The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 10 The Snake Saliva Being Targeted

Chapter 10 The Snake Saliva Being Targeted

Mizumotoma is an annual, and should be replanted in spring after harvest.The newly acquired [-] acres of paddy fields were also planted with Shuiyuan grass and Mercury grass by people hired by Chu Dashan.Thirty acres of sloping land are all shady slopes, and there is nothing but grass on the slopes. Chu Dashan hired someone to weed and planted topaz ginseng, and planted [-] ginseng per acre, and the [-]-acre sloping land is [-] topaz roots. Grass ginseng.

The seeds of Huangyu grass ginseng are counted by grain, one grain is two coppers, and the ginseng land of 60 mu is [-] taels of money, and there are no seeds in other places, only Baicao Pavilion can sell them.

Chu Dashan and his son traveled all over Changyang to find the seeds of Huangyu grass ginseng in Baicao Pavilion.

Almost Chu Dashan decided to give up planting ginseng and switch to other herbs.

"Dalang, what do you think? Why do you want to grow grass ginseng? This kind of herb is hard to find even the seeds. This time we almost scraped the grass ginseng seeds from the Baicao Pavilion. In the future, what do you think? There is no more to plant.”

"Grass ginseng is rare and valuable. Since it is a kind of herbal medicine, it is natural to look at rare and expensive species. What I have seen most in the book on herbal cultivation in the Song Dynasty is how the ginseng is valuable. Of course I want to grow it. already."

"What if it fails? I didn't hear the shopkeepers of Baicao Pavilion say that only dozens of seeds of grass ginseng are planted first, and when they are fed, they will be raised on a large scale in the next few years. kind."

"Don't worry, Dad, I am someone who has learned the herbal cultivation technique of the Song Dynasty."

Chu Dashan thought to himself: No, I am not at all relieved.

"Our family can definitely grow grass ginseng, I can't, don't I still have peach blossoms?" Dalang has a fascinated confidence in his sister.

Chu Dashan thought to himself: I have no confidence in both of you.

"Oh, father, if you really can't do it, just pay some money and waste a year of land. What's the point?"

Chu Dashan: Ma Dan, you said it lightly, it is a sin for us farmers to waste a year of land!
"Anyway, let's plant grass ginseng this time. You have to be smart. If you see something wrong, stop quickly. Maybe we can plant another crop of coarse grains or something."

"Father is too pessimistic, let's do it."

In addition to the newly obtained forest fields, Chu Dashan also hired people to plant 100 mu of topaz ginseng on the shady slope of his house. The seeds cost [-] taels of silver. Scraped back.

In addition, Peach Blossom also planted topaz grass ginseng on three acres of land in her backyard, and the seeds cost six taels!The output of Xueyanhua was too low, and was directly abandoned by Sister Peach Blossom.

Since planting grass ginseng cost more than 160 taels of silver seed money, and also scraped off the grass ginseng seeds of other people's Baicao Pavilion, the shopkeeper kept saying sorry, it was because their seeds were not fully prepared, and they must collect more next time Some grass ginseng seeds, ahem, and even personally sent the two of them out, how could Chu Dashan have received such treatment, it was quite embarrassing.

So Chu Dashan recently saw that Dalang, who had the idea to grow grass ginseng, hated it everywhere!

Only he has to grow grass ginseng!
Dalang has been stared at by his own father a lot recently, and he has been stared at, how can love stare at him!
However, in order to make up for his father's loss, he offered to lead someone to plant another 110 acres of snake salivary grass next to the ginseng field in Gourd Valley, and also planted 480 acres of vacant miscellaneous forest with snake salivary grass. It is a good [-] acres of snake salivary grass.In this way, the family can earn an extra [-] taels of herb money in a month, and my father probably won't have to stare at him all the time.

The anger hurts the liver! !
Look how filial he is!

There are many kinds of snake saliva, and Chu Dashan is still very happy.This matter is left to Dalang to lead someone to do it.

After the spring planting, the large courtyard continued to be repaired. The main buildings in the front and rear courtyards were all three-story spacious buildings.There is a two-story back loft in the backyard.There is an upside-down building in the front yard, all on the second floor.The left and right wing rooms of the front and rear courtyards are all two-story buildings.

The cellar was built underground, and chicken sheds, duck sheds and goose sheds were built in the valley.There are also sheepfolds and cowsheds.

As far as this family business is concerned, the Zhuangzi of the big family in Changyang is nothing more than this.

The stone gates were opened on the left and right hillsides of the outer gourd, the caves were repaired, and three warehouses were built in the caves.The area is not small.

Three hundred acres of flat land was opened at the bottom of the inner and outer Hulu Valley, and purple herbs were planted.

Purple vanilla is a forage grass that can be harvested once every two months.Harvested purple herbs can be dried and stored in cellars.

The new snake saliva planted at the beginning of March, and at the beginning of April, May and Sixth, the family has harvested the snake saliva three times, 480 taels each time, and sold a total of 440 taels.In early May, Mercury Grass was harvested for one season and sold for [-] taels.

The mulberries have grown well this year. The [-] acres of mulberries have yielded [-] catties. One catty of mulberries is five coppers, which is [-] of silver. Whether you sell mulberries or not, you have to pay taxes according to the amount of silver.

In the first half of the year, the family's income was 630 taels, and a summer tax of 160 taels was required.

This time when Chu Dashan went to pay the tax, the tax official surnamed Chu treated him a little more easily.

"Your herbs are well grown, how did you grow them? Is there any secret recipe?"

"It was grown according to the method mentioned in the book "The Great Song Herbal Planting Technique"." Chu Dashan said quite contentedly.

The other frowned, "Is there really no secret recipe?"

"What's the secret recipe for growing herbs? Just like growing grains, it's enough if the other ones are too dense."

"Really?" The other party was suspicious.

"My lord, what I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people in our village." Although Chu Dashan had also heard that herbal medicine is difficult to grow and hard to live, but his family's herbal medicine cultivation went very smoothly. How difficult is it to grow food?

Especially the ginseng, which is said to be expensive and difficult to raise, has grown seedlings one by one, and they are still very energetic. (That is, how can the seeds that your daughter soaked in spirit stone water still not germinate?)
"But why do other people's plants grow too small, or have many yellow leaves?"

After hearing this, Chu Dashan also frowned and said, "Is there a problem in the ground, or is it damaged by some insects?"

Chu tax officer gave him a deep look, and finally said slowly, "What you said makes sense."

After Chu Dashan went back, he talked to his wife about this, and said depressedly, "You said he asked our family for the secret recipe of herbal medicines, what secret recipes are there, aren't they all grown like that?"

"Believe it or not, but our herbal medicines are indeed much more sprouted than others'. I see that peach blossoms are soaked in water every time they are planted. Do you think this is the reason?" Chu Qi asked.

Chu Dashan thought about it, "Maybe."

Can the seeds sprout more by soaking in water?Why don't I try water bubbles next time I grow food?
Peach Blossom still doesn't know that her father has been led by her on the wrong path!He also kept running out every day to fall in love with his own blessed land!
(End of this chapter)

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