The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1245 It's Coming

Chapter 1245 It's Coming

"No. I'll think of another way." Taohua said.She has already fallen into the Chu family's bloodline once from Chu Xi to Chu Taohua.

If he was reborn again, he might not be of the Chu family's blood anymore.

This is what she doesn't like.

"Is there any difficulty?" Chu Shinian immediately and keenly noticed Tao Hua's reluctance.

"If I am reborn again, there is a high chance that I won't be of the Chu family's bloodline again." Tao Hua said. "It's no longer the blood of the Chu family, so I won't be the head of the Chu family. But I can't let go of it for the time being. You won't be willing to take on this burden, and others won't be able to take it on for the time being."

"If it's really hard to do anything, I can." Chu Shinian said.

"It's not completely desperate yet. Don't worry." Tao Hua comforted him.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Xiaoyou and I traded a Kongtianqing." Taohua said, "It's a strange thing that replaces death. It can be used to replace death from the line of cause and effect. After getting this thing, I will take the two we cultivated ourselves Xiaodongtian traded it to her."

"Two little caves for a strange thing?" Chu Shinian thought for a while and said decisively, "It's actually not bad."

"Because I think so, nothing is more important than life. If it weren't for my accompanying treasure, I can't trade it. I'm planning to trade that surrogate item with her."

Chu Shinian couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"If you lose the companion treasure, that person will not be able to live. Don't mess around. You are trying to scare me to death."

After returning to the island, Chu Shinian dragged Taohua to see the doctor desperately.

As a result, the doctor found out that Taohua was pregnant again.
As soon as Chu Qi got the news, he immediately called Tao Hua back to Xianyang in a hurry.If there is something important outside, Chu Shinian is not dead.Don't you even know how to work?
The Chu Qi family is very domineering and keeps the little girl at home.

Brother Xiaochun is happy, now his mother can play with him every day.

In the end, he himself was arrested by his own father and started enlightenment studies.

If we don't go to the dark guard, we have to start studying, right?
Chu Shinian specially invited two famous teachers to teach his son.The little guy who started class naturally couldn't get tired of his mother every day.

One day after more than a month, the two small caves inside Lingshan suddenly disappeared.

The clansmen were taken aback.

Later, I heard that the two little caves of the Patriarch had changed things, so I was slightly appeased.But what did the Patriarch exchange the two small caves for?Everyone can't help but become curious.

However, Taohua did not reveal to the outside world what she changed.

Not long after Taohua became pregnant, she heard that her sister was also pregnant, but knowing that she was arrested, she didn't dare to tell her mother that she was pregnant.

Taohua has always felt that sisters should share the burden together.

So she secretly let people expose that her sister was also pregnant.

It didn't take long for the depressed Qingmei to be sent back by Lin Changge.

Because the two girls are about to have a second child, and there is no shadow of kissing the eldest brother and daughter-in-law.

Chu Dashan was so angry that he insisted on grabbing Chu Shiluo to go on a blind date.Chu Shiluo, who was forced to fail, simply left Lingshan and went outside to help his little brother-in-law Chu Shinian with work.

In fact, this life is really dangerous.

The blue moon appeared from time to time, although it was only a little bit of a pass.But there are so many cities that can't stand it.Therefore, the number of people who were looted is definitely not small.

And after those mysterious people were killed several times by them in a planned way, most of them went to the Wandu people to bully them.

In the past few months, Wan Duren suffered a heavy loss of knowledge.

They added three people in succession.

Some large tribes were forced to send a large number of people into the Baidou world.

It is said that due to the excessive population loss, the Wandu community has begun to desperately encourage births.

The problem is that it takes at least ten years to have a child and raise a child.But the Spirit of Ten Thousand Poisons kept forcing them to send people over.As a result, the young and middle-aged population of their ministries continued to decline.Fewer people are able to have children.

Naturally, no matter how many births are encouraged, there are still fewer people.

All the various tribes of the Wanduren fell into a quagmire of pain, as if they couldn't get out no matter how hard they struggled.

Obviously, if Si continues to do this, Wanduren will be finished.


On the other side, the human race controls the area.

In the beginning, the Sword Sect went crazy and kept building the city and digging holes in the ground.Constantly search for veins.The key is the golden sunflower planted all over the mountains and plains.

Even barren islands are planted with golden sunflower.

As a result of their crazy planting of golden sunflower trees, within four to five months, the area under the control of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect began to rain frequently again.

This shows that Baidoujie's great will has become stronger again.

After Baidoujie's great will became stronger again, the earthquake and tsunami began non-stop.

What happened under the ground caused all kinds of violent shocks.

Fortunately, the Guancheng on the ground is not an ordinary city.Otherwise it would have collapsed long ago.

Rainstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.

The sea floor is also constantly changing.The original submarine plain suddenly turned into a huge trench overnight.And there's more than one.

Taohua and the others felt the huge fluctuations in the depths of the distant sea, so they got up early in the morning to take a look.The entire sea level dropped hundreds of meters directly.

To put it bluntly, the islands of her family and Wu Shixin's family are directly connected together.There is no sea water in the middle.It directly exposed a large area of ​​the ground.

The entire Giant Whale Islands are linked together due to the strange drop in sea water level.Even if there are seawater in some places, it becomes the inland sea.Now everyone started to have a headache again.

My own island is connected with other people's, so how to divide the area?

Where is ours?Where is the neighbor's?
Here it is just that the water level of the sea has dropped.

In some places, entire continents have been lifted up.The sea water disappeared like a cliff at the edge of the continent.

Such a horrifying and frightening scene made the Taishangs from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect frowned.

"Why do I feel that this matter is getting higher and higher. We seem to have helped the world will of the Baidou world to fight against that." Zhang Beihai said with a deep prestige.

"If you don't fight these days, you're dead. Kendo is fighting, and the world is fighting too. If you want to live, you have to fight if you want to live well." Hang Xinghe said.

"Old Hang, why do I feel that what you said is a bit wrong?" Zhang Beihai looked at him suspiciously.

"Could it be that you were taken away by the will of the world?"

"No." Hang Xinghe rubbed his forehead suddenly and said, "It's just that it used my mouth to say something just now."

Zhang Beihai looked at him in horror. "you you……"

"Don't worry, that guy won't control Lao Hang easily. He will only come over when it is especially needed. Don't worry, he will notify Lao Hang and me in advance every time he comes." Chen Min also said.

(End of this chapter)

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