Chapter 922 The Truth
But Yin Nuo quickly calmed down the doubts in his heart.

Because the person standing in front of him is Wen Zhuyun.

The previous news is too little for others, but it is enough for Wen Zhuyun.

Yin Nuo believed that even if she received less information, she would still be able to restore the exact details of what happened.

Wen Xiaoyun looked down at Yang Zhituo who was tied up on the bed, his eyes were dark, and his voice was also dark, "But it's nothing if I didn't see through this layer in time. After all, that man is just an insignificant little yamen servant to Mr. Yang." , I’m just a kid.”

As she said that, her words suddenly turned cold, "The real key point is Yang Yong, the subordinate of the workshop! Others can't detect the abnormality, but Yang Yong, who brought that little guy all the way to Mr. Yang, can't be unaware of it." .

There are only two possibilities for why he didn't find anything abnormal.One, he was bribed or threatened, and betrayed you, Mr. Yang.The second type, he also fell under the man's soul-hunting technique and was controlled. "

Yang Zhituo struggled and angrily denied, "Yang Yong will never betray me!"

Wen Xiaoyun shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "The answer is obviously the second one. Yang Yong was about to be attacked by that little boy on the road, and he was at his disposal. What the little yamen servant said to Yang Yong was a kind of Hypnosis. And Yang Yong is well aware of your various habits, Mr. Yang. What he said can be regarded as a kind of hypnosis for you. Using certain words that Mr. Yang has always cared about creates an illusory illusion. If you use a word to In summary, it is brainwashing.

The actual situation at that time was that Yang Yong rushed into the morgue, said a few words that were innocuous to others, took Mr. Yang out of the yamen, and rushed all the way here.

From others' point of view, when Mr. Yang left the yamen, he only brought Yang Yong, the little yamen servant and doctor Liu Fenghan with him.

But those innocuous words, to Mr. Yang's ears, are important news to catch Yin Nuo.

The simple four people, in the eyes of Mr. Yang, are a mighty brigade.

The reason why there is such a big gap between the real situation and what Mr. Yang saw in his eyes is that the Falun Dafa is taking effect.

After arriving at the courtyard here, did Mr. Yang find the smell here is very strange?
Because we increased the dose of the secret medicine, Mr. Yang actually passed out as soon as he came to the yard.

Everything that happened later is an illusion created for you with words.

Or rather, another dream. "

Hearing this, Yang Zhituo was speechless.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he knew very well that what Wen Xiaoyun said was the truth.

Wen Xiaoyun was very satisfied with Yang Zhituo's reaction.

She knew that the fish had completely bit the hook and hooked it.

She suppressed the contempt on her face, and her tone became serious, "Young Master Yang, I sympathize with what happened to you. You lost your most important family member overnight. I can understand this feeling the most. I also know that when people are in great grief, they will always lose some reason and ignore some important news."

Yang Zhituo's pupils shrank severely.

The death of his father was the biggest blow and the deepest pain to him.

He gritted his back molars, and stared at Wen Xiaoyun firmly: "The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful, don't do this to me."

Wen Xiaoyun was not angry, and his tone was still calm, "In fact, Mr. Yang's death is irreversible. He can be convicted of only one murder case, but as long as he can kill his relatives righteously and make up for his mistakes, the great Yang The family can be preserved.

And the death penalty that Yang taught you is very likely to be exonerated.I can't promise you exactly, because the decision is yours, it depends on whether you want to bet or not, and it depends on which direction you want to bet on. "

(End of this chapter)

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