The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1250 Xuan Bing

Chapter 1250 Xuan Bing
"what happened?"

"What's that fighting?"

"My God, is there really a real dragon here?"

"And it's a silver dragon?"

"That's a silver-backed soul dragon, a special dragon species that cultivates the soul path. It's also a real dragon."

"Is that the Nether Phoenix?"

"What ghost phoenix is ​​it? It's a poisonous fire black phoenix, a mutated true phoenix."

"Such a rare and special dragon and phoenix, maybe only in ancient times?"

"It used to be an existence in teleportation. No one has seen it. How can it only exist in ancient times? Even ancient times are recorded in certain myths and legends."

"Oh my god, even these rare things come out. Could it be that there is some great opportunity in the Baidou world?"

"Fate is a ghost, you have to live to enjoy it. I heard that about 6000 years ago, before the Huoyao people's mother world, Huoyao Great World collapsed, there were also amazing species. At that time, a Yuanhuo Qilin appeared. A Suzaku with half a step of the holy spirit appeared, fighting a purgatory fire phoenix.

The three terrifying beasts directly smashed the Huoyao Realm to pieces.

I heard that the last Yuanhuo Qilin collapsed directly, and the Suzaku, who was half a step of the Holy Spirit, was seriously injured and escaped. The Purgatory Fire Phoenix finally died together with the Yuanhuo Qilin.However, some people said that the fire phoenix did not die in the end. "

"So ruthless? Just smashed Huoyao World? Why have I never heard of this news?"

"I am a true disciple of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, so I can naturally know this secret news. You are casual cultivators, so naturally you won't know it. But you should know about the collapse of the Huoyao World more than 600 years ago, right?" The man said to the Golden Core Loose Cultivators around him.

"I know, I know this. Such a big thing happened in modern times. How could everyone not know about something that happened just over 1000 years ago?"

"I didn't expect that Huoyao World actually collapsed like this?"

"Then where does Huo Yao live now?"

"Live in the Tianhuo Great World. I heard that the Tianhuo Great World is on the northeast corner of the Huoyao Great World. I heard that although the Huoyao people were born in the Huoyao Great World, the Tianhuo Great World was the first big world they conquered.

The Tianhuo Great World is extremely rich in resources. It has two big worlds. The Huoyao people have developed very well in the early days, and they can be called the most developed force in this starry sky world.

Unexpectedly, the unlucky thing happened that Yuanhuo Qilin, Suzaku and Purgatory Huofeng fought. "A certain true disciple said again.

At this time, in the sky, the dragon and the phoenix were still biting and fighting frantically.

The sea was also evaporated and weakened endlessly during their battles.

Because of the drop in sea level, 1000 meters, two kilometers, 3000 meters, 5000 meters, and 7000 meters.

When it was below 7000 meters, a shocking scene appeared.

The endless transparent ice sealed up many huge relics stretching tens of thousands of miles.And not just one place.

Just near the Nu Pass, a huge group of ruins appeared.

The length even exceeds [-] to [-] miles.It is also seventy to eighty thousand li wide.

In addition to the ruins, there are also a large number of mythical beasts, ancient alien species, ancient sub-sacred beasts, savage beasts and other giants that were suppressed and sealed in the black ice.

Each of them maintains the expression that was last sealed.

Some are furious, some are horrified, some are pleading...

The people who watched were horrified.

"Hey, brothers, look, those little black dots, are they human monks?" Someone pointed to the little black dots in the ruins at the bottom of some mysterious ice.People still want to fly to Xuanbing.

As a result, he was pulled by the people around him.

"You don't want to die? You dare to fly down before you figure out what it is? Didn't you see that all the things below were caught?"

After hearing such loud shouts, those who were ready to move and want to rush to Xuanbing's side stood up in fright.

"You shouldn't have shouted just now. Let them go down, just to test whether the mysterious ice on the bottom of the sea is dangerous. It's just a group of casual cultivators. If they die, they will die."

"You have the ability to go down and try it yourself, what is the ability to calculate others. I have heard that your monks in Hongjun Mountain are insidious, and now I know it."

"Could it be that you people from the Guanghan Sword Sect have such a high character? Everyone, stop the eldest brother laughing at the second brother."


"Okay, let's try with a small puppet. Does anyone have a small puppet?"

"My Heavenly Puppet Sect has it." A middle-aged monk took the initiative to stand up.

"Let the puppet go down and try. Be careful yourself. I'm afraid that Xuanbing is not a good thing." A middle-aged true disciple of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect said.

The opponent nodded.

The middle-aged monk of the Sky Puppet Sect first took out a wooden puppet of a blue eagle, and the eagle took off from his hand with a whistling sound, and headed directly towards the black ice at a depth of 7000 meters.As a result, it just fell more than 3000 meters before it burst with a bang.

A thick layer of frost immediately appeared on the remains of the little eagle.

Many monks gasped.

"Although my little eagle is small, it is definitely a puppet at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm." The middle-aged monk of the Tianpuppet Sect also gasped and said in horror.

"Is it really the early stage of the Golden Core Realm?" the monk from Hongjun Mountain asked immediately.

"Look for yourselves." The middle-aged monk of the Sky Puppet Sect took out two identical eagle puppets.Everyone took a closer look, and it was indeed a wooden puppet in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

It's terrible.

"Then if we go down, won't we only be able to descend to more than 3000 meters?" said a casual cultivator at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm. "Fortunately, I didn't jump down just now."

"If you go down here, I won't be able to find you. I can't get any of your broken body back."

"I said you can not be so infiltrating as you say."

"I'm telling the truth."

"It's just a puppet, why don't you throw it down by yourself?" the monk from Hongjun Mountain said again.

"I think it's most appropriate to throw you down." The middle-aged monk of the Sky Puppet Sect couldn't help but said angrily.

This wicked thing is indeed a bad seed of Hongjun Mountain.

"Hey, what are you thinking? I mean throw down a few slaves at the Golden Core Realm, or even aliens." The monk from Hongjun Mountain said resentfully.

"Slave, seal your cultivation base and throw it down. If you didn't run, you didn't run, but you can't test from where the damage of the black ice to the Jindan monk started. Don't seal the cultivation base. If they run away, we can't do it." Don’t dare to chase. What if the fatal position on the mysterious ice doesn’t start at 3000 meters?” A female voice interjected at this time.

"In some places, a fall of 3000 meters, and in some places, a fall of two kilometers can be fatal, or just flying over those black ice will cause accidents, then what should I do? Who will test it?" the woman's voice Again.

(End of this chapter)

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