The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1096 One Family, One Family

Chapter 1096

Just like Daoist Xie and the others walked all the way, they were surrounded by such half-spirit wood forests.The closer to the city, the denser the forest.There are some traces of felling in some places, but after the felling, new seedlings were replanted.

But when they got to the frontal side of the battlefield, all they saw were wooden stakes half the height of a person.Moreover, the height of this kind of pile is just enough to hinder the horses of the cavalry.Although the war horses are much taller, they can't jump back and forth among the big and stubborn piles, and they will really break their hooves.

"When did the trees get chopped down into stumps? We didn't hear about it when we left the city." Bai Yi Sinan said.

"You are slow on the news. I heard that the tree felling started last night. I probably received the news at that time, saying that the horse bandits are coming." A man dressed as a casual cultivator came from behind the forest with a large package. walked out.

The guards on Sinan's side immediately drew their swords.

"I said, don't get excited. I originally occupied this place. For this place with a super good view, I fought several times with people. No, I went back to the city to buy some food. I plan to eat while watching I don't want this place to be taken by you as soon as I came back with food and drink. I said, this place is so big, it's okay to share it with me, right?"

The guards refused without even thinking about it.It was Daoist Xie who said, "Let him come over. We also have a table next to us, as well as wine and food. Let's eat together?"

Xie Daoist's invitation is exactly what the young casual cultivators are thinking about.People strode over.A servant took out the table, chairs, wine and dishes from the storage bag.

The three simply sat down, chose their seats, and watched carefully.

The casual cultivator is very open-minded, even if there are only two young gentlemen who seem to have extraordinary temperament, he can still eat and drink in a grandiose manner.

It turned out that Daoist Xie and Si Nan had no intention of eating meat, and had been silently observing the horse bandits working with their arms bare.

"Last night, the Chu family gathered a large number of people in the city to cut down the forest outside the city that is conducive to the passage of war horses overnight. In order to prevent the horse bandits from burning the forest, they cut down the forest themselves, and left a pile of it that is not convenient for the horses to jump. The wooden stakes are really amazing in action.

No wonder others say that the Chu family is good at construction. "

"Just because they carried the sea to build islands and built more than a hundred large and small islands one after another, you can imagine that this family is so good at construction." Sinan said.

"This family is interesting." The young casual cultivator said.

"It's more than interesting." Sinan sighed. "His family still has a fifth-level spiritual mountain, and it is almost about to be promoted to the sixth level."

"That's right, I traveled all the way from Xianyang. I have also seen the fifth-level spiritual vein in his house. It won't take long before I can be promoted from the fifth-level primary to the fifth-level middle-level." Scattered Xiu Nian = youth also echoed.

"Wait, how could it be so fast? It hasn't been long since their family's spiritual veins have been promoted from Tier [-] to Tier [-], right? It's unbelievable that they can continue to grow rapidly after being promoted across Tier," Sinan said.

"Then you haven't checked their spiritual mountain carefully. This Chu family is really willing. I checked carefully, and the spiritual mountain of their family was promoted based on the innate yin and yang essence, and the innate spirit was also invested in it, oh , and the investment of the suspected Qinglong essence.

I'm not sure if it's the Qinglong essence, because when their family's Lingshan first laid the foundation, they used the innate Yimu essence. "

"What?!!" The terrified man in white-clothed Simon immediately jumped up. "That's impossible. How can there be such rare things in this world, and they are all obtained by the Chu family?"

"You haven't seen it, so it doesn't mean there really isn't one. Otherwise, where do you say the Chu family got it from? From the Guanghan Sword Sect? The Guanghan Sword Sect isn't out of their minds, how could they give Chu the Do you invest in this kind of thing to help them advance to the family spirit mountain?" The casual cultivator said angrily.

"This... this is too surprising." Bai Yi Sinan said in disbelief.

"In addition to the treasures I mentioned above, I also sensed a huge vitality in the spirit veins of others. It is a huge energy full of vitality. This energy is continuously flowing into the spirit veins among.

The rapid promotion of Lingmai is basically unstoppable.

Although I don't know where that vitality comes from, designation is also a treasure.

This Chu family surprised me very much. It is so rich that even some small forces in the upper world can hardly match it.However, their family has only so few people, and they can't even compare with some small forces.Fortunately, they have already attached themselves to Guanghan Jianzong, otherwise, with this family background, they may be favored by many people. "

"Are you from the Great World of God's Court?" Daoist Xie asked.

"Yeah, I also thought this place was interesting when I came down, so I came here for a tour. I didn't expect that there are surprises everywhere in this lower world. This trip is really worthwhile." The young casual cultivator said.

"Do you belong to a big force in the upper realm, or are you just a casual cultivator?" Daoist Xie asked.

"It's just a casual cultivator, I don't belong to any big or small forces." The casual cultivator said. "If you go up in the future, you don't want to join any forces. If you want to be a casual cultivator, it's best to join the following casual cultivator alliance. This force spreads throughout the entire God Court World.

There are branches everywhere.

Its management is relatively decentralized, relying on casual cultivators from all over the country to recommend leaders and jointly manage the entire alliance.It is a good place with no restrictions and no tricks.When you join the Loose Cultivation Alliance, you can trade all kinds of resources you need.Otherwise, you don't have a place to trade the resources you need. Simply trading with those big and small forces, it is common to be blacked out by others. "

The young casual cultivator didn't shy away from anything, and just said what came to his mind.

"I didn't expect the circle of monks in the upper realm to be so complicated!" said Sinan in white.

"It's more than complicated. From my point of view, the circle of monks in the Shenting world is much more complicated than yours here. The family monks in the upper realm and the sect monks are full of all kinds of exclusion and fighting. To put it simply, if Family monks, then in the same generation, it often happens that the whereabouts of their outstanding disciples are betrayed to hostile forces, allowing others to kill their own outstanding disciples. Sometimes they also collude with each other, and the weaker factions among the hostile forces collude. At the same time, kill the heirs of one's own faction in power one by one, then the faction in power has no heirs, and will naturally choose a successor from among these weak factions.

This kind of people who are so vicious about their own blood is definitely not just a family in the upper realm. "The casual cultivator said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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