Chapter 1084
Taking out a green canopy boat again, Taohua called everyone to board the boat again.All kinds of food supplies and all ship tools hoarded on the green canopy boat before were completely gone.Everyone is ready to sail quickly and rush to the next Chu family's city to replenish supplies and tools.

The current green canopy boat is just a bare boat, without even the matching fishing nets and spear guns.

As soon as they left, another group of men in black flew all the way to the battle place with their swords.

They searched carefully for a long time before they rescued the half-dead leader of the previous group of men in black from a pit.

"What's going on? Where are the others?" Later, the leader of the black team asked angrily, "Is there anyone else? Where did they go?"

"Here." The half-dead leader handed a blood-red jade ring to the later leader. "He ran away. I'm not sure if he went with the people on that fleet." The half-dead leader said dying.

"What happened?" The leader looked at the blood-red jade ring that contained a trace of a woman's soul, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"It's like this." The half-dead leader was fed an excellent healing elixir, his complexion improved, and his breath stabilized again. He no longer looked like he was dying.Only then did he smoothly recount the experience of himself and others.

"This is my carelessness. The smooth sailing in the past few years has made me lose my vigilance and awe. The whole team is gone, and I am willing to take responsibility to garrison the dead zone." The half-dead leader said with a sad face.They were all his soldiers, and their deaths were so miserable.

"Forget it, there is no place for you in the dead zone. Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference! You go back and replenish a team, train them well, and then bring them out." The later leader said.

"Ah?" The half-dead leader looked at him in astonishment.

"Look at what I'm doing? First, the young master lacks people who can fight and fight to help him do things. Second, you don't even think about where this place is. This is the territory of the Chu family, and you don't know how to restrain yourself. You didn't listen What about the fact that our people in Hongjun Mountain were chased and killed tens of thousands of miles by Chu Clan's Qianniuwei?
At that time, more people died.A dozen teams and their leaders were all wiped out.

For this reason, the young master deliberately endured the shame of being ridiculed by other young masters and asked many people to come down from the family again. "

The patriarch of Hongjun Mountain's direct branch is also the head of the entire Yang family.

Therefore, the direct branch is called the patriarch, and most of them are called the head of the family.As for other retainers, they generally call the patriarch the head of the family.Hongjun Mountain is actually a force established by the Yang clan, but this force is quite large.Among the second-rate forces, Hongjun Mountain is also considered a pre-examination.

You must know that this is not a sect, but just a family.

When Hongjun Mountain rose in the early years, many people believed that the Yang family was hiding a big secret.But after so many years, Yang's development is getting better and better, and no one will talk about this hidden big secret.

There is no secret about the rise of that family or power.There is always a little secret, and there is a basis for rising.

"Could it be that the team that killed all of us before was from the Chu family? The Chu family is so strong? I thought it was from a certain force in the upper realm." The half-dead leader said in shock.

"You underestimate these local aborigines too much. Some of them are ridiculously strong. The key is that they rise too fast. There are many not-so-powerful aborigines in this Yun'an continent, but the powerful aborigines are not too strong. few.

If you encounter bad luck, you have to admit it.

Let's not talk about others, but the Chu family.

The speed of its rise is like the rising sun.Crazy and fiery from the start.As soon as the spiritual energy recovered, the family had already made arrangements in Longshan, opening the first square city on the mainland.At that time, no one from our Hongjun Mountain had come down yet. "

The half-dead leader's eyes were dull when he heard these narrations.

"There is an underground river under Longshan, which can lead directly to the sea. How can ordinary people dare to survey such terrible geographical conditions? Even if they go to survey, it is uncertain how many people will be killed or injured to complete such a large project. But the Chu family died when they heard about it. One or two hundred people, including handymen and some apprentice geologists, surveyed this underground waterway.

If you say it's weird or not, it's impossible in Shenting.

You must know that the underground waterway is [-] miles long.Eight hundred miles, not eight miles, eighty miles.

Moreover, people still did a survey and found two underground waterways.One of them couldn't leave, so I just opened the other one.

The most exaggerated words do not dare to write like this.

But the Chu family did it.

With the promotion of the first square city in the mainland, the Chu family needs people, money and money, and various resources to develop the family, and has resources.They also surveyed two golden sea routes.One leads to Yunzhou Continent, and the other leads to Beiming Continent.

It's so easy, so fast, who do you want to talk to.

What is even more frightening is that the Chu family is actually a family with a bloodline that is good at growing elixir and spiritual food.Most of the members of their family will awaken the wood-type spiritual roots.At least one-third of the monks in the entire family became Ling Zhifu.

Hongjun Mountain can be regarded as a successful family in farming, but what is the ratio of our family's monks who give birth to spiritual husbands, one in ninety.Among the ninety monks, there will only be one Ling Zhifu.

Others are one third.

Now the Chu family is said to have 13 officially registered family monks.

Among the 13 family monks, more than one-third of the family monks are Ling Zhifu, that is, more than 4 Ling Zhifu.It's scary.

The real Hongjun Mountain has cultivated so many elixir gardens and Lingtian only has more than 1 lingzhi husbands.

People, more than 4.This number is still growing. "

"However, I heard that the entire Chu clan, including the married and married clan members, has only more than 70 registered clan members. How could they have such a high proportion of monks? These monks are almost one-fifth of the total clan population. Already." The half-dead commander asked in surprise.

"In the future, the proportion of monks in this family will be even higher." The later leader said angrily. "In the various cities where their family lives, elixir and spiritual trees are planted all over. The children born are naturally more likely to be born with spiritual roots than ordinary children.

Especially wood spirit roots.This is the benefit of planting spiritual plants everywhere. "

"Then why don't our Yang family plant more spiritual plants inside and outside Xianyuan City where the major family members live?"

"There are not so many spiritual planters to take care of it, so we can't plant such a large area. This is one of the reasons. The other reason is that we don't have many wood-type spiritual veins to support such a large-scale planting of spiritual things."

(End of this chapter)

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