The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1308 Gatherers, Gathering

Chapter 1308 Gatherers, Gathering

It is because there is no shortage of such things in the clan, so almost no one else thinks of the spirit spring water soul that was put into the secret vault.

I can't use it.

Refining does not need to refine a mouthful of spiritual spring.The refiners don't have that ability yet, and they don't want to destroy the family's good materials casually.

"Give me one." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua immediately put a spirit spring water soul into his palm.Chu Shinian looked left and right, up and down, but couldn't figure out what was going on. "Or you put another one in."

Taohua simply put another spirit spring water soul into the indentation in one corner.

As a result, the phantom of a small innate water elf appeared again, and then disappeared into the indentation.

Then another mouth of a spiritual spring with the mouth of a bowl appeared, and not long after that, a bewildered innate water elf and seven other innate water spirit fetuses spewed out.

"What do you mean by this?" Even Chu Shinian couldn't figure it out. "Could it be that there is something wrong with your pool?"

Taohua touched the pool again. "Also a possibility."

"Have you sacrificed it?" Chu Shinian asked.

"It's been sacrificed, otherwise there is no way to use it." Taohua replied.

"This is really a strange thing." Chu Shinian said amusedly. "These innate water spirit fetuses will eventually hatch into innate water spirits, right?"

Taohua nodded, "That's for sure. The congenital water elves were originally transformed from innate water spirit embryos."

"I remember that one of the resources to be promoted to the sixth-level Yan Dao realm is the innate elves." Chu Shinian asked in a deep voice.

"Yes. You have to have innate elves and luck crystals. These are the two most important things. Other resources are not as precious as them, so they are easier to collect." Qinghu said.

Chu Shinian nodded and said, "Then when you are promoted to Dao Dao Realm, just replace these water spirits with Taijin spirits, and you can do both. In the future, our family will have more innate water spirits, and we can also take them out and replace them with other people. Innate elves of other departments.

In this way, the people of the tribe will be able to advance to the sixth rank in the future.It's easier than buying such scarce resources everywhere, right? "

"It's true that exchanging is much easier than simply buying." Taohua nodded.

"But mine doesn't need to be exchanged for Taiyin. I told Xiaoyou to ask her to let me find one or two of Taiyin's original essence. The original essence is much more useful than innate elves. And yours, I also replaced it with two ways of flame essence and energy for you." Taohua said.

"She has such things there?" Chu Shinian was shocked.

"They do business with a special big world over there. When the creatures there kill an opponent, they can get a trace of the original essence of the Dao. If they collect more, they can condense into an original essence. The original essence of various Dao They also know the preciousness of the origin of the Dao, so they simply traded various rare and valuable cultivation resources with outside forces. We traded with Xiaoyou and the others, although they were more expensive, they sold them several times, but it was not as expensive as our own. Knowing how to collect them is much better." Tao Hua explained to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian immediately felt bad, "What did you trade with her?"

"I really didn't pay too much this time. She took a fancy to my seedlings. They are the seedlings of mirage dragons. Ten thousand seedlings are exchanged for a source of energy. She should have bought it for the forces behind her. I I don't think she wants to raise mirage dragon seedlings by herself."

"What's so good about raising mirage dragon seedlings?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"It is said that it has been extinct there for many years. The forces behind Xiaoyou are probably planning to re-bred the population of mirage dragons." Taohua guessed. "Anyway, we have a lot of them. There are still fifteen big shellfish that haven't been opened yet.

Besides, when the shellfish seedlings are raised for a certain period of time, they can continue to reproduce the small shellfish seedlings.We will never lack this population in the future.I am worried that they are flooding the sea near Wuyuan Mountain. "

"Scallops are actually quite delicious." Chu Shinian suggested.

"Not so good, it's a mirage dragon after all. Mirage dragons are also dragon species." Taohua's eyes showed struggle.Encouraging the clansmen to eat mirage dragons seems a little bad.

It's better to trade directly to Xiaoyou and the others.

In fact, Taohua also knows that Xiaoyou probably won't trade a few Daoyuan essence with her.

If she has traded enough shell seedlings for a certain amount, if she can reproduce the mirage dragon, she will not continue to trade with her.

But for the time being, it's enough to trade Chu Shinian and the essence of Dao that she needs first.

For the sixth-order resources that other people need, they will think of other ways.

"Then wait until they really flood. Anyway, if they really flood, you can't eat them." Chu Shinian said.

Peach Blossom: "..."

As the spirit spring in the gathering pool gradually rises, the spirit water begins to overflow the special water outlet on the octagon of the pool.The water rushes down from the octagonal outlet.

Then the two corners, the two strands of spiritual water merged together, and flowed out of the cave along the low-lying terrain.

A small waterfall formed at the entrance of the cave.

The spiritual water continued to fly down, and then converged into a small pool. Then the pool was filled with water, and overflowed again, forming a small waterfall again.

Lingquan water gushes out from the cave, forms small pools and waterfalls in the mountains, and finally forms a Lingxi.The stream meanders and flows in the surface of Lingshan Mountain.Soon encountered a strong spiritual wind.

But this time, the spiritual wind didn't blow up the stream and dried it up.

Lingxi flowed on its own, and the spirit wind flew past it many times, without any impact.At most, when the spiritual wind blows across the surface of the stream, it rubs off streaks of colored light.

They are like two parallel avenues, each out of its own splendor.

Tao Hua and Chu Shinian were almost dumbfounded by this wonderful situation.

They chased them out of the cave, and they actually hoped that they would succeed this time.After all, it is impossible for there to be no water inside Xinling Mountain, only spiritual energy.Lingzhi can persist for a while, but it will definitely not work after a long time.

"One Lingxi stream alone is probably not enough." Chu Shinian said, "Can only one Lingxi stream be gathered in that pool?"

"In a few days, a new spiritual spring will be born. It won't be in the water pool, it will be nearby at first. Then there will be more and more spiritual springs in the entire Lingshan Mountain." Taohua said.

It's like having a Qianyuan poly kettle.

In fact, it only draws so much water.

The fundamental thing is the water it gathers.

Whether it is Mingyue Lake, Bibo Lake, or the surrounding rivers, lakes, lakes, and seas, because of its water-gathering power, a large amount of water is continuously gathered from the void and other places in all directions.

The word "ju" actually represents some kind of avenue.

Gatherers, gather also.

"Then this baby is fine." Chu Shinian was very satisfied.In the future, there will be no shortage of water in Xinling Mountain.

No wonder Taohua wants to get this pool.

(End of this chapter)

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