The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1272 Fairy Fruit

Chapter 1272 Fairy Fruit
"Xiaoyao, I heard that you forced Brother Chun to study recently? Did he get tired and thin?" Chu Dashan stopped Taohua and asked.

"No, how dare I force him, he is my ancestor."

"What are you talking about?" Chu Dashan immediately scolded his daughter angrily, "He is your ancestor, so who am I?"

cough cough cough.

Peach Blossom is speechless.

"How old are you, why don't you speak properly?" Chu Dashan complained angrily about his daughter. "But you are always forcing my grandson to learn this and that. The good children are all exhausted."

"I really didn't force him."

"Then why has he practiced and studied so hard recently without being told?" Chu Dashan asked in confusion.

"He can't beat his sister, that's why he wants to be strong." Tao Hua said with a smile.

"What? Brother Chun, why can't he beat his sister, the little girl is only a little older." Chu Dashan was shocked.

"Father, you are regarded as a small girl, but her small hands can shoot sparks when she gets excited. Brother Chun was burned several times, and he vowed to practice hard and never get burned again."

After hearing this, Chu Dashan was stunned.

"What Martian?"

"Go, Dad, I'll let your granddaughter perform for you." Tao Hua dragged her father back to the back house, and deliberately angered the little fat girl.The little girl got angry, and after yelling loudly, she slapped Taohua with her air.A spark that was half the size of a fingernail jumped out of her small palm, rushing towards Peach Blossom.

Taohua grasped it with her hand, and grasped Xiao Huoxingzi vainly.Put it directly in front of your father's eyes.

"See you, Martian."

Chu Dashan was shocked and dumbfounded.

"What kind of girl did you two give birth to? How can you be so young that you can make sparks?"

It was the first time Chu Dashan had seen this kind of arsonist.

"Who knows? Anyway, I don't think it's my fault, it must be something wrong with her father." Taohua pouted.

In fact, she really guessed right.

Chu Dashan didn't think that his daughter could be wrong, if something was wrong, it must be Chu Shinian's problem.

"Does Chu Shinian know?"

"I know, he spends more time with his daughter than I do." Tao Hua said with certainty.

"From now on, this child should be more thoughtful. When she is a little more sensible, she will be strict with her temper and not let her hurt others."

"Look at what you said, I can still raise a little bully?"

"Isn't Brother Chun?" Chu Dashan thought in his heart that no one knew who.What did you look like when you were a kid.Brother Chun doesn't need to give way.

Your little girl, she hasn't grown up yet, she will be troublesome when she can walk and run.

The little guys have grown up one by one, which also indicates that he is old.Chu Dashan was really relieved, but also a little sad.

Big mountain...

Fortunately, his wife did not dislike him.

"It's Nascent Soul now, so you're almost there too." Chu Dashan asked.

"It's still far away, at least ten years." Tao Hua said.She is only at the late Golden Core stage now.Just broke through.After all, it was a bit delayed when giving birth to the girl.

"Oh, your mother and I didn't dare to break through the golden core. The main reason is that if the breakthrough is not good, there is a danger of falling. I think your mother and I will either not break through, or it will be later. Enjoy the present Life."

"If you and your mother are not willing to break through, it's fine. We have celestial roots, you know? When the celestial roots grow to the first level, a fruit can prolong a person's life by 1000 years. The second-level fruit can extend life by 3000 years. The third-level fruit Extend life for 1 years.

You and A Niang can eat three fruits from the same tree.The problem is that our family has three celestial roots.

If you eat whatever you want, ten thousand years will pass. "

Ah poof.

Chu Dashan was dumbfounded when he heard that.

"The fruit of fairy root can prolong life?"

"Yeah, you and A Niang don't need to break through any big realm. The fairy fruit will naturally be used to prolong the life of you two. Anyway, you don't need to have a high level of cultivation. Live a good life and see our brothers and sisters full of children and grandchildren. That's it.

Do you still want to be a sixth-level monk? "Peach Blossom asked puzzled.

"No, we don't have that kind of thought. We thought it would be too dangerous to break through the golden core, and we still can't bear you. If you can't break through, you will be gone. Your mother doesn't want to break through because of that."

In fact, the danger is indeed quite great.

The success rate of my parents breaking through the Golden Core Realm is only [-] to [-]%.

If there is no breakthrough, it will fall.

With the cultivation of parents, they have reached the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm.In fact, Taohua was also thinking about this question, and finally told Yingui Baoshu about her worries, and Yingui Baoshu told her this little-known secret.

It turns out that taking the fruit of fairy root can prolong the life of mortals and low-level monks.

Of course, if it is used to prolong life, then there is no possibility of improvement in cultivation.

The family doesn't need parents to be high-level monks.

Just live a good life.

However, the two old men have broken through to the peak of the Zifu Realm, and they will have at least four or five hundred years to live in the future.Wait until their lifespan is about to run out, and then take the fairy fruit.

After getting the letter of approval from his daughter, Chu Dashan went home in high spirits.

As soon as he got home, he told what his daughter had said.

After finishing speaking, he said, "You can rest assured this time. The two of us will live with the children someday."

After hearing this, Chu Qi said happily, "Oh, I finally don't have to worry about breaking through the Golden Core realm all day long. Alas, I really don't know what to do. Although others say that I have at least a [-]% or [-]% chance of breaking through the Golden Core. But I am very clear in my heart, I feel that there is no hope of breaking through the Jindan realm."

"Why?" Chu Dashan had never heard his wife say it before.

"People say that to break through the golden core, you have to go through the catastrophe of the heart demon. I think I will definitely not be able to pass that test. I have no parents since I was a child, and I have done some things against my will when I was working with the old lady of the Chu family. The key is that I think I can't get over that hurdle in my heart." Chu Qi confided. "If I can't make it through, I just can't make it through. I dare not ask my heart."

Chu Dashan sighed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't want you to know what to worry about."

"Don't worry, we won't break through."

"Will we cause trouble for Xiaoyao?"

"What trouble can there be? Xiaoyao said that the Chu family still doesn't know if there are any fairy roots in the family, and how many plants are there? The result is no fruit? After all, the fairy roots are all planted by herself. She is willing to give the fairy fruit Who to whom."

Taohua said that these are very good, Zhaotian Tao and Xue Yutao gave her some fruits after breaking through the first level.

But these fruits were all piled up by Peach Blossom.Temporarily unavailable.

(End of this chapter)

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