The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1248 Xiaobeimiao is sick

Chapter 1248 Xiaobeimiao is sick

"How could it be possible for Bei to keep so many seals of his descendants?" Tao Hua said. "However, these mirage dragons are also powerful. Generally, from a small seedling, I don't know how many hardships and dangers, life and death, and how many years of suffering have to go through, before they can transform among their own race and become one. Only mirage dragon.

But in order to protect their offspring, they are willing to sacrifice their long lives and use their corpses to seal the seedlings. "

It has always been a difficult task to transform a living being into a dragon.

Especially from a small bem seedling, and finally transformed into a mirage dragon.Stand at the top of all mirages!

"Maybe they have nothing to do. They were going to die in the first place. It's better to be dead. If it's in a different place, let us choose, and we will choose the same thing." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

"Say it as if you've experienced it before." Taohua deliberately teased him.

"How is that possible? I don't have such a long lifespan. I'm not a beast." Chu followed his wife step by step for ten years.Recently, the father-in-law is in charge of bringing Brother Chun and Brother Xian with him.Even the eldest brother-in-law, fourth brother-in-law and fifth brother-in-law were all arrested and brought back to help take care of the children.

The third brother-in-law and his daughter-in-law also have to take care of their own little girl who is also young.

My mother-in-law is doing her best to nourish her wife and sister-in-law.

That was really well arranged, anyway the daughter-in-law couldn't eat it, and it ended up in the stomachs of him and Lin Changge.He saw that Lin Changge's face was green and his lips were white recently, as if he was unlovable.It's not as good as his iron stomach, which can eat and digest everything.

"Since these mirage dragons are divine beasts, do they also leave residual souls?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Maybe." Tao Hua was not quite sure.

However, she arranged for her own soul monks to carefully inspect the big shell.

The result is really there.It's a pity that the mirage dragon's own body was transformed into that silver body fluid by them, which protected the seedlings.

So the mirage dragon is left with shells and remnant souls.The remnant soul is still very weak, and its quality is much worse than the clear and clear remnant soul contained in the Spring Dragon's Skeleton.

But this is a mirage dragon, even if the body is incomplete, it is still the remnant soul of a mirage dragon with a high IQ who is good at soul and illusion.

Not to mention other things, if the corpse of this kind of mirage dragon falls into the hands of some soul monks and monks who have practiced esoteric mystic arts, it may be top-level breakthrough resources.

At least the value is much higher than the bones of the original Spring Dragon and Earth Qi Beast.

Tao Hua thought about it, and kept it in the family secret treasury as a family heritage.

In the future, if anyone needs it, they can exchange it with family military points.

"Patriarch, Patriarch. The little Bei Miao we just sent suddenly lost its vitality after waking up. The doctors and beast masters over there said that they might not be able to keep them. They will die within a few days. "

A dark guard boy rushed over and reported.

Taohua suddenly had a toothache.

It's really unstoppable.

Hurry over and have a look.

Under the support of her husband, Taohua quickly rushed to the small pond area in Mingyue City specially opened for breeding precious aquatic products.

There are seven or eight large ponds for these shellfish seedlings.Each pool is fully ten feet in diameter.

At this time, the young shellfish seedlings who had woken up and started to resume eating were also working hard to eat smaller algae and small aquatic insects.But you can still feel their own vitality, as if they have lost their breath, and they are constantly falling.

Their physical vitality also continued to decline.

Many small shellfish seedlings were dumbfounded, and even their swimming and hunting slowed down.

If things go on like this, it won't take a day or two for large areas of death to appear.

A group of doctors, alchemists, and beast masters are all studying how to save it.

They thought of several methods, but none of them succeeded.

It's not that it doesn't work for the young shellfish seedlings, or it's just sending them down to meet their ancestors in advance.

In a large wooden basin, there are already more than two hundred little guys lying there waiting for the body to bid farewell.

"Probably enough to cook two dishes." Tao Hua looked at the young shellfish seedlings and said in a good mood.

Chu Shinian and the others: "..."

Chu Shinian was even more dumbfounded and said, "We have to let them test whether they can eat it first. If they can eat it, you can eat it. Now they haven't tested whether it can be eaten or if there is any adverse reaction. You should not worry about it.

You are not alone now, don't be willful. "

"Okay, okay." Taohua agreed helplessly. "Is there anything else you can do?"

"Not yet. We can only continue to experiment. But I think these Bei Miao will die in batches before we can find a way." The person in charge of Bei Miao here is surnamed Deng.He is a middle-aged doctor in the prime of life.

He has rich experience and is good at managing his subordinates to jointly research potions and elixirs.

At this moment, he frowned, with a look of embarrassment.He has never done these little shellfish before, and he doesn't know how to feed them at all.To do some work for them is to ask people for advice.It just happened that something happened to the little shellfish seedlings, and they had to be rescued as soon as they came up, and it had to be done in a very short period of time, which was simply fatal.

"Then I'll give it a try." Taohua thought for a while and said.

She also asked to scoop up a pot of shellfish seedlings and bring them up, first to try with the aura of Taiyin.She first tried using the unadvanced Taiyin aura.After performing it, Xiao Bei Miao couldn't see that the situation was getting better, and it still wasn't getting better.

Taohua experimented with the lunar aura after the advanced stage again.

After the advanced stage, the lunar aura is three times thicker than before.

A strong vitality was urged into the bodies of the young shellfish.

Taohua immediately felt that there seemed to be something invisible in the Xiaobei Miao's body that was directly expelled.

The originally lazy Xiao Bei Miao suddenly regained their spirits.One by one, they gradually swam around the small basin quickly.

"It works." Tao Hua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really effective." Chu Shinian squatted down directly, and observed these little shellfish seedlings together with several other doctors, alchemists, and beast masters who came over.It looks really good.

"What's going on here? Why did you get sick all of a sudden, and then get better again?" the beast master asked puzzled.

"How did they get sick in the first place?" Taohua hurriedly asked.

"The ones who were sent here were quite energetic at the beginning. After they were fed some food, they also ate a lot. But since they ate, they have become different. Their spirits have been sluggish, and their actions have also begun to slow down. Lazy. The most important thing is the sudden drop in vitality.

Even a tenacious adult monster can't stand their downfall.I was shocked to see it. " said the beast master.

(End of this chapter)

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