The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1072 Tell me what your Golden Arrow Sect's idea is

Chapter 1072 Tell me what your Golden Arrow Sect's idea is

Ding ding ding, impenetrable, Chu Shiluo is fine.At most it felt like a slight bump.

Chu Shiluo was protected by armor, so he felt relieved.While continuing to protect the various golden arrows on the opposite side, he also tried his best to counterattack.All kinds of crossbow arrows were also shot by him.But from the beginning to the end, he didn't dare to release his natal flying sword.

The quality of the Golden Arrow on the opposite side feels better.Far above his natal flying sword.

Chu Shiluo has an inexplicable feeling that it is very likely that his master Yang Xiao's natal sword pills are not as high quality as other people's golden arrows.

His little flying sword still doesn't go out to look for it.

Just as the members of the Chu family were busy protecting the golden arrows, those vassal monks all came up again.

Due to the large number of people and the miscellaneous hands, everyone practiced hand in hand.

In just a few blows, some of the hidden guards were slightly injured.

Otherwise, the group of hidden guards who followed had all taken Yaodan, and their bodies were extremely strong.Maybe it's time to die.

Just when the vassals saw that they were about to perform meritorious service, Hua Lengzi charged behind the Chu family and killed a group of Qingxu Sword Sect troops.They gathered with the Chu people and started a big counterattack.After chasing these into Taimang, the monks of Taisu chopped them up like melons and vegetables.

Even though there were terrifying life-threatening golden arrows coming from the opposite side from time to time, these monks of the Qingxu Sword Sect did not give up.

The key is that people from the Chu family helped them resist the deadly golden arrow.

Seeing that the battle death incident was about to happen, everyone was shameless and put on their battle armors one after another.

The Chu family usually keeps their battle armor as spoils of war.But as long as it is left, it is the top.

Before Chu Shinian and the others arrived, Taohua emptied all the high-quality armor in the warehouse.

The hidden guards who followed them were almost three in number.

And this time following Chu Shinian, there were a total of three hundred elite secret guards.Three sets for one person.It can be seen how many high-quality high-end battle armors Taohua Patriarch has collected.

This is only a very small part of the battle armor collected by Shen Haigong.

The Patriarch of the house mainly focuses on all kinds of spiritual materials, elixir, spiritual veins, and spiritual objects.

Most of the battle armor and weapons are pushed to other monks who prefer these Guanghan Sword Sects.

War armor, rune soldiers, and other items are far more valuable in the warlike Guanghan Sword Sect than other sects.So they all love to choose these.

Taohua pays more attention to the development of the family, so she gathers the rest of the things in her hands.

Besides, the development of the Chu family's refining tools has always been good.

Rune Soldiers have long been able to refine Tier [-] objects.Even a battle armor can be refined into a Tier [-] battle armor.The speed of skill improvement is not inferior to the various elixirs and medicines that are the main ones.

Chu's elixirs and medicines are now on the market for sale as fourth-tier products.

On the Yun'an Continent, they have always been the biggest competitors of the major pill powers in the Upper Realm of Shenting.

The key is higher-level pills, and Shenting World itself will not allow them to leak out.Therefore, the pills above the fourth rank that they brought down must be rare.But the Chu family will not keep the fourth-order pills, they only keep them and don't sell them.

As long as they develop new prescriptions, a certain kind of elixir will be on the market in large quantities.

Even the fourth-order pills and medicines will also be listed in large quantities.

So people say that the Chu family's Jinshan Yinhai is also true.

Self-produced elixir and spiritual fruit, self-developed elixir, refined and sold by itself.The profits generated from this can make many forces jealous to the point of collapse.

The battle armor ding ding ding resisted the deadly golden arrow shot from the opposite side.

The secret guards of the Chu family winked at each other.

At the same time, the monks of the Golden Arrow Sect on the opposite side were also winking at each other.

Then both sides suddenly attacked at the same time.

The opponent suddenly used a special golden arrow, and directly shot the three hidden guards on Chu's side into the heart and eyes.

As for the counterattack on Chu's side, they also put out heavy crossbows, one person carried them, one person shot them, and one person covered them.Bang bang bang, he shot the opponent's five Golden Arrow Sect monks in the head one after another.Bang bang bang, the opponent's head exploded like a watermelon.

Among them was the little leader of the Golden Arrow School.

The guy who had been following him with twitching eyes felt dangerous for some reason, so he took a few steps back.A giant crossbow brushed past his head against his cheek, wiping blood from his face.

But... finally let him escape.

"Presumptuous." A giant hand suddenly slapped Chu Shinian and the others violently.

With a huge gust of wind.

Without saying a word, Chu Shinian threw out the small sword he was wearing around his neck.

The small sword directly turned into a giant sword holding up to the sky.

With a loud bang, the big slap and the person who cast it exploded together.

The opponent vomited blood and was seriously injured and fell on a distant mountain, directly smashing half of the mountain.

Chu Shinian unconsciously touched his underwear pocket, and there were ten or so small sword handles sent by his master and senior brothers.It's really easy to use.The effect is too powerful.

"Zhuzi, you are so rampant. Where is my great monk from the Golden Arrow Sect?" After vomiting blood, the man climbed out of the collapsed mountain, stood in mid-air and roared.

"Yes, you big monks of the Golden Arrow Sect, come out quickly and let our Guanghan Xiaomen's immortals learn from you."

"That's right, the Golden Arrow Sect is awesome. You are the number one sect in the Upper Realm of Shenting. You want to beat whoever you want, and kill whoever you want. You Golden Arrow Sect shouted loudly, grandson thief, kill yourself. A group of little things from our Guanghan Xiaozong will have to suffer death."

Several great monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect revealed their figures one by one in midair.Qiqi is Chu Shinian's platform.

There are five figures in total.

Chu Shinian thought he had only one or two guardians, but he didn't expect there to be as many as five.

Even he himself was surprised.

The person who vomited blood just now vomited blood again.And the blood spurted wildly.He really didn't expect that the great cultivator of Guanghan Jianzong would follow him secretly.And saw the previous things clearly.

He didn't have the ability to kill five Guanghan great monks, not even one.

Could it be that the young master of their family died in vain?
"Oh, oh, this is all..." At this moment, another big monk from the Golden Arrow Sect came.He looked at the guy who clapped his big hand before his breath.

Chu Shinian recognized that these two guys from the Golden Arrow Sect were all great monks.

But what if they are all big monks?

Can he still be bullied by them for nothing?
Sure enough, before the next words were said, he was interrupted by his guardian, "Don't say that this is a misunderstanding. We can see clearly, it's true. You are Deliberately. Deliberately entrap my family for Xiaonian.

You clearly know that he is the body of the Dao, but you still want to kill him. Tell me, what is the idea of ​​your Golden Arrow Sect? "

(End of this chapter)

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