The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 126 I Heard That Your Family Has Immortal Roots

Chapter 126 I Heard That Your Family Has Immortal Roots

As soon as the two of them walked through a small miscellaneous forest, the nearby Qingyang spiritual peach forest was watered by the drizzle.Walking into the depths of the peach forest, the raindrops that have not completely dissipated on the leaves still exude a faint aura.

"Was that spiritual rain just now?" Chen Gong was secretly surprised.

"Yes, it's the Little Ganlin Technique!"

"Gan Lin Shu?" Chen Gong was startled when he heard that. "I've heard that the Mantra of Rain can only be performed by great cultivators in the Zifu Realm."

"That's the orthodox magic rain spell! I'm talking about the small rain spell. It's a small spell that has been simplified and optimized." Chu Shiluo explained to him.

"It seems that your family's inheritance of Ling Zhifu is really not easy." Chen Gong said.

Chu Shiluo just smiled when he heard that.Guo Peng of Baicao Pavilion also told his father this.

When Chen Gong and Chu Shiluo were near Qingmei and Taohua, they saw the two sisters chasing and intercepting a large group of small flying insects.I don't know where it came from, a large group of bugs.

Qingmei waved a piece of silver-white ice needles casually, and brushed off a small group of bugs closest to her to the ground.Every bug that lands on the ground has an ice needle pierced in it!
The swarm of bugs frightened by a large number of death immediately diverted to the other direction and flew Wuyang Wuyang.

As a result, another little evil star greeted them.Peach Blossom brushed a bunch of green glowing needles out of her palm again, and then aimed at a small group of insects.

As a result, a small space was immediately emptied, and none was missed. All the small bugs that landed on the ground were strangely shriveled into mummified corpses.

Chen Gong's pupils shrank as he looked at it, it was a plunder of vitality.

This is definitely not an ordinary wood spell!

The swarm of bugs was frightened and changed course again, but what greeted them was another sheet of ice needles.

In this way, the originally huge insect swarm was continuously shrunk under the alternating spells of the two sisters, and finally they were all wiped out, without even having time for a cup of tea.

"The golden needle technique of you two is not good either. It is far behind Sanlang and Shiro. If Sanlang and Shiro were here, it would not take a cup of tea to kill all the bugs." Chu Shiluo complained. .

"Can it be the same? The golden needles of the third brother and the fourth brother are both mutated to the gold fire attribute. If you rub a little bit on the edge, you can touch a large area, and the burning sky will turn red. With their shots, this group of bugs can't last three." Breathe." Tao Hua said angrily. "Mine is a wooden needle, and my sister's is an ice needle. In terms of attack power, it is not as powerful as the third and fourth brothers, okay? By the way, your wooden needle is not as powerful as mine!"

Chu Shiluo immediately patted Xiao Taohua's head, "I said, why do you always expose your brother's background?"

"Oh, let me go, my hair is messed up by you."

Chen Gong watched from the side with a smile in his eyes.

"Brother, why are you tossing peach blossoms when you have nothing to do? We have to continue to work? By the way, don't forget, find time today to brush the [-] acres of Xuanshui ginseng by the lake for Wanmu to grow hair .”

"I know, you guys have done this peach grove, remember to go and show our [-] mu Hanling rye, it's best to brush the small Ganlin technique, I think the rye over there should be the first to ripen. "

"Okay, then Taohua and I will leave first." After saying this, Qingmei gave Chen Gong a look and left directly with Taohua.

Chen Gong was a little embarrassed to be led by Chu Shiluo to continue walking in the valley.As a result, before they had finished walking through the valley, someone came to ask them to go back.It turns out that Xun Shi frame is here again.

When Chu Shiluo and Chen Gong were invited into the study, Chu Dashan was sitting on his high-backed chair with an angry expression on his face, while Xun Shizhu's face remained unchanged, and he sat calmly and calmly drinking tea in a guest seat beside him.

"Father, what's the matter?" Chu Shiluo asked immediately when he saw that the anger on his father's face could not be concealed.

"What else can I do? People from the Chu Clan in Changyang brought their lawsuits to our Miryang city magistrate Zhang Wei, and they said that as long as Master Zhang is willing to help them give them these two thousand and 4000 high-grade spiritual roots If you want to go back, give half of it to Mr. Zhang immediately.

I'm not discussing with Lord Xun. If Zhang Chengling is willing to slaughter the Changyang Chu family for me, don't miss a drop of Changyang Chu family's blood. grown ups.

Seeing how stingy they are, they only give half of it.

We are very generous, and all are given away. "

Xun Shijiao showed a dumbfounding expression while drinking tea.

"Master Cheng Ling asked me to tell you this matter, but he also wanted me to tell you something for fun. His Excellency Cheng Ling didn't take the Changyang Chu family seriously at all. It's not that they gave our Lord Cheng Ling 3 for nothing. Ten thousand taels of silver, plus our city magistrate just happens to be in a good mood, so we can only meet them when we have spare time, and have fun."

Chu Dashan is not the original Chu Dashan, a master Ling Zhifu who can get millions of catties of spirit fruit every time he makes a move, he is already an important person who deserves the attention of Chengling adults if he just makes a voice.

Probably only Chu Dashan himself and the Chu family have not fully adapted to the impact of this rapid and soaring status change!
A batch of Qingyang Lingtao completely changed the value of Chu Dashan's family.

"Isn't it just a batch of old peach trees? They didn't want them at the beginning. If it weren't for the value of cultivating these peach trees, I wouldn't have bought them. But if I didn't buy these peach trees, they would What kind of spiritual roots can be cultivated? Isn't it a group of mortal trees?" Chu Dashan was angry at Xun Shijiao again.

Xun Shijia took his bragging as real.

It is really because the cultivation of the Chu family's spiritual trees is too powerful. Whose family has tens of thousands of spiritual fruit trees, and they are all top-grade spiritual roots.

Besides, the Chu family does not only have one top-grade spiritual root, Qingyang Spirit Peach, they also have another top-grade spiritual root, Xuexian Spirit Peach!
"By the way, when the Changyang Chu family hadn't left, another young gentleman from the imperial capital also visited my Lord Cheng Ling. He said that he was ordered by the princess to go to the northwest to track down the revived immortal root. of.

He said he suspected that the revived celestial root was in your house, perhaps in this valley. "

Xun Shijiao said again, after he said this, he deliberately looked at Chu Dashan's face.

"Xiangen, is he sure? My family really has fairy roots?

It would be great to have a fairy root. Having a fairy root is equivalent to having a living wood-type spiritual vein. Then maybe my family can breed more high-grade spiritual roots.

Did he say what the revived immortal root looks like?I'm going to look for it. "

Chu Dashan immediately asked excitedly and loudly.At this moment, he did not notice his son's frowning, nor did he see Chen Gong's sudden change of expression.

(End of this chapter)

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