The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 110 Chu Moyan meets Chu Shiluo at night

Chapter 110 Chu Moyan meets Chu Shiluo at night

"Okay, don't talk about Da Lang, your mother will be careful not to spoil Xiao Wu too much in the future, Xiao Wu lives with Da Lang on the second floor, and the half-floor house is for Xiao Wu to take care of himself.

From now on, Da Lang will take care of Xiao Wu and teach him whatever he needs to teach.Our family does not raise waste materials.Especially you can't raise your children like your third and fourth uncles. "After hearing what Dalang said, Chu Dashan spoke directly.

Xiao Wu, the brat, didn't feel his mother's pain at all. When he heard that he was finally able to take care of the half-floor house by himself, he immediately burst into cheers.

Chu Qi: "..."

After all the children were sent away, Chu Qi wiped tears in front of Chu Dashan, and said aggrievedly, "I didn't want to hurt Xiao Wu, that is my own son. He is the youngest, and he almost died back then!"

Chu Dashan patted his wife on the back and comforted her, "I know that there were too many children in the family, and you couldn't take care of them, and Xiao Wu's fever almost disappeared, so you paid more attention to him.

But let’s tell the truth, after Xiao Wu, you can’t let it go any longer, let Da Lang do what you want to teach him.You can no longer meddle casually.You are not serious about Xiao Wu now. The other sons of our family have already expressed their opinions. If you continue, you will be estranged from the other sons.This is not good. "

Chu Qi: "..."

Qingmei and Taohua went back to the small second floor, Taohua didn't go back to her side, but came to her sister's side instead, "Sister, anyway, the future brother-in-law hasn't shown up yet, if you don't want to marry, you can tell your parents and let daddy marry you." Mother will find a suitable one later."

"No, I didn't say I didn't want to marry."

Taohua looked at her with evil eyes that I believe in you.

"Well, I wasn't happy at first. What kind of furniture are you playing? The man hasn't appeared yet. Besides, I really don't want to marry early. But I thought about it again. In fact, it's not impossible to marry someone."

"What do you mean? Sister, please explain clearly." Taohua stared and asked.

Qing Mei said with a sweet smile, "Peach Blossom, a girl has to marry when she reaches the age, otherwise her father and mother will not be able to bear the mouths of the world, and besides, that family saved my life after all, if I make a fuss about not marrying, it will appear that my father is so worthless." Reasonable.

And it's not without benefits to marry, maybe it's more free than the life I'm living now. "

Tao Hua looked at Qing Mei puzzled, Qing Mei smiled and pulled her to her side, then lowered her voice and explained her plan in detail.Taohua looked at Qingmei's eyes after listening to it completely turned into admiration.

She found out that her second sister was the real sperm.

"Second sister, your idea is really good. But will that person cooperate with you?"

"Don't worry, he hasn't shown up after so long. I really don't believe that he has no other ideas."

"Second Sister, if you succeed, I will follow your example!"

"That's right, you have to be relaxed and happy every day in your life, it's a disease to let yourself feel depressed and wronged."

Chu Moyan secretly found Chu Dalang, and the two dated in Xiaoyelin outside the Chu family valley.

Chu Moyan's seniority is actually Chu Dashan's peers, they come from two branches of the Chu family.The surviving generations on Chu Moyan's side come from the characters of Shuxiang Yayu and Moyu Qiufang.

However, the surviving clansmen in Old Chuzhuang today come from He Yu Ming Chang, and the Da Shi Wei Yang has eight characters.

So it is obvious that Chu Moyan is actually from Chu Shiluo's uncle's generation.

However, after going through the division of clans, it doesn't matter that the two are equal in age, anyway, they are about the same age.

"Chu Xiucai, what do you want from me?" When Chu Shiluo came over, he saw that Chu Moyan had been waiting for a long time.

"I want to ask you for a favor to start a small business." Chu Moyan directly stated his purpose without talking nonsense.

Chu Shiluo was a little surprised, "What can I do for you?"

"There is a Sanxiufang City in the mountains near our old Chuzhuang, do you know?" Chu Moyan asked.

Chu Shiluo immediately shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"Then are you interested in going to see it?" Chu Moyan asked.

Chu Shiluo looked at him and said, "Chu Xiucai, what do you think, please speak up."

"It's like this. I know that your family grows spiritual grains and spiritual wheat."

When Chu Shiluo heard this, his eyes became sharp instantly, "How do you know?"

"Because I have the inheritance of an alchemist in my family!"

After hearing this, Chu Shiluo immediately widened his eyes, "What did you say?"

"I have an alchemist inheritance from my family, so I know that your family has planted spiritual grains, spiritual wheat, and spiritual fruits and spiritual medicines. But I will not say it for myself. After all, I still want to grow from Your family buys all kinds of spiritual medicines, spiritual fruits and other spiritual things."

Chu Shiluo said speechlessly, "How could it be such a coincidence?"

"I also think it's a coincidence that being hunted down and settled in a small remote village actually made me meet Ling Zhifu's family. This is no one's luck." Chu Moyan smiled slightly. "The Sanxiufang market near here is open every three and seven days. I plan to buy some spiritual grains and spiritual wheat from your house, and then refine them into Bigu Dan and sell them in the market. I think I can definitely make money.

If you are willing to cooperate with me, you will provide the raw materials, I will make alchemy, and when the time comes, I will make money, and we will each have half. "

Chu Shiluo has a deep feeling that this world is too crazy, and everything can encounter weirdness.But if Chu Moyan is really an alchemist, then it is not impossible to cooperate with him.

"You want to cooperate with me because you found that my family has the raw materials you need?"

"The most important thing is that I've been dying of poverty recently, and I'm almost as poor as pants." Chu Moyan said sadly.

"Every day I order food and wine from the brother's family next door, and you can still save a piece of clothing, I admire you." Chu Shiluo teased him with a smile.Now who in the village doesn't know that Chu Moyan can't cook and eats the takeaway next door every day? !
Chu Shiluo heard more than once from the uncles and brothers in the clan that Chu Moyan was afraid that this kid would not be able to marry a wife in the future, he was too prodigal.

"If I don't order food, I will starve to death. What can I do?" Chu Moyan looked aggrieved by a baby.

Seeing Chu Shiluo felt a chill. "You take me to Fangshi for a walk, how about I talk to you about cooperation when I come back?"

"Yes, yes, but you have to sell me some spiritual grains in advance, or sell me one of your spiritual ginseng."

"You even know that there is spiritual ginseng in my house?"

"The smell of ginseng is so strong around your old yard, it's not the spirit ginseng, I'll give you my head." Chu Moyan said solemnly.

Chu Shiluo was speechless, but he also made a secret decision in his heart to move all the spiritual ginseng from the old courtyard to the valley.If there was one Chu Moyan who discovered the spiritual ginseng in his old courtyard now, then there would be a second and third Chu Moyan who discovered the spiritual ginseng over there.

"Okay, I can give you ten catties of spiritual grain and a piece of spiritual ginseng, but one catty of spiritual grain is 100 taels, and the spiritual ginseng will not be sold for 500 taels."

(End of this chapter)

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