Chapter 900
At this time, outside the city of Teng County, two people walked into a village with the help of two people.

Following the ruts on the official road, the two staggered to the door of the first family in the village.

No need to make any comparisons, just look at the tall lintel of that family and the brightly painted mahogany gate, and you can tell that this family must be the richest man in the village.

"Uncle, wait a minute, I'll call someone right away." The man holding the old man was Hu Dongcai, who had not been parted from Yin Nuo and the three of them for a long time.

The person supported by him was obviously Hu Ke, the magistrate of Teng County.

Hu Ke raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, panted and looked up at the two closed wooden doors, "We, did our fathers walk a little slower?"

Hu Dongcai let go of Hu Ke, and was about to knock on the door when he suddenly paused when he heard Hu Ke's words.

Looking around vigilantly, he said with some hesitation: "Uncle, although we are not walking fast, the bandits and the Yang family can't figure out our way, and they will definitely not be able to catch up in just half a day."

Hu Ke looked up at the already bright sky, and then looked deep into the village.

Except for a little black dog with a cocked tail running and barking across the road, there was no one else in sight.

An inexplicable chill slowly shot up from his back, causing him to shiver intermittently.

Seeming to see the doubts in Hu Ke's heart, Hu Dongcai tentatively said: "Uncle, otherwise you leave the village first, and I will go in alone to find help. When I find a way out, I will go to you again?"

Hu Ke hesitated for a moment, but his chapped lips hurt so much when he moved, and his legs trembled uncontrollably. He was really exhausted.

After some consideration, Hu Ke directly rejected Hu Dongcai's proposal, "Forget it, my old bones will fall apart if I don't die. It is expected that the children of the Yang family don't know this place, so go and ask for a drink first.

Hu Dongcai nodded, didn't say much, walked up the steps with the hem of his official uniform, and knocked on the door.

After the door rang three times and paused for a while, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from inside.

The door was opened from the inside immediately, and the person who opened the door was a fat middle-aged man in his 40s.

After seeing Hu Dongcai, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled excitedly, "Old Hu? What kind of wind brought you here? Why didn't you say hello first when you came?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab Hu Dongcai's hand and pulled it in.

Only then did Hu Dongcai heave a sigh of relief, he grabbed the fat man hard, and pouted behind him, "Old Li, I brought my uncle with me today."

The man called Lao Li stretched his neck and glanced at the street. When he saw Hu Ke, he said in surprise and joy: "Oh, our old Li's house is really full of flowers today. The old county magistrate came to visit, but It’s a great joy.”

Saying that, he let go of Hu Dongcai, and hurried out to meet Hu Ke.

After Hu Ke and Hu Dongcai looked at each other, they relaxed a lot.Under the leadership of Lao Li, they walked into the Li family mansion together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, Lao Li immediately turned around and closed the door.

With the sound of the door slamming, Hu Ke's whole body trembled.

Something is not right!
In desperation, Hu Ke turned around and was about to open the door again, but the courtyard door was tightly tied to death by Lao Li, and there was another shout of killing from behind.

Hu Ke and Hu Dongcai hurriedly turned their heads, only to see two middle-aged men in the uniform of subordinate officials walking out of the main room hand in hand.

Behind them were more than a dozen strong men with knives, including Yamen arresters and bandits.All of them had fierce looks on their faces, and their murderous aura was very scary.

"Li Luohua, Huang Qingshi?" Hu Dongcai's face was as white as paper.

(End of this chapter)

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