The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1200 Mingzhe: I am an expert in planting medicine

Chapter 1200 Mingzhe: I am an expert in planting medicine
One after another, golden sunflower trees were planted on the two bare desert islands.

The golden leaves and tree crowns seem to add a touch of light gold to the two deserted islands.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Taohua feels that the atmosphere of the earth veins under the two deserted islands is stronger.Moreover, the prototypes of the three Lingshan Mountains have also grown a bit.In a few days, when the prototype of Lingshan became more stable, she sent down the corpses of the three earth unicorns.

"Taohua, do you feel it?" Chu Shinian suddenly said to her seriously.


"It's vitality." Chu Shinian said, "The golden sunflower trees on the two deserted islands seem to have formed a large area of ​​vitality on the two deserted islands."

"Vitality? We planted golden sunflowers, and if there are living things, there will be vitality." Taohua said.

"No, this Baidou world is very quiet, and even the power of the ground veins is very inactive. The world is clearly in a state, but there is a strange sense of twilight. But after you planted a lot of golden sunflower trees, I obviously feel When we arrived at these two deserted islands, they became a little more active.”

"The deserted island can still be active?" Taohua was taken aback. "How do you feel?"

Chu Shinian said flatly, "It's all about feeling."

Taohua: "...why can't I feel it?"

"Maybe it's because I'm more sensitive?" Chu Shinian asked hesitantly.

Taohua frowned, it was really strange.

"When you were in our world before, I didn't see you talk about how you felt?"

Chu Shinian also frowned, "I don't know either. I have a good feeling here."

"It's too strange." Tao Hua felt strange for no reason.

"We didn't seem to find anything strange when we were in Shenting Great World?" Chu Shinian asked suspiciously.

Feel guilty.She doesn't want to talk about the fact that the will of the world in the Great World of God's Court may still exist.They also took away the meteorite core from Xiaopang's hand.Xiaopang was obviously such a chubby and arrogant one, he just didn't dare to say no to it.

"In short, there are advantages and disadvantages to coming up from the lower realm." Taohua said with emotion.The good thing is that the future path of cultivation is still going smoothly, and there are no regrets left.Disadvantages: What the hell is the Baidou world?

It just shocked her.

"By the way, what do you plan to plant on the three acres of land we cleared up, coarse grain?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, what kind of coarse grains to grow. Go to Mingzhe and ask him if he has any spiritual objects such as moon essence or treasure liquid that he has hoarded. We bought a lot of things at the beginning, so we didn't buy more of this.

But planting golden sunflower trees here requires some kind of psychic liquid, or spiritual things.

It will grow as soon as you add it.And it's pretty long. "

Taohua pointed to the nine big trees behind her house and said, "That's what I gave birth to with Yuehua Baolu. How tall do you think they are?"

Chu Shinian was extremely astonished, "Is this still possible?"

"Yeah, I didn't think of it at first." Taohua laughed.

"Okay, I'll go."

"You go, I'll plant these three acres of land with golden sunflower saplings. If someone buys it in the future, they will directly exchange it with Yuehua spiritual objects." Taohua said.

"This is really a good idea." Hearing this, Chu Shinian agreed very much.

Not long after he left, Taohua planted the three acres of land with the seeds of the mutated golden sunflower.Because only the aura of the sun and a few small spells are swapped.If you are tired of peach blossoms, you have to stand down and practice.

So when Chu Shinian came back with Mingzhe.

The saplings of the small golden sunflower in my own field are only as high as the calf.But looking at it neatly is gratifying.

This is also the reason why there are large golden sunflowers around it that have absorbed a lot of toxins in the soil.Therefore, the toxicity on the surface of the two deserted islands suddenly decreased, which made the many seedlings not grow abnormally thin and weak like their earliest predecessors.

At this time, each of their main trunks is as thick as a thumb.

As soon as Mingzhe arrived, he was amazed at the hundreds of golden sunflower trees growing on the two deserted islands.

"The tree grows really well, doesn't it?" Mingzhe patted a big tree beside him and said in surprise. "I thought that there would be absolutely no spiritual roots growing in the broken place of Baidou Realm."

"This is a special kind of tree from our house. We didn't get there first, it can adapt to the toxin here, and absorb the toxin and grow up." Chu Shinian said. "The only bad thing is that it needs the cooperation of various moonlight spirits to grow up quickly."

"This is not a problem at all. I have inquired about this Baidou world, because the silver moon here is very close to the ground. Therefore, the moonlight is very easy to collect. Every household has a way to collect moonlight. They also There are special refining and various instruments for collecting moonlight.

Among them, the moon worship bottle specially used to collect the moonlight crystal dew and the golden sprinkler specially used to collect the moon essence are the most popular.It is said that the effect of collecting moonlight is the best, not to mention the high quality, there are also many moonlights that can be collected every night.It is said that there is a big bottle.

But the price is also expensive, no magic weapon needs at least [-] to [-] spirit stones to get it.The problem is that the moonlight collected here is also slightly poisonous, and it needs to be processed before it can be sold outside.The quality of the Yuehua spirit after processing will decrease.

So basically everyone doesn't deal with it, and sells it directly in the store.However, the price is much lower than the prices of various moonlight spiritual objects outside, at least half the price. "

"Then I'll ask Shi Nian to buy a few instruments for collecting moonlight spirits. It's a bit expensive, but we need it. When the golden sunflower grows up, it will absorb all the toxins on the island's surface Let's go. The two islands can grow whatever they want?
I feel that since my family planted a large number of golden sunflowers, even the toxins in the freshwater lake next to my house have gradually decreased. "

Although the water in the freshwater lake comes from underground water veins and is highly toxic, since they flow into the freshwater lake, they are absorbed by the surrounding golden sunflower trees all the time.Toxins naturally decrease over time.

When a large number of golden sunflower roots penetrate deep into the ground and play the role of filtering, even the poisonous water flowing out of the groundwater veins will continue to reduce the toxicity.

Besides, she plans to plant water-purifying bamboos all over the freshwater lake.

It's a pity that Jingshui bamboo doesn't reproduce as fast as golden sunflower. It will take some time to plant water-cleaning bamboos everywhere.

"I brought you three big bottles, a total of [-] drops of Moonlight Crystal Dew. How many saplings can you young couple trade for me?" Mingzhe asked with great interest.

"You want to buy a lot, go home and try planting, and then buy a lot when it's ready?" Taohua said without much trust in him.

"Underestimate me, I am also a small expert in planting medicine." Mingzhe said unfairly.

Taohua: So I underestimated you?
(End of this chapter)

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