Chapter 927

After hearing Wen Xiaoyun's instructions, Yin Nuo smiled, and raised her hand to shine a chestnut on her forehead, "Although you are very powerful, I am your brother after all, not only in terms of age, but also in terms of ability. .Did you really treat me like a little guy under your command?"

But after saying that, Yin Nuo's eyebrows twitched for no reason.

He was stung by the identity of his cousin.

He almost forgot that he was not only Wen Xiaoyun's cousin, but there was also a natural moat between them that was destined not to be able to jump.

Seeing Yin Nuo's complexion turning ugly a little bit, Wen Xiaoyun thought that he had commanded too much just now, hurting the integrity of Mr. Shen catcher's face.

She covered the spot on his forehead with one hand, and with the other hand, taking advantage of Yin Nuo's unpreparedness, she responded with a bigger chestnut on his forehead.He muttered and joked, "Can you be a few months older than me? You can't help but be assigned? Let me tell you, your brothers regard you as the boss, that's their business. In private, I can Calling you brother, but when it comes to business, we are both equals.

Colleagues, colleagues, do you understand?Working together, helping each other.It won't work if you put on airs like a big brother with me! "

When Liu Fenghan saw it, he quickly smoothed things over for these two terrific little ancestors, "Oh, I said two little heroes, when is it not good to fight each other, and it must be at a critical moment? Both of you are the boss, both of you Boss, just me, an old gangster, is a younger brother, a handyman, okay?"

Only then did Yin Nuo remember that there was such an irrelevant person as Liu Feng Han standing beside him, so he quickly put on a serious look, while stretching out his hand and rubbing Wen Xiaoyun's forehead fiercely, "Stinky boy, being a colleague, I think it's against the sky You! Wait for me to come back and see how I deal with you!"

Then he turned his face and said to Liu Fenghan with a smile: "My brother is laughing at me. This is not an internal strife, but a relationship to enhance each other and cheer each other up! That's it, I have a lot to do over there, first Let's go. Brother Liu, my stupid brother who doesn't know what's good or bad, has to take care of you."

As he said that, he finally twisted Wen Xiaoyun's ear severely, then jumped away, walked out of the room in two steps, and disappeared without a trace.

Wen Xiaoyun originally thought that he wanted to avenge the chestnut being beaten, so he couldn't suffer.Unexpectedly, this fellow Yin Nuo would be so shameless, relying on his superiority, strength and kung fu, he would launch a sneak attack to absolutely suppress her.

Just about to jump out to scold him, but in the blink of an eye he was nowhere to be found.

In the end, he could only reluctantly swallow the bad breath, walked back, and continued to discuss the next matters with Liu Fenghan.

"Brother Liu, Yin Nuo's side has a lot of things to do, and our side also has a lot of things to do. But the most urgent thing is to get out of here quickly. Just in case Yang Zhituo wakes up, he will kill the carbine again."

Liu Fenghan froze in place for a long time.

For a moment, he had a terrifying illusion that the flirting and flirting in front of him were clearly a young couple.

Although he always teased others, but when he really saw the scene of Lang's "Lang" love, he still suffered [-] points of critical damage in his heart.

He was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his thoughts, didn't dare to think about it, nodded repeatedly and said in agreement, "Yes, yes, what Wen Shuli said is very true. Let's go now, the old man still has several places that others don't know, which can be used for a long time." Let's hide."

Hearing this, Wen Xiaoyun suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Brother Liu misunderstood, we are not going to hide, but take the initiative to attack, go to the lairs of bandits and rebels, and attack Huanglong directly!"

Liu Fenghan's jaw almost dropped in shock, "What, what? Both of us have no martial arts skills, and we are far behind Yin Butou. Now he doesn't go to the hard gang, but the two of us go? Isn't that just sending us to death? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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