Chapter 105 Pit

"There is a movable stone brick under the table of the ancestral temple in Xifengshan. When the stone brick is turned over, there is a green jade pendant underneath. The jade pendant can recognize the Lord with a drop of blood. After recognizing the Lord, there will be a vision, which is the sky. A colorful glow appeared. However, the color was very light and the area was not large, only the size of an acre of land. If the order was ordered to be sealed, this kind of thing would never be spread. After all, there are few people in the ancestral hall, and everyone who can see the vision A member or servant of one's own family.

The Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra is hidden in the emerald jade pendant, and the jade pendant has the effect of speeding up one's practice. "

When Chu Moyan heard Taohua's words, he immediately reacted, "Wait, you mean, Chu Da took away the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra before you? You told her the secret of how you got the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra in your previous life?"

Taohua nodded.

"Then are you stupid? Why did you tell her how did you obtain the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra?" Chu Moyan said speechlessly, "Do you know that after she obtained the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra, if she really wanted to harm us, We're going to be in big trouble."

"The emerald pen is the same set as the emerald jade pendant, both of which were specially given to our Chu family more than 1000 years ago. The jade pen also contains the cultivation method of the Hundred Flowers Holy Body. The cultivation of the Hundred Flowers Holy Body is the same as cultivation The Heart Sutra of Hundred Flowers complements each other.

I practiced so quickly in the early stage of my previous life because of these two exercises. "

Chu Moyan didn't know what to say to her when he heard this, "Why are you telling Chu Da the secrets of these two exercises?"

"I want her to practice." Tao Hua said.

"Ah?" Chu Moyan looked at her in shock, "Why didn't I know that you and Chu Da were so good before?"

"I just have doubts." Taohua said.

"What doubts?" Chu Moyan asked puzzled.

"Do you remember Lan Xiuyun?" Taohua asked.

"Who is Lan Xiuyun?" Chu Moyan asked back.

"Xinglan Sword Master!" Taohua reminded him.

"You can just say Xing Lan, one of the three main pavilion masters of Tianjian Pavilion." Chu Mo said.

"I once met a person who had a childhood sweetheart relationship with Lan Xiuyun. He said that Lan Xiuyun's girlhood was not her later personality at all. She was born after being taught the Xinglan Sword Code and Xinglan Sword by her master for no reason. It gradually changed, and later it was like a different person." Tao Hua said.

"People will grow up. After growing up, they have experienced many things. It is normal for their personality to change." Chu Moyan had already heard something wrong at this time, but he still said so.Because he planned to listen to Taohua continue to tell him.

"But that person told me that someone told him that the original owner of the Xinglan sword was Xinglan. Many years ago, she forged the Xinglan sword herself as her own natal sword!!"

"Wait" Chu Moyan gasped in horror, "Didn't you think that Xing Lan was actually the original owner of the Xing Lan Sword? Did she... seize the house?"

"Very likely." Tao Hua said with a serious face. "I practiced the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra and the Hundred Flowers Holy Physique, and the sense of crisis became more and more serious. I couldn't find the source, so I could only slow down my cultivation speed. It was because of this reason that my cultivation almost stagnated.

Because I really dare not continue to practice!

And since I heard that person's narration, I also investigated some things about Sword Master Xinglan.Her personality is indeed completely different from the past. If it's just that her personality is different, I wouldn't suspect anything. Maybe she has completely changed her temperament because of a big change?
But as I investigated and collected more and more information, I found that she was very familiar with many ancient mysteries, ancient legends, and ancient ruins.Who do you say she is? "

Chu Moyan was really terrified this time.

"How could you suppress such a big secret for so long without telling us?"

"What are you talking about? Saying that I have a huge life-threatening talisman waiting for me to kill me all the time? Do you think I will say it? If I say it, you will all collapse. The Chu family will also completely fall apart!
Later, I often went out to hunt for treasures, not to find various cultivation resources to help breakthroughs, but to find ways to survive that might exist.If I really can't survive, I definitely won't hand over my own body to Fairy Baihua. "Peach Blossom said in a calm tone. If she hadn't been reborn, she would most likely die with that Baihua Fairy after despair.

She has prepared five or six ways to die with her.

Chu Moyan said solemnly, "So the jade pendant and jade pen..."

"Nine times out of ten, it's the trick of that fairy Baihua from the millennium. I also found out that these two things were left by the person who chose the site for the Chu family to build the ancestral temple in Xifeng Mountain." Taohua said.

"You mean the Baihua Fairy from the millennium is still alive?"

"It doesn't have to be alive, possession is also possible." Tao Hua said.

Chu Moyan's body trembled when he heard the words. "Peach Blossom, don't scare me."

"You are obviously not afraid, why are you trembling?" Tao Hua was speechless.

"Aren't I afraid because of you?" Chu Moyan complained.

"Thank you!!" Tao Hua rolled his eyes angrily.

"I just helped you create a scary atmosphere!" Chu Moyan said funny.

Taohua glared at him angrily before saying, "She probably calculated that the Chu family would have a lucky son after a thousand years, so she set a trap for our ancestors. In fact, it's not a complete set, she at least helped the Chu family unite. Luck has led to the emergence of outstanding Chu family members for thousands of years.

However, this kind of condensed luck probably has flaws, so most of the outstanding people born in the Chu family died young.

But it's not bad, at least a thousand years later, the Chu family gave birth to three lucky children! "The peach blossoms are counted according to Chu Xi himself, Chu Moyan, and the original owner Chu Taohua. Everyone has a companion treasure.

"No, it's four. You forgot that Zhu Chen also reincarnated into our Chu family and became our eldest nephew." Chu Moyan corrected her, but after saying this, he was also very shocked and said, "There are actually Four! It's unbelievable. What method did that person use to gather the family fortune?"

"The ghost knows what method she used!? At the beginning, Chu Da still hated me for practicing the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra and the Hundred Flowers Holy Body? She also asked me how I obtained the Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra and the Hundred Flowers Holy Body. We are good sisters, so I Not only did I tell her how I obtained these two exercises, but I also gave her a copy of the exercises.

Unfortunately, before I was reborn, her Hundred Flowers Heart Sutra and Hundred Flowers Eucharist could barely reach the entry level. "

Tao Hua's words got Chu Moyan's big eyes.He said in his heart that Chu Xi deserved to be Chu Xi's cheating cousin, but he was really not soft-hearted at all.

 I have something to do at home in the past two days, so there are few updates, and normal updates will resume from tomorrow.But tomorrow morning may be a little later, O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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