The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1270 Open up the world, turn fakes into real ones

Chapter 1270 Open up the world, turn fakes into real ones
The crowd suddenly realized.

Chu Shinian probably used many low-level spiritual fires, and he didn't know how many kinds the Chu family had collected, so he quickly broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm does not necessarily have to take the route of careful polishing for decades, and then break through by yourself or with the help of the Poying Pill.

That is the path taken by ordinary Golden Core cultivators.

Many of the exercises cultivated by the Shenting humans have been handed down for a long time, especially some top-notch exercises, which can also awaken some supernatural powers.

After awakening supernatural powers, many people have a feeling when they are faced with breaking through the big realm, and they use some special means to awaken great supernatural powers, or evolve Dharma appearances.

Therefore, the real Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses are terrifying monks with Dharma appearances.

If you don't have a law, either you have a particularly powerful supernatural power, or you will only be bullied by other Nascent Soul monks.

Chu Shinian and Taohua hadn't seen those great monks who had descended show their dharma appearances at the beginning, and that was also because the power of heaven in the lower realm restrained them from unfolding.

Generally speaking, the promotion of Nascent Soul in the Dazong sect will condense the Dharma.

A few months before Chu Shinian broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, he suddenly felt something.

Using [-] low-level spiritual fires as a guide, he broke through the Nascent Soul.

Therefore, on the day he broke through, the entire sky was filled with flames for three days, and countless spiritual fires of various levels were continuously projected on the sky.

The sky is filled with the Taoist rhyme of the unbridled flame avenue! !

Countless monks who practiced the Dao of Flame, all comprehended the Dao Rhyme of the Dao of Flame within these three days, and became monks who could comprehend the Dao of Flame!It's a step up to the sky.

There are also some monks who have already comprehended the Dao of Flame, and after these three days, they also comprehended other secondary Dao of Flame by analogy, or had a deeper understanding of the Dao of Flame that they had comprehended, and their perception of the Dao also increased by one level respectively. It varies from two percent to two percent.

A very lucky kid, that is, the kid surnamed Chu who came to receive him, just now in the Purple Mansion Realm, with the help of the three-day flame, the Dao Rhyme scattered, and he realized [-]% of the Flame Dao.It's simply sensational.

The talent is as outstanding as the peerless arrogance of some large sects.

It's a pity that on their heads, they still suppressed the son of the Dao, Chu Shinian.

But breaking through the Nascent Soul, he was able to obtain the manifestation of the arrival of the entire Baidou Realm of Flame Dao, and it lasted for three full days.

What kind of talent is this?

Even the great forces in the court of God have never lacked the sons of the Dao, and the comprehension of the Dao of Flames is too terrifying.

This is a living person built from head to toe.

Several Supreme Elders of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect all ran to see Chu Shinian's breakthrough, plus a solid cultivation base.

When Chu Shinian had stabilized his cultivation, they even specially called him away. Everyone was a little embarrassed to see Chu Shinian alive.When he had just broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, his whole body was a combination of Flame Dao.

Even the dao rhyme of the flame avenue flows in the eyes.It doesn't look like a living person but like an ancient flame god.

If he had a godly body, he couldn't help but be respected as an ancient god.

"You kid breaks through Nascent Soul Realm, how did you make such a big commotion?" Chen Min looked suspiciously at Chu Shinian in front of him. This kid is completely different now than when he first broke through.

Chu Shinian smiled calmly.

When he broke through the Nascent Soul, he suddenly had a lot of insights about the Dao of Flames in his mind.It also created a Dharma image of a great world of flames.

At that time, he was completely immersed in the feeling, and he didn't realize that there were still many people around him who were paying attention.

So I made things a little bigger.

"At the beginning, I used all kinds of spiritual fires to condense the dharma form of a flame world. It was probably because of the dharma form, so the trouble was a bit big." He said.

"Wait, what is your condensed image?" Hang Xinghe was taken aback.

"Fire world."

"You actually condensed a world of flames as a Dharma image? Do you know how difficult it is to condense this kind of Dharma image? In the future, when you break through the Dao Evolution Realm and turn the fake into the real, you may cry." Hang Xinghe complained.

The sixth-order evolutionary world is actually a process of turning the false into the real.Opening up the world, turning the false into the true to proliferate the way.

"I only condensed part of the flame world." Chu Shinian said timidly.

In fact, he condensed and indeed condensed a big world of flames.Although it is only a low-level flame world.

But that was condensed by his instinctive simulation.

There was almost no success in the middle, even if there were [-] spiritual fires, it would not matter.It was the moon-white unicorn from the Baidou world who helped.I don't know where he drew a large amount of heaven and earth spirit fire.

A great world of flames that helped him condense.

This fire crow big world is full of flames.It is false, but it is also true.Because the flame itself is the energy body.

For others, the sixth-order Yan Dao is like a natural moat, extremely difficult to achieve.What kind of luck crystals need to be spent.But for him, as long as enough of the origin of the world and the fire of heaven and earth are devoured.

He can continue to be fierce and keep improving.Stepping through the sixth step is a matter of course.

On Chu Shinian's forehead, a flaming avenue of light flashed and disappeared.He didn't see it himself, but the surrounding elders all saw it clearly.

Oops, Dad.

This Chu Shinian is definitely the son of the Dao among the sons of the Dao.

So all the old ladies, one attitude is more friendly than the other.

It was all kinds of praise and wooing to him, and he was almost called an apprentice.

The problem is that with the Guanghan Sword Sect compared, no matter what they say, Chu Shinian remains steadfast.

Get me started, that's what you're dreaming about.

Waiting to send Chu Shinian away again.

All the elders of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect were upset.

"Why do you say that Guanghan Jianzong discovered him so early? How good would it be if we discovered him?"

"It's useless to find out. Our suzerain doesn't want another Dao body. Even now he thinks the same way."

"What? What's going on with Xiao Su?"

"The suzerain said that there are already too many arrogances in the Taichu Sword Sect, and there is no shortage of a Dao body." Chen Min also stated aloud.

Cough cough cough...

Hang Xinghe's eyes almost popped out.

"What? The suzerain really said that?"

Chen Min said with a gloomy face.

"The suzerain said that according to the current development, our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect could become one of the true rulers of the ten worlds of Shenting within three thousand years ago." Chen Min said.

"Why do I feel so anxious when I hear this?" a new Empress suddenly interjected.

"Not only you, but I also think so." Hang Xinghe also thought so.

"Chen Min, what do you think?" Hang Xinghe asked Chen Min again.

"You might as well ask Zhang Beihai."

(End of this chapter)

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