The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 131 The Refugee Army About to Enter

Chapter 131 The Refugee Army About to Enter
Zhang Wei is very pleased with his son's keen observation and analysis ability.

"My son is right."

Zhang Bomu admired Da Lang Zhang Xiu very much. "Mr. Dalang is indeed Xiaofu."

Haha, Zhang Wei smiled complacently. "Turn back, Dalang, go to Xun Shijiao and ask him to discuss with Chu Dashan."

"It's better for my son to go there himself. The important thing about this kind of spiritual formation and spiritual coins is that my son takes Xun Shijia to go there. In addition, I will simply escort the spiritual coins and take back all the spiritual grains by the way."

"Take those big storage bags from our house, and bring more guards." Zhang Wei told his son.

Zhang Bomu also smiled and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet, but this time our family has harvested 14 catties of spiritual grain. I'm afraid it won't be long before we can cultivate a group of brave Miryang guards."

Zhang Wei laughed and said, "The benefits are more than that. This time he sold us 14 catties of spiritual grains, and then our family can go to his house to buy spiritual grains every year. How much of the Chu family's valley has been used for land reclamation? However, with thousands of acres of land, in the future, as the planting area of ​​his family's spiritual grain and spiritual food continues to expand, we can purchase hundreds of thousands of catties of spiritual grain and spiritual food every year.

This immediately solved the biggest resource hidden danger in my Miryang Guards.

After all, the big herring in Bibo Lake is good, but you can't eat fish all the time without eating.

With the supply of spiritual food and big herring meat in the future, the relative consumption of medicine pills will be reduced.This will save me a lot of spirit coins.Furthermore, there is no erysipelas from eating spirit grains and big herring meat, which will be extremely beneficial to the growth and breakthrough of the Miryang Guards in the future. "

What Zhang Wei said was true. Although he could provide various elixirs to the Miryang Guards, he could only provide the lowest elixirs, and the erysipelas content seriously exceeded the standard.

Eating too much is absolutely fatal, but you have to eat it, because only when your cultivation level is improved can you make better achievements and reap trophies and various benefits.You have gained a lot of benefits, and you can use these benefits in exchange for detoxification pills.

Zhang Bomu nodded with a smile, Zhang Weihao and his Zhang family can do better.

"Has the new Prime Minister confirmed the candidate?" Zhang Baimu asked.

Zhang Wei shook his head, "It's a little strange, but the candidate for the Fu Cheng has not been confirmed yet. Not only the Fu Cheng has not been confirmed, but the new Fucheng has not been confirmed. I thought at first that Miryang or Qingyang would be directly determined as the Fucheng. No Thinking of it, there is no news yet."

"It's weird, the six prefectures in the northwest, Mizhifu can be said to be one of the largest prefectures in the border area, the city of Mizhifu, the official office of the governor, Chengjun Wangfu and the guards of the prefecture all died in the city. It doesn't make sense that it has not been determined for such a long time. A new candidate for the Fu Cheng." Zhang Baimu frowned and thought.

"Did something happen in the imperial capital?" Zhang Xiu asked.

Zhang Wei looked at him, and Da Lang's guess was quite reasonable.

At this moment, a guard came in to deliver a letter, saying it was an urgent message from the imperial capital.

When Zhang Wei opened the envelope and looked at it, his expression became gloomy.After reading the letter, he handed it directly to Zhang Xiu.After Zhang Xiu read the letter, his face also turned black. After reading the letter, he handed the letter back to his father.

"It's troublesome now."

Zhang Baimu immediately asked, "What happened?"

"This year, several major countries in the hinterland of Yun'an mainland experienced a terrible drought. There has not been a single drop of rain since the beginning of spring. In April, several major rivers began to stop flowing.

The weather was so hot that cracks appeared on the ground.What's more frightening is that even the underground river has dried up.If you want to get water, you have to find underground water caves hundreds of feet deep underground, or get melted snow water from snow-capped mountains hundreds of miles away.

Moreover, this severe drought is still spreading towards the periphery of the hinterland of the mainland.Now the drought has reached Lishan and Zhao.The two countries were at war, but because of the drought, they also stopped.

In addition to the drought, the influx of victims is enough for the two countries to drink a pot.If you don't let it in, just rush in.Whether it is Lishan Kingdom or Zhao Kingdom, tens of thousands of soldiers have died now, all of them died of suppressing the victims. "

"How is it possible?" Zhang Bomu asked in horror.

"How is it impossible?" Zhang Wei smiled wryly, "The big countries in the hinterland of the mainland each have millions of soldiers, and natural disasters are so ruthless, which country can still survive.

Once the people and the army have nothing to eat and drink, what will happen to them in order to survive? "

"Holding together to form a bandit?" Zhang Bomu gasped and said.

"Back then, the Great Song Dynasty was established by relying on several groups of refugee rebels to rush around." Zhang Wei continued to smile wryly. "I said that there is no movement at the imperial capital. It turns out that all the thoughts are on the refugee army who is about to enter."

"Since the refugee army has already rushed into the territory of Lishan Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom, they will soon rush into our Great Song Dynasty." Zhang Baimu said melancholy.

"Rushing into the territory of my Great Song Dynasty, the first thing to end is the southeast region. Then come to the imperial capital, then come to the central hinterland, and finally we are. Behind us is the Wanji Mountain Range, which is the Jedi. They decided not to go, bypass us and go directly It is very possible to go along the Tiannu River, Jiangyang, and Chengyang, then enter the Great Northwest Wilderness and then turn into the Beiman Mountains." Zhang Wei said.

"Will they go that far?" Zhang Baimu asked.

"Then who knows?" Zhang Wei smiled wryly.

"Father, will the severe drought really spread to our place? We have a lot of rivers and lakes here, so even if there is a drought, it shouldn't be affected much, right?" Zhang Xiu asked hesitantly.

"Even if we don't have too much water shortage here, it is estimated that rice and the like will be affected." Zhang Wei said, "And we have to prepare in advance for the arrival of the victims."

"What disaster victims are about to arrive, doesn't it mean that they haven't entered the territory of Song Dynasty yet?" Zhang Xiu asked puzzled.

"The army of disaster victims mentioned in the letter, but there are still many small groups of people who fled early. It is estimated that they have heard the news of the severe drought a long time ago, and they have some spare money in their hands. Before the border is completely closed, they ran into the I am afraid that there are quite a few people who came from the territory of the Great Song Dynasty, and then went to the northwest of me." Zhang Wei said with a headache.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiu exclaimed in surprise.

"What? It's like our family, where there is a geographer who can predict the weather in the next few months, and it is determined early that there will be a major drought that endangers the family's survival, and they can run out a few months in advance."

Zhang Baimu nodded immediately, "That's right."

"That means our Miryang Guards are going to expand their recruitment." Zhang Xiu pondered.

"Recruit, recruit immediately, and increase the current guard's salary by [-]% again. The salary of the newly recruited members will be doubled." Zhang Wei said decisively through gritted teeth.

"Yes, father."

(End of this chapter)

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