The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1259 The Fall

Chapter 1259 The Fall
Lin Changge held back for several days, and named the eldest son Lin Yin, and the second son Lin Xuan.

Chu Shinian named his eldest son Chu Junshu and his eldest daughter Chu Junlan.

Chu Shiluo's next generation is the only generation. Chu Dashan and Chu Shiluo's father and son negotiated and negotiated. After all, it was Chu Dashan, the father, who had the upper hand.So the eldest grandson named him Chu Weiyi.

Let Xiaoyi be Xiaoyi, although Chu Shiluo can't compete with his own father?

His wife also patted him on the shoulder silently.

Comforted with eyes.

Anyway, she is a daughter-in-law and can't control the battle between her husband and her husband.

Alas, ye, ye, ye, ye.

Chu Qi is very satisfied with her eldest daughter-in-law.He has a good temper, doesn't talk about it, is not narrow-minded, and doesn't like to care about every detail.It is completely different from my third daughter-in-law who likes to pretend to go through everything in her heart several times.

Such a daughter-in-law lives comfortably together.

Thank Zhao for raising his daughter-in-law so well.We are a happy family.

Zhao Baoning also felt very comfortable marrying into the Chu family.There are not many in-laws. Once I marry in, all the big and small things in the family belong to me.

To be honest, Zhao Baoning almost dropped his jaw in shock when he first took over the family business.

Emma, ​​she really didn't expect the old Chu family to have such a family background.

Although this is the wealth of the three brothers and their parents, the amount is too amazing.

"Don't look at the thickness of the brochure in your hand. But it depends on who you compare with. We are a little richer than Qingmei's family. But not much more. Chu Shinian and Taohua are really good at management. I After thinking about it, our second son must send him to his aunt to learn how to manage money."

Zhao Baoning trembled when he heard the smile. "Sister-in-law knows your thoughts, why don't you come to fight with you?"

"Actually, it's not just me. Just ask the fourth and fifth children of our family. They all think so. Taohua is not only good at buying properties, but also is very good at buying various workshops. She can refine any small sea beast monster bone meal in her hand." , the small workshop of Yushoudan has no less than [-] spirit stones every year.

Those are all small workshops with dozens of people.Similar small workshops are found in all the islands around our Lingshan Mountain.Each island has more than one family. "

This is the first time Zhao Baoning heard that there is still such a workshop?
Immediately horrified.

"How much Lingshi can my sister-in-law earn in a year?"

"Hundreds of millions. The annual net income of the entire Chu family may not be as much as hers. In fact, most of the Chu family's workshops were created by her, and after they became large-scale and determined to make a lot of money, they were run by her." It was reset."

"Is the younger sister the God of Wealth?" Zhao Baoning asked in amazement.

"She's the kind who fiddles with things to make money. Her ideas are often unimaginable. The new things she comes up with are shocking." Chu Shiluo said. "Chu Shinian's fist is hard enough, his heart is too cruel, and his person is too cold. Such a person is very qualified as the Zhenshan Taisui who suppresses the clan.

Taohua is also good at various business operations, making the life of the entire Chu family flourishing.

So the two of them fit very well. "

"It's really good. The head of the family is married to the commander of the family's military and guards. This kind of combination between the two of them is also worthy." Zhao Baoning said.

Hahaha, speaking of this, Chu Shiluo couldn't hide the gloating on his face.

"Back when my parents learned that my younger sister had succeeded as the head of the Chu family when she was only in her teens, they were quite angry. They immediately scolded my younger sister. They also scolded Chu Shinian by the way. They also asked him if it was because of the peach blossoms. She is the head of the family, that's why she married her.

Chu Shinian could pretend.

He knelt down and kowtowed to his parents, and swore that he really liked peach blossoms.

If he didn't like Peach Blossom and wanted to share the burden for her, he would have wanted to take the position of Grand Commander of the Chu Clan a long time ago.

In the end, I had to talk badly to convince my parents again.Otherwise, parents will force them to separate. "

Of course, Chu Shiluo laughed when he heard Taohua talk about the reason why he was secretly chosen by the family elders to succeed him when he was a teenager.The dead girl had been secretly in touch with Chu Shinian all along.Definitely not what she said after the age of ten.

Forget it, the little girl has her own chance, since she doesn't want to talk about it, he'll cover it up for her.

It also saves parents from worrying.

"Commander Chu really married my little sister because he likes her?" Zhao Baoning asked suspiciously. "If he's not so sincere, it's okay for my little sister to get together and leave! It's not like our family can't afford a little sister."

Chu Shiluo took his wife's hand and patted it, comforting her and said, "Don't worry. A person like Chu Shinian is easy to not be emotional, and he admits death when he is emotional. He is sincere to my little sister."

"That's good." Zhao Baoning secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Shiluo laughed secretly in his heart, his younger sister is not so easy to marry.

With Chu Shiluo getting married, he doesn't intend to let his younger brothers continue to be single.

Although the fourth and fifth brothers have always wanted to continue to be single.

But why should the eldest brother work hard to continue the family and develop family members, while you can live a leisurely bachelor life?
So Chu Shiluo caught the two younger brothers and went on a blind date.

And he managed to secure the marriage of the two younger brothers before his eldest son landed.In the next three years, he planned to marry both of his younger brothers, ahem, he married a daughter-in-law.

Chu Dashan found out that his eldest brother was very arrogant, and he called his two younger brothers a submissive one, immediately and secretly delegated power, and secretly instigated him to urge Da Lang to take care of his younger brothers.

The lifelong affairs of the two youngest sons were resolved by cutting the mess quickly.

Just when the Chu family was quiet.A bolt from the blue came.

Fourth senior brother Qin Si took the initiative to come to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian was quite happy to see the fourth senior brother coming.

It turned out that the fourth senior brother's face was extremely pale.

"What's wrong with you, Fourth Senior Brother?" Chu Shinian had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Master has fallen." Qin Si told Chu Shinian the bad news without turning a corner.

"What?" Chu Shinian stood up abruptly. "Who did it?"

"You also believe that someone did it?" Qin Si asked back.

"Naturally, master is ready for everything, how could the retreat breakthrough fall?" Chu Shinian said angrily, "What happened exactly. Fourth senior brother, do you know?"

"I don't know. I thought that the master had been retreating in the inner secret hall of the sect, but they said that the master had gone out long ago with the mission of the sect. Now he has fallen outside the sect. Even where he fell, I don't even know, the sect said his soul lamp was off."

"What do those senior brothers say?" Chu Shinian frowned.This is strange. "What did the eighth brother say?"

(End of this chapter)

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