The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 119 The eldest daughter of his family, Chu's Qingmei, whom I am betrothed to

Chapter 119 The eldest daughter of his family, Chu's Qingmei, whom I am betrothed to

You must know that it is the hereditary duke title! !

However, it was another thing that no one expected to really push Chen Dazhi, who had always been reclusive in the Duke's mansion, to the pinnacle of his reputation.

Since his father rejected the title, but half a year ago, because his elder brother fell in love with Princess Ning Shu at first sight, he told the betrothed family directly behind his father's back that he wanted to withdraw from the engagement, and he also said that he had found the love of his life. If he couldn't marry the woman he loved, he would rather Never marry for life.

He admitted that his elder brother disliked his original fiancée a little bit. One side is a princess and the other is a village girl. It is not surprising that his elder brother would choose him like that.And his eldest brother didn't treat that family badly, and even asked his confidant to bring a large sum of money to their family.

Enough money for their family to spend a lifetime!
Chen Dazhi learned of the good deeds done by his eldest son, and immediately took his eldest son to the family where he was engaged.

Hearing his elder brother's exact words about retiring the marriage, the family didn't confiscate the money, and the family threw the betrothal token at his elder brother's face, disfiguring his elder brother's face.Then the woman's brothers and cousins ​​beat his eldest brother into a pig's head, while his father watched with his own eyes, allowing his son to be beaten to death.

Less than a month after retiring, the woman married her uncle's cousin who knew everything about her.

Instead, it was his elder brother who was seriously injured by the beating and directly lay in the princess mansion for three months.His elder brother also set a precedent for living in the princess mansion without getting married, and he really set a dishonorable example for the future sons-in-law!

But there was no other way, his father directly expelled the eldest son from the house after retiring, and his son resigned in order to marry the princess. Do you still keep him at home?
His grandfather said nothing, he could only watch helplessly as his elder brother was thrown out of the gate.

If the princess mansion didn't pick up his elder brother, his elder brother might have died of serious injuries early on.

His father is so cruel!

Cruel-hearted, both his eldest brother and the princess resent him in their hearts, but his father doesn't care at all.

This incident was a big deal back then, until now his eldest brother is disgraced.And his father never forgave his elder brother, and never walked around with his elder brother, just pretending that his elder brother was dead.

After this incident happened, his eldest brother's reputation as a genius boy and peerless genius suffered a devastating blow, and he can only grow flowers and birds in the princess mansion until now.

His father, Chen Dazhi's reputation leapt beyond the princes and grandchildren of the imperial capital and climbed to No. 3, second only to the emperor and prince.

What are the eight sons of the bamboo forest, what are the great sages in the wild, what are the five steeds in Mozhou, what are the books and books, what are the things that saved tens of thousands of people, and what are the best in the world. I'm sorry for those ordinary people who are too far away from our imperial capital.

The common people in our imperial capital know Chen Dazhi, if you ask, there is no girl or old woman who doesn't know Chen Dazhi.

It's a pity that Mr. Chen only has two sons, one of them is still a bastard, and the other youngest son is said to be engaged.Oh, what a pity.

Chen Gong grew up under all kinds of abnormal gazes, and received all kinds of little girls' advances since he was not yet an adult.

It's just annoying! !
For a while he was on the verge of gynophobia.

Even now he has no plans to get married!

It's just that when he came out, his father strongly warned him that if he couldn't at least set the date of marriage this time, then he wouldn't recognize him as a son.

"Second Brother Chen, I'm fine. I'm hungry, can I have something to eat first?" Shao Wuzhou also came over at this time.

Chen Gong immediately motioned for Chen Miao to serve the meal.

After eating, Shao Wuzhou, who started to breathe heavily, was asked to rest, and Chen Gong immediately visited Xun Shijiao under Chen Miao's guidance.

Xun Shijia was very surprised when he heard that his old friend from the imperial capital had arrived in the small temporarily rented courtyard, so he asked Zhang Wei for leave and came back, and found Chen Gong as soon as he entered the house.

"Chen Gong, it turned out to be you."

A smile flashed in Chen Gong's eyes as he stared at him, "Shi Jia, it seems that you are doing well."

"It's okay, it's okay. Why are you here?"

"I, Tolerance is here to look for possible revived celestial roots."

"What?" Xun Shi frame looked at him in horror, "You said, you came to the northwest to find the revived immortal root? Immortal root? Are you sure it is the immortal root?"

Chen Gong shook his head, "Not sure, the princess said it might be somewhere in the northwest."

Xun Shijiao immediately squeezed his forehead, "You said that you came here, and you gave me such a big problem before I could take a breath. Do you know that once the news of the revival fairy root in the Northwest spreads, our place may attract a lot of attention. Come to the war among the nations?"

Chen Gong smiled awkwardly.

"Isn't it? This matter has already been spread?" Xun Shi's face immediately changed.

Chen Gong: "..."

"Surely it wasn't you who spread the word, who came with you to find the celestial root? It wouldn't be that brat Shao Wuzhou, right?" Xun Shijiao immediately thought of someone intelligently.

Chen Gong looked at him in embarrassment.

Xun Shi frame's expression changed again, this time his face turned black. "Chen Gong, you clearly know that he is a big trouble, why did you take him out to look for immortal roots? Do you think that our northwest is not chaotic enough, and there are not enough wars?"

Chen Gong smiled wryly, "It was the request of the Crown Princess, and I have no way to refuse. For your matter, I also asked for the help of the Crown Princess to get you out of the imperial capital safely. You know, I owe her a great favor."

Xun Shijiao stared at him for a long time, until Chen Gong avoided his eyes.

"Okay, whatever you want."

"You just talked about business matters, is there any private business?" Xun Shi asked.

Chen Gong nodded.

"I have arranged a marriage since I was a child, and this time I came here to visit Yue's family to see if we can make an appointment."

When Xun Shijia heard this, he immediately thought of the big event that had happened in the Chen family for more than ten years.At first it was because of a marriage.

"Uncle Chen, he also ordered a village girl for you, right?"

After hearing this, Chen Gong immediately turned dark.

Cough cough, Xun Shi frame hastily coughed a few times to cover up. "You know I mean nothing else."

Knowing that he was just surprised and not malicious, Chen Gong said, "Actually, she is indeed a village girl. But my parents were just hunters at that time, so it would not be surprising to order me a girl from a peasant family."

"then you……"

"I'm not my elder brother. I don't have the idea of ​​retiring and remarrying." In fact, he doesn't want to marry anyone, he just wants to practice hard and pursue the seemingly illusory longevity.It's a pity that he still has parents, grandparents, and the whole family, so it's impossible not to get married.

Xun Shijiao asked jokingly, "Which one will your future Yue family be? Tell me, do you know me?"

"My future father-in-law's name is Chu Dashan, and my betrothed is Qingmei, the eldest daughter of his family's Chu family."

(End of this chapter)

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