Chapter 1230

Taohua silently looked at him with an expression of "you do it, you do it".

Chu Shinian was immediately amused by her.

He couldn't believe it, and he really couldn't send it.

In the end, he really didn't send him away, Brother Chun hugged and cried with his grandmother, it was like a catastrophe.

Chu Dashan was also wiping tears aside.

Brother Xian is also crying...

Chu Shinian could only retreat silently.

Taohua had known for a long time that Chu Shinian could not succeed.

Although Brother Chun is only three years old, he has been a clever little ghost since he was a child, and he is loved very much.How could Chu Shinian be his opponent?

"Looking at the way you came back dejected, I know you didn't succeed." Tao Hua joked when she saw Chu Shinian's despondent return.

Chu Shinian was silent for a while and said, "I really can't do it."

My own baby, dear.

I really can't do it.

He finally knew why so many brats had been spoiled.Those who can bear up are not ordinary children.

"Even though I knew that kid was acting, I still couldn't bear to take him away."

"Let's beat it slowly. Your son is smart. It's okay to send him to the hidden guard for training later. If he doesn't like to stay there, he will get out in a few years." Taohua still knows her little guy very well. ability.

The kid who was only a few months old showed extraordinary intelligence.

It was the same as when Chu Xi was a child.Don't know how to hide at all.

Fortunately, his own mother knows how to take care of a bear like him.

If this is the same as Chu Xi and Di Chu back then, it means that there is another little monster in the family.A fearsome and frightening little monster.

Why bother?

Did she like Chu Xi's childhood days?

There is absolutely no childhood and infancy, no matter how young you look, people will treat you as an adult for convenience.The young Chu Xi is still very sensitive, especially to all kinds of malice.

Brother Chun didn't go with his father this time, he must have been keenly aware of his father's malice.

She especially wanted to ha ha ha.

Chu Shinian had a headache. "It's only so small, there are only so many Huahuachangzi. If it is bigger, I will be worried."

That little cunning guy tore his little clothes, and tore off half of the little thorns on his head, and even smeared mud on his face. As soon as the little tears fell, he immediately became a little mud monkey.The pitiful appearance of a miserable little wolf immediately bought off his grandfather and grandmother.

It made him feel ashamed to forcibly take away the little devil who succeeded in selling miserably in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Why do you think he has so many eyes? I found out that he is so scheming a few months ago?"

"A few months ago, you didn't insist on sending him to the dark guards to suffer." Tao Hua replied.

"He also knows that going to the secret guard is suffering?" Chu Shinian was even more surprised. "How did he know?"

"Our house is full of dark guards. He has known for a long time that the training of the dark guards is hard. Many of those boys and girls are joking with each other in private about the embarrassment of the hard training. Your son's ears are so good, he I like to hear any kind of story." Tao Hua said.

I don't see that she is not often around the little guy, but she will ask about everything that happens around the little guy, and then record it.Make a profile for your son.

Chu Shinian's face darkened immediately.

"There are so many ghosts."

Tao Hua smiled, and said to himself that the kid is not just thoughtful, and you will know when he is a few years older.I'm afraid that kid's mobility is quite strong.

At this time, another secret guard of the Chu family came in to report.

"Patriarch, Grand Commander, there is a new discovery in that crack in the ground."

"What new discovery?" Chu Shinian asked.

"The geologists said that there was something wrapped in the veins of the muddy bluestone. The thing was huge, and it seemed to be some kind of corpse. They were not sure. That's why they came to despise the Patriarch and the Grand Commander."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Lingshan came to bring Baidoujie, and Taohua didn't intend to hide his identity anymore.

She seldom wears a mask, and many clansmen who followed the couple know that she is the head of the family.

Although many people were extremely surprised, they didn't dare to ask more questions.

Just as Taohua thought, in the Baidou world, no matter who the head of the family is, it doesn't matter much.

Chu Shinian and Taohua descended into the underground crack again, only to find that it had been expanded by at least a thousand times.

Many veins have also been excavated.

There is a huge thing surrounded by thick bluestone fragments, which is revealed.It only reveals a half body now.That's the upper body.Taste's head and neck bent and fell on his torso.

The huge wings drooped feebly.

Although its mountains are full of dead air.But there was no sign of rot.

"This is the divine beast Kongyu Split-horned Crane, right?" Taohua walked down, looked at the things carefully, and swiped it with Qi Tianjian before confirming.

"Is this also a divine beast?"

"It's a kind of divine beast that has the ability to find and break through spaces of various sizes. It masters the Dao of Splitting Space. It's a kind of Dao of Space." Tao Hua said.

"There is such a beast?" Not only Chu Shinian, but also the earth masters and craftsmen gathered around him were all dumbfounded.

It turned out to be a beast.

"The corpse of this divine beast, I think, is about three or four feet long, one or two feet wide, and more than one foot high." Tao Hua said. "This kind of slit-horned crane with empty feathers usually lives in groups. In other words, there should be one or several nearby.

In their small family, at least the husband and wife were born together and died together.

There is also a grandparent who died with their children and grandchildren, that is a large group.Everyone continued to search around, and the depths of the ground fissures were also abandoned.This muddy bluestone vein was probably born by attaching to the Kongyu split-horned crane group.

Where there is a corpse of a divine beast, there is at least one small vein. "

When Taohua said this, the earth masters and craftsmen suddenly became energetic.

As they dug, they felt that the veins of this muddy bluestone were not large and concentrated.I was worried that I would finish digging in a few days, but I didn't expect that there would be another village like this.

Find, must find.

The guy who found this bluestone vein at the beginning has already sent it, and they will also send it.

"Patriarch, don't worry, the designation can be found."

"Patriarch, just take a look."

"Master, we will set off immediately."

Hurrah, a group of geologists and craftsmen poured into the deeper cracks in the ground, or knocked up the surrounding underground rock layers.Presumably in the next few days, this underground area will be hollowed out again.

Taohua is very satisfied with everyone's enthusiasm.

As a result, before waiting for half a day, someone discovered the Hunqingshi vein again.

It was in the bottom layer about 500 meters below the body of the divine beast.I don't know how the group of craftsmen and geologists discovered it.

(End of this chapter)

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