Chapter 1025
Tong Jian didn't stay long, he still had a lot of work to do with his boss.Besides, there are quite a lot of big monks who came down from the main gate.It also really divides his power.So Tong Jian left the Chu family soon.

After Tong Jian left, Chu Shinian told Tao Hua what he had talked with Tong Jian.

Taohua thought for a while before saying, "The advancement of the spirit vein to the fifth level has somewhat disrupted the plan. But in the final analysis, this is a good thing, at least it has reduced our accumulation for three to forty years."

Chu Shinian gasped, "It takes so many years of accumulation?"

"Of course, the five-element spirit veins cultivated by our family should actually be called the five-element spirit veins of yin and yang. If they are promoted to Lingshan, they can be promoted to the very rare positive and negative five-element spirit mountains in Lingshan. If there is a chance in the future, join the wind Department of Thunder, Ice, Light, Darkness, Soul and other rare spiritual veins, so it is not impossible to be promoted to the original Hunyuan Great Five Elements Spirit Mountain in the end."

After hearing Tao Hua's words, Chu Shinian frowned, "Isn't that the foundation of the world?"

"In fact, Lingshan is taking the path of a small alien world." Taohua said, "I have always thought that Lingshan is actually another promotion path opened up by imitating the promotion of the world. Of course, compared to the peaceful and harmless world, Lingshan is more important. It's much more useful to be sharp, and it's both offensive and defensive."

After hearing her words, Chu Shinian also fell into deep thought.

"Actually, it's not just Lingshan. You're thinking about our human race, as well as the monster race. They are actually imitating the promotion path of the world. You can also think of us as another weaker small world promotion path.

In the end, what everyone pursues is the extreme of the avenue, the integration of the avenue, and the transcendence of the avenue. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian nodded very seriously.

"Walk to the extreme of the great way. Although the road of combining the great way is extremely difficult, there should still be a way to go. But it is difficult to break away from the great way." Taohua is born wise and has experienced two lifetimes of practice, so she has a natural understanding of cultivation. Know more than others.

Otherwise, she would not try her best to train Xiaopang to start practicing.

Of course, even if she is the daughter of the world, the door of the avenue will not be opened to her so early.

When Chu Shinian listened to her high-level words, and then compared and verified Tong Tianxing's explanations and warnings, his understanding of cultivation deepened.

"I should be in the late stage of the Zifu Realm soon."

"Don't be so eager to improve your cultivation, first awaken your own supernatural powers." Tao Hua said speechlessly.She had seen Chu Shinian's new exercises, which were also very helpful in awakening his own supernatural powers.

"It's not easy." Chu Shinian's face darkened.

Ever since I changed the exercises with him, I have been awakening another supernatural power, but unfortunately it just didn't work.He still only has a small supernatural power to condense sparks.Except that the sparks are a little special, I really don't see any use.

He did know that Taohua had awakened supernatural powers since she was in the Tongmai state. The first supernatural power was called Taiyin aura, which could fully benefit certain items, spiritual plants and people.The second supernatural power is also an auxiliary type, called Yuehua Baolu.Just by the name, you know what it does.

The third supernatural power, that is, the supernatural power of her Purple Mansion Realm, is called Super Evil Black Ice, which is completely a combat supernatural power.When used, the enemy can be frozen in an instant, and then shattered into pieces of black ice.It can be called a range-type murder weapon.

Let him look envious.

"Try it, you have awakened sparks in the divine stage. It stands to reason that you should awaken another magical power in the purple mansion. Could it be that the sparks have been strengthened?"

Chu Shinian was directly amused by her.

Also spark boost?
"Forget it, let it take its course." Chu Shinian wasn't too attached to supernatural powers. "I heard from my master that supernatural powers can also be learned."

"Yes, but you must be careful when choosing your supernatural powers. Generally, a person's supernatural powers can carry a limited capacity, fluctuating between three and six supernatural powers. Those with better aptitude can transfer among the nine supernatural powers. If you learn more, it's not like you won't be able to learn. , just need you to fuse several of these supernatural powers into one." Taohua said.

"Supernatural powers can also be fused?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"Yes. But you usually need to accumulate more experience in the fusion of skills and techniques. In this way, as you accumulate more, it will be possible for you to naturally comprehend the fusion of supernatural powers when your cultivation base grows to a certain level. technique." Taohua said. "Some cultivators put too much emphasis on improving their cultivation, and disdain other arts on the way to cultivation. In this way, when his cultivation reaches a high level, he will suffer a disadvantage.

At least the sixth-order Yan Dao state is a big hurdle, and there is not enough comprehension and accumulation.I'm afraid it's hard to explain. "

"It's no wonder that a lot of people are stuck in the Dao of Evolution Realm."

"It's the vast majority of monks. They really didn't pay attention to accumulation when they were at the low level. study time.

Even though they start from scratch and have a lot of time, compared with laying a solid foundation and accumulating enough monks, the difference is too much.

After all, everyone has accumulated very well at each level. With the improvement of one's cultivation, one's own accumulation can be fully practiced, comprehended and continuously deepened.

It is difficult for monks who make up classes later.

So it will be even more difficult for them to be promoted. "Peach Blossom said.

In fact, Taohua still hasn't really stayed in Dazongmen.If a monk's foundation is not laid well and his accumulation is insufficient, there is simply no hope of being promoted to the sixth level in the future.There is absolutely no hope of being promoted to the sixth rank, and the sect commander treats you like a thug.

In the future, no good things will happen to you, but all kinds of cannon fodder and risky things will definitely find you.

Even the probability of falling is greatly increased.

If you are seriously injured beyond repair, it will be even more miserable, and you will be sent to a corner to retire to the old age.

How can a person who has been a dignified monk with high authority be able to accept that he ended up in such a situation?

So when hope is completely lost, almost everyone will choose to dissolve and reincarnate to rebuild.

This is a very helpless trick, thinking that you don't know that you will awaken the memory of the previous life after several reincarnations, and you don't know whether your body in the current life has good cultivation qualifications after you awaken the memory of the previous life.

If not, you have to continue to reincarnate.

That kind of suffering is really miserable.

Therefore, everyone will not easily choose Bingjie to reincarnate, even if they choose Bingjie, they will pre-pregrease a spiritual fetus for themselves.This is possible, as long as there are great monks to help with divination, figure out the whereabouts of the spiritual fetus, and then send your reincarnated true spirit into it, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest, then the reincarnated monk can get the spiritual fetus.

(End of this chapter)

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