Chapter 924 Mrs. Yang

Wen Xiaoyun's voice was calm, and he calmly performed a heart-killing move.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Wen would like to ask you a question. You father and son have a very strong relationship. According to common sense, Mr. Yang died unexpectedly, and the murderer and the details of the murder case are very clear. According to common sense, after the incident, You will definitely transport Mrs. Yang's body back home as soon as possible, so that it can be placed in a safe place until the funeral.

But you didn't, you just put Mrs. Yang's body carelessly in a chaotic morgue where countless unjustly dead bodies were placed, which greatly violates the basic filial piety of the Son of Man.

So abnormal, why? "

Yang Zhituo bit his lips tightly, stared at Wen Xiaoyun stubbornly, and did not answer.

Wen Xiaoyun turned to look at Yin Nuo, chuckled softly, "The answer is actually very simple. I don't want to send Mrs. Yang's body back to Yang's mansion, in order to prevent the bandits from turning their attention to Yang's mansion.

What kind of mystery is there in the Yang Mansion?On the surface, the Yang Mansion is still the same, and personnel exchanges are normal.But in fact Yang Zhituo's wife and children had been secretly sent out of the city.

Because Mr. Yang is unwilling to be threatened by others. "

The corners of Yang Zhituo's mouth twitched unconsciously, and sweat dripped down his forehead.

In fact, when the murder case planned by his father was exposed by Wen Xiaoyun in the yamen, he urgently dispatched his confidants to secretly send his wife and children out of the city overnight.

His sense of smell has never been the sharpest.

At that time, She Gan, the leader of Huomen, went down the mountain to contact his Yang family because of other matters.

All kinds of dangers were crowded at once, and he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Before he led a group of bandits to the Yamen to rescue his father, he had the idea of ​​protecting his wife and children.

But this happened in less than two days.Wen Xiaoyun and Yin Nuo had been investigating other cases before, and after the bandit slaughtered the Yamen that night, he and Yin Nuo fled all the way, how could they inquire about his family's news in such detail so quickly?
What's more, many servants in the family don't know that the wife and young master in the back house have left.All the people were ordered to die by him, and they were strictly guarded in the front yard to prevent the intrusion of unruly people.

How did Wen Xiaoyun find out? !

As if seeing what Yang Zhituo was thinking, Wen Xiaoyun smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, don't be confused. I said earlier that we know you better than the roundworm in your stomach."

Yin Nuo's eyebrows moved slightly imperceptibly.

He and Wen Xiaoyun didn't know the inside story of Yang's mansion.

Wen Xiaoyun reasoned it out bit by bit based on the details of the matter.

By saying this, she should increase the credibility of the Dafa of Immortality, so as to further paraphrase Yang Zhituo's words.

Actually, Yin Nuo's guess about Wen Xiaoyun was only half right this time.

"Young Master Yang, I want to tell you something even more unfortunate." Wen Xiaoyun turned around and looked at Yang Zhituo with a gloomy gaze.

Yang Zhituo was so angry that his whole body was trembling, "Wen Xiaoyun, if you dare to attack my wife and children, I, Yang Zhituo, will definitely pay you back thousands of times!"

Wen Xiaoyun shrugged indifferently, took out a jade pendant from his sleeve, and played it meaningfully in his hand, "Yang Jiaoyu, don't worry, in the final analysis, we are all officials of the yamen, not murderers. Kidnapped bandits and bandits.

We took good care of Mrs. Yang, and specially selected a good residence for Mrs. Yang and the young master to stay temporarily. "

(End of this chapter)

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