The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1212 The Disappearing Saint

Chapter 1212 The Disappearing Saint

"No, keep voting." Angry Customs said.

"Fortunately, I brought an extra amount of spirit stones." Fu Su then gave Nu Customs Master a storage ring.There are about [-] million spirit stones in it.

This spirit stone has just been invested.

The spirit veins haven't been doing well yet, but the earth veins are getting excited.

It began to crazily extract the earth qi from the surrounding underground, and then transformed it into spiritual qi, accumulating it for the spiritual veins.This process has never stopped, until after a day and a night, bang bang bang...

The whole island trembled.

The rudimentary form of Lingshan composed of miniature spiritual veins has successfully advanced to the first-level spiritual veins.The area of ​​the entire island suddenly expanded by more than ten times.

Mingzhe has such a long mouth that his eyes almost pop out of the window.

"Sure enough." Angry Customs said, "Grandpa, have you seen it?"

"It can be seen that when the spirit energy in the spirit veins reaches a certain amount, the earth veins will immediately activate, fully mobilizing the earth energy to help the spirit veins advance. With a brand new spirit vein, there will be creatures around, and there will be more vitality Get up. It seems that this world instinctively doesn't want to become dead silent." Old Man Hang said.

"Well, I also think this is the instinctive resistance of the world. Grandfather, why don't we go to other places and try it out. If it is true, we might as well help it and let it help us. If every time the spirit pulse For promotion, the earth veins are so helpful. Then we will soon have a batch of spiritual veins promoted.

The Nuguan Pass on my side used to be a third-order spirit vein, but now it can be promoted to a fourth-order. "

When the old man heard this, he frowned, "You have a third-order spiritual vein, how many spirit stones do you need to advance to the fourth-order?"

"It's okay to use spirit objects," Tao Hua reminded. "What kind of innate spirit, what kind of innate essence or something. As long as it can be stuffed into the spirit of the spiritual vein, it can definitely be used. You can stuff it in large quantities."

Tao Hua's words instantly made Old Man Hang and Master Nuguan focus on her.

Is this from experience?

"If you want to produce a large number of spiritual plants and produce spiritual food, it's better to throw away some innate energy like Qinglong essence." Taohua said.

Angry Customs Master: All right, little girl is capable, even you dare to pour in the innate Qinglong essence, no wonder your Lingshan is so well raised.

Hang Taishang was surprised.I didn't expect this young couple to dare to do anything. The innate elves and the innate green dragon spirit dared to invest in their spiritual veins. No wonder they were favored by many big bosses in the sect after they were promoted to Lingshan.

It's really a good foundation.

"It just so happens that I still have two things in my hand, why don't we go back and try?" Old Man Hang said.

The angry customs master was immediately happy when he heard it.He knew that so many spirit stones had been consumed to promote the small spirit veins to the small ones. If the third-level spirit veins were promoted to the fourth-level, there would not be hundreds of third-level spirit veins?
In fact, more than that.

At the beginning, Taohua promoted the spirit vein from the third level to the fourth level, and when it was promoted to the fifth level, the investment was like a sea.

Countless spirit stones, special spirit crystals, various spirit jades, spirit ores, etc. were all thrown down by her.This is not counting at least five or six hundred spirit veins above the third rank.Among them are fifth-order spiritual veins and hundreds of fourth-order spiritual veins.

With such a large investment, if it weren't for the meteorite core, the Chu family's Lingshan would not be so easy to be promoted.

I didn't see that when Lingshan ascended into the Great World of God's Court, the will of the Great World of God's Court easily took away the meteorite star core.

Even Qi Tianjian couldn't identify the meteorite core, Tao Hua thought it was definitely a treasure.

But she didn't know what the treasure was.

"But before I leave, I have to tell you the purpose of my visit." The head of the angry customs said, looking at Mingzhe and Chu Shinian.

"I'm here this time to tell you about the blue moon. Do you know this blue moon?" asked the angry customs chief.

"Uh..." The three looked at him in horror, "Master Guan, so you can see it too?"

"I can do anything? Wait, who among you can see the blue moon?"

"I'm with Chu Taohua." Mingzhe said dryly and helplessly.

"Haha, let me just say, you kid is a bit strange. As soon as you said that you can see the blue moon, I understand. Your kid is born with a dark moon body. No wonder you can see the blue moon. This is... Oh, you are practicing a Taiyin or Shaoyin technique, right?"

"Well, the Taiyin meridian." Since Mingzhe was seen by others, Taohua was not vague, so he said it directly.

"Taiyin Jing, this exercise has been passed down for a long time, and I don't know which version you got." Old man Hang said.

Taohua's eyes widened suddenly, it turned out that there are several versions of the Taiyin Meridian.

"Ancient monks who wanted to practice with the help of Taiyin and Moonlight would naturally try to create a set of exercises by themselves. That's how the Taiyin Sutra came about. However, in our area, there are many big worlds. Many ancient monks in the world have Wonderful and stunning generation. So there are at least five or six versions of this Taiyin Sutra. But everyone has come to the same goal, and the final path is Taiyin Avenue." Old man Hang continued to explain to Taohua and the others. "As long as the road doesn't go astray, it's not a problem to learn that version of the Taiyin Jing."

"But the blue moon here is a problem." Taohua continued with a wry smile.

Old man Hang laughed loudly, and explained the conditions for the birth of a person who can see the blue moon.

"Generally speaking, the spiritual roots, exercises, and spiritual bodies of the moon attribute, the lunar sun attribute, and the Shaoyin and Shaoyang attributes are all easy to see the blue moon."

"Tai Yin Sun, Shao Yang Shao Yin, I'm afraid that many people have practiced similar exercises. There should be quite a few people with similar spiritual roots and spiritual bodies. But why didn't we receive any news when we first came? "Chu Shinian asked puzzledly.

"Of course you can't receive this news, because our sect can control the outflow of this news. The main reason is that this Baidou world is a bit weird. Some people can't understand it. The ancestors of our sect plan to observe it silently for a while Time to talk.

It's just that the Wandu people have infiltrated recently, and similar things have happened to them, and they have lost a lot of saintesses.There is a tribal system over there, and the proficiency of saintesses in each tribe is limited.There are five or six small ones, and a hundred or so in large tribes.

They are the reserves of the most important priests in the tribe.

The priests over there have a particularly weird ability that is extremely difficult to deal with.The priests on their side can borrow the power of the Great Dao from other creatures, and perform it like a kind of innate supernatural power. "

"Is it okay?" Chu Shinian and his wife asked in surprise.

"That's right. That's why I said that this Wandu man is a bit interesting. Their saint has been missing frequently since they discovered Blue Moon."

(End of this chapter)

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