The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1027 Treasure

Chapter 1027 Treasure
At first, the little bees were a little wobbly, but soon they got used to it, flew over quickly, and flew back quickly after a while.

It means that there is still a little smoke on the edge!
"Let's go, let's try again." Just as the mechanism engineer wanted to rush up, he was grabbed by the back of his clothes by the hidden guard behind him.Then a few hidden guards went over first to confirm that there was nothing wrong, and then asked the follow-up people to replace the large metal plate.Otherwise, it's all a trap, how do you live?
The follow-up team quickly passed this section, and then another formation was waiting to be cracked.

But not far away is another metal gate, victory is in sight.

The little head of the dark guard approached Chu Shinian, and after paying respects to the couple, he lowered his voice and reported the situation here.Chu Shinian nodded, motioning for him to continue.The little head of the dark guard just glanced and touched the front again.

Chu Shinian and Tao Hua continued to wait for another hour,
The last two formations and organs were cracked.

The metal door was gently opened.As soon as the metal door was pushed open, there was a large wave of strong spirit energy rushing towards him.

With the opening of the door, everyone present exclaimed in unison at the scene that greeted them.

The ground is full of spirit stones! !
A thick layer is covered with colorful spirit stones.Inside is a spacious metal hall.The one without pillars is a spacious hall.Around the place close to the wall, some spirit stones have turned grayish white, completely losing their aura.

But in the central part of the main hall, there are a large number of various spirit stones laid out on the ground.

The precious things are on top of the spirit stones. All kinds of sealed jade boxes and jade boxes are randomly piled up in piles.The most important thing is a transparent jade jar, there are more than 100 jade jars of this kind.But only about seventy of them had something in them.Every jar with something in it is sealed with a spirit vein of level four or higher, and some even have a spirit vein of level five.

Chu Shinian and Taohua Qiqi gasped.

I didn't expect that there were such things in the ruins of Jincheng, which had hardly been harvested at the beginning.What a big gain.

Taohua hurriedly took away all the sealed jars, jade boxes and jade boxes without saying a word.

"Tell everyone to keep it secret, just say that a large number of spirit stones were dug out." Chu Shinian instructed several people in charge.

Those who came in agreed.

But this time there were too many people who followed, and many of them were not members of the Chu clan, so the secrets here could not be kept for long at all.

But so what if the outside world found out, as long as Tong Jian didn't have that thought, Chu Shinian would be able to keep what he got.Even if Tong Jian had that thought, he was not afraid, anyway, his master would compensate him for whatever Tong Jian took away.

After all, Tong Tianxing does not represent the Tong family.If the power-on on behalf of the Tong family is too much, then Tong Tianxing will not tolerate him.

A large number of spirit stones were packed into large boxes, and one by one, they were carried out of the underground palace.

After pretending for several hours, I pretended to take away all the spirit stones.

Discarded spirit stones are also excellent building materials when ground into powder, so the discarded spirit stones were also taken away.

After the entire underground palace was emptied, Taohua led people to search around bit by bit.Finally, in a corner close to the ground less than half a foot high, he pried open a spiritual gold brick, and took out a very thick ancient book "Detailed Explanation of the Ten Ancient Spirit Arrays" from inside.

Taohua took out the ancient books and flipped through them, and was immediately attracted.

But not long after, she was woken up by her husband.

"I'm so obsessed. Could it be that the top ten spirit formations in ancient times can bloom by themselves?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"Although they don't bloom on their own, these ten spirit formations can be repaired and deduced by themselves, and they can also give birth to formation spirits. It is extremely rare. I have heard that ancient formations have been raised for a long time. In fact, formation spirits can be born, and even formation spirits can be born. It was born in a small secret realm.

But all this time I just heard about it, and never saw the actual spiritual formation.

Here are the construction methods of the ten spirit arrays.

I'll look into it later and renovate our small cave. "

Chu Shinian nodded.

Their own little cave has been fed by the earth veins since its birth. The spiritual land, which was only a few acres in size, has gradually grown to nearly ten acres now.The large amount of earth element power coming from the turbulent veins also made the space barrier of Xiaodongtian thicker and thicker, giving people a thick and hard feeling.

With such a solid foundation, even Tong Rui, who met him in the past, said that the Chu family had run out of shit luck.This kind of small hole can also be made.

In fact, the main thing is the earth veins. Without that special earth veins, the current Xiaodongtian would not have existed for a long time.

Even the Dao Dao Realm needs to use heavy treasures to stabilize the foundation of the space after splitting the space, and then use a variety of treasures to derive various rules, from the same vein.Their family doesn't have six realms, but they have earth veins, and they have obtained such a small cave. If they really use it in the future, it will bring innumerable benefits to the family.

"Then after reading this "Detailed Explanation of the Ten Ancient Spirit Formations", do you still want to continue looking for things here?" Chu Shinian asked.

"With this book, it should be very good. I have knocked on all the other places except the top." Tao Hua pointed to the ceiling.

"Then I'll knock." Chu Shinian heard this, and immediately took the initiative to take over this not-so-easy job.

"Husband, thank you."

When Tao Hua said this, Chu Shinian was immediately full of motivation, flew to control the flying sword, and began to check the metal ceiling.

Ordinarily, such an underground palace usually has something underneath.

But at first glance, Jincheng looks like a very old building, and it should have been used by the affiliated forces for many years, so there may be some strange things that sent treasures to it.As a result, Chu Shinian snapped out three small wooden boxes.Each is at least a foot and a half wide and a foot long.

After Taohua got the box, she quickly put it away, and the husband and wife left the underground palace together.

Let the tribe do the rest of the finishing work.

With the precious land of the underground palace standing here, the enthusiasm of the people around to dismantle Jincheng has increased one after another.Dismantling and dismantling, now one day can dismantle the past three times the spirit gold and the region.

The Jincheng ruins are also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All kinds of high-level spiritual gold were continuously smelted, and then sent to the battleships under the sea.

As soon as Chu Shinian and Taohua returned to Xianyang, Taohua was blocked by his little brother Chu Shiyuan.

"Your book...hehe...lend it to me."

"You first show me the incomplete array drawing you refined." Tao Hua said with a smile.

"You didn't pay attention to my array before, why do you have to draw it at this time?" Chu Xiaowubu asked puzzled.

"Just say that you can paint or not." Tao Hua is not so polite to her younger brother.

"Okay, you have the final say."

(End of this chapter)

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