Chapter 1318

"Hey, there is a Qingyang spiritual peach tree that is finally going to be promoted to the sixth rank." Peach Blossom said happily looking at a certain direction devouring spiritual energy.

"The sixth level isn't that easy to break through, is it?" Chu Shinian said disapprovingly.

"Hmm, it shouldn't be very easy to break through. I'll look for the Yingui treasure tree to have a look." Taohua contacted Yingui while walking towards the breakthrough spirit tree with Chu Shinian.

They soon arrived under the spirit tree.

This is the oldest Qingyang spirit peach.It was one of the sixty ancestors who had Qingyang Lingtao back then.

This spirit peach tree is very brave, even if the body is cracked, revealing the bright green luminous liquid inside, it will never stop breaking through.Still trying to move towards Tier [-].

Yingui turned into a silver light and appeared beside Taohua.

"Huh, is it breaking through the sixth level?"

"Yes." Tao Hua looked suspiciously at the Qingyang Spirit Peach Tree, which had more and more cracks on its body, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger, "What's wrong with it? Why is its body cracked?"

"Its foundation is too shallow, and it has too little understanding of the Dao. It is too difficult to break through the limitations of the body and transform into a human being." Yin Gui said. "It should be about to fail."

"Huh? Spirit trees can also take human form?"

"We Lingzhi are naturally not as easy to transform as beasts and monsters. Their transformation is generally at the fourth level. We are at the sixth level just like insects. Insects are better. We Lingzhi want to transform, Extraordinarily difficult.

Especially the wild uninherited spiritual plants. "Yingui looked at the spirit tree and said, "This peach tree is too strong, it has to be transformed.It is so barely shaped, it is destined to be unable to escape the thunder of transformation.I'm afraid that I will die and my soul will perish. "

"Ahem, after Lingzhi's sixth-order transformation, will it affect my Taozi's income?" Taohua asked suddenly.

"Well, even if he succeeds in transforming, ahem, anyway, it won't affect your peach income. Moreover, after the spiritual tree transforms, the spiritual fruit will be greatly mutated." Yingui said with deep meaning. "But this peach tree is failing. It has no chance."

Taohua found that the cracks on the body of the Qingyang spiritual peach tree in front of her were getting bigger.

Even the breath is weakening.

But above its head, the dark cloud of thunder calamity had already arrived.

"...There is no way to save it?" Tao Hua asked again.

"If you can have a little bit of the origin of the world, maybe there is still a little chance." Yin Gui said.

"Come with me." After Taohua finished speaking, she took Yinggui and returned directly to Taiyin Stone Pagoda.She dared not move the vial out of the stone tower.Pour out a little bit of that colored liquid from the small bottle, and then directly melt it into a large vat of spiritual water.

Until the spiritual water reveals a colorful halo.

Yingui said, "Quickly scoop out three drops for that guy outside. But it must be scooped up too much."

"Three drops, do you still use that scoop for three drops?"

"You are the last condensed essence of the world's origin, not the ordinary world's origin. You can give it three drops. If there are too many, it will burst directly." Yin Gui said.

Peach Blossom suddenly.She hurriedly sealed the water tank before she started, and then left the Taiyin Stone Pagoda with the silver osmanthus and the jade bottle.

As soon as she left the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, she saw lightning and thunder in the sky, and it was obvious that the thunder calamity was about to fall.

Taohua hurriedly dropped three drops of the diluted primordial liquid mixed with spiritual water onto the peach tree in Qingyang.

The peach tree in Qingyang shook first, then shone brightly, constantly changing.The original huge tree crowns and trunks have shrunk.The big tree with a height of hundreds of feet shrank directly to a small tree with a height of only one foot.

During the shrinking process of the small tree, impurities were constantly being shot out of the tree body, and then turned into fly ash.

As the small tree shrunk, one after another avenue patterns appeared on the body of this small tree, which was as green as jade carvings.

The mysterious Dao pattern seems to record what controls what.

Taohua and Husband deliberately avoid the Dao pattern, the more you look at it, the easier it is to get addicted to it.

If you don't follow the way of spiritual planting, it's useless to read it.

The thunder suddenly fell, and then fell one after another.

Every time the thunder falls, Xiao Shu is tempered.

When the last thunderbolt fell, although the little tree's aura was at its lowest point, its vitality was still there.

After the thunder tribulation, the vitality of the little tree began to climb back quickly again, and then a emerald green light directly lit up from the little tree.

"It's done."

Then a tiny doll, only one inch tall, appeared.

After the baby was born, he was very happy. He climbed up and down on the small tree, or got into the ground.

"This... is the spirit tree transformation?" Tao Hua looked shocked.

It's also too small.

And at first glance, it seems that he is not very intelligent, and he doesn't look smart at all.

"That's not bad. We've just been born, and our spiritual plants are growing long. In the future, we'll become smarter." Yin Gui said.

Although she was not optimistic about the breakthrough of the spirit peach tree at first.

But whether to break through or not is up to one's own choice.

However, the spirit peach tree, which was bound to die, broke through directly through the peach blossoms.Although this is very unreasonable, but my master seems to be the biggest unreasonable thing in itself.Never mind her, anyway, now she has a little fellow.

This is a good thing, hehe.

"Take care of it well. When there are more sixth-order spiritual trees, it will be able to drive Lingshan to enter the spiritual realm." Yin Gui said.

"If you don't keep it, you won't be recruited." Anyway, it's all out, and you can keep it on your knees.Tao Hua sighed in her heart.

"The environment here is good, and it should be able to support the little peach tree." Yingui looked around at the Lingfeng around, and nodded very satisfied.To put it bluntly, this place is not suitable for the survival of low-level spiritual plants, but it is suitable for the growth of high-level spiritual plants.

Especially the spirit plants above the fourth rank.

"But be careful, it's best not to let too many outsiders in here."

If there are batches of Tier [-] Spirit Trees here, the forces of all sizes in the Divine Court Great World will be able to join forces to take over this place.

"I know, I will keep a low profile recently." Taohua nodded in response.

Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree: You keep a low profile, when did you keep a low profile?Why don't I know?

Taohua asked Yingui about the idea of ​​raising a sixth-order spiritual plant, and asked Yingui Baoshu to communicate with the little tree spirit, coughing, coughing, and actually playing for a while.Make sure the little tree spirit is fine and has no special needs.

Only then did the precious tree of silver osmanthus be sent away.

After Baoshu left, Taohua took her husband to dig out the cave again.

I chose a place on Lingshan that was more suitable for opening a cave, and then began to dig the cave.After three days of painting, the husband and wife took out a decent monk's cave together.

Then I chose a stone wall in a side hall.

The husband and wife started to put the slate painting on the mosaic again.

(End of this chapter)

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