight really breaks out, it would be good if Yin Nuo can protect Wen Xiaoyun, and he can't spare his hands to save himself.

But after listening to Yin Nuo's cold words, he still felt really cold all over, he was terribly afraid.

On the opposite side, Yang Zhou's eyes became more and more fierce, he grinned ferociously, and laughed, "An enemy of ten thousand people? Even the king of heaven is here, and I have to give my life tonight!"

Wen Xiaoyun's face darkened instantly, and he asked in a cold voice, "My lord Dianshi, this is also a county government office, even if we count the number of soldiers and servants inside, we won't wipe out those 'bandits' who will come out of nowhere. "

Yang Zhou smiled complacently, "Do you really think that the surname of this Teng County Yamen is Fu? As early as when he announced to close the door for trial, this house became an isolated island, and the guards standing outside have long been our people. The rest The people who had watched the torture room before were all released from the prison at the moment, and all of them went home to sleep.

Now in this huge yamen, even if you let your throat break, no one can come to save you! "

As he said that, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked a row of bookshelves next to him, and the old elm bookshelf that had been in disrepair immediately collapsed!
Yin Nuo was startled, he knew very well that there was only one reason why Yang Zhou was so confident.

That is, he has invited foreign aid with high martial arts skills to deal with them.

Based on the recent movements of the bandits and Su Xuexin, Yin Nuo conjectured that nine out of ten of the people who came to encircle and suppress them were the sect masters of the Wenxiang Sect.

If all those sect masters who were more powerful than monsters were present, then their lives and that of Wen Xiaoyun's would really be in danger.

So at the first moment when Yang Zhou kicked over the bookshelf, Yin Nuo reacted quickly, pulled Wen Xiaoyun back with his backhand, slammed Fu Yunlang behind him, and hurriedly backed away.

You can't sit still and wait for death, 36 tactics, walking is the first, if you can escape to save your life, you must escape as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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